BC Field Report #1
Well, I went to that party at a Catholic church, and I wasn't having too much fun at first, but then...
Well, let's just say it turned out to be a heck of a night for me. I had lots of fun, talked with several people. I probably held conversations (for this bc) with about 3 people that I had not met before. Keep in mind, that the number is low because I was not counting, and there was this one girl who, well, was playing the game, so to speak with me.
It was awesome. As soon as I saw her--she was behind me, and we were watching someone take pictures and I turned around. I made eye contact and immmediately asked her name.
Both of us kept making eye contact throughout the night, and then the flirting began.
There were balloons, and what better way to flirt than to throw a balloon at her and hit her square between the eyes.
I don't remember the details of our conversations, yes plural, but here is the jist:
hb: So where's your girlfriend
me: I don't, have one, but what about yours--boyfriend, that is
hb: I don't have one, well, sort-of
(then the busting begans)
me: How can you sort of have a bf?
hb: I've never met him
me: Then how is that even close to a bf?
hb: Why not?
me: That's my answer to most questions I get, so you can't say that (that was the end of the bf talk)
Later in the night
me: So you come to service here a lot (remember, it was a catholic church where I was)
hb: Yeah, I come here quite a bit, have you ever been here before?
me: No, a friend (I said her name) invited me
hb: So, this is the first and last time I'm gonna see you (definitive ioi #1)
me: Well, no because (friend) has invited me to a service here, and it's just a matter of my schedule)
(that was the end of that one)
Later in the night:
I was sitting on a couch in another room, and i was beside but not against another couch
she comes and takes pictures of some of the people dancing, and is standing right in front of me:
me: have a seat
(she sits on the arms of the two couches in between)
hb: So nice of you to offer a seat
hb: It's a good thing my hips are wide, or I wouldn't be able to sit.
She gets up and leaves
She comes back and this time sits right next to me (definitive ioi #2)
me: welcome back
hb: Thanks
(I wave my hands in front of her--she was spacing out, and I say)
me: Are you alright over there, or are you plotting your next evil scheme
hb: You never know
me: (look her dead in the eyes, and say in a serious tone, with a smile) I'm not afraid of you
hb: You should be
This evil scheme thing was something that we played on throughout the night, before this, but I don't remember all the details of that particular little game, but I do remember it in that last convo.
The end of the night:
I'm getting ready to leave, and I'm telling the people who I've seen recently and the girl that invited me that I am leaving and this hb is also getting ready to leave, and here's what happened
me: Well, it was good meeting you again.
(her ex, unknown to me that it was her ex, walks up and tried to block me from what I'm about to do anyway)
As I have her hand, I nod for her to come with me, and I say come here as I pull her with me into the kitchen)--Yes, I pulled her so that I could talk to her with privacy
me: So, let me get your phone number
hb: Why?
me: So, that in the event that you don't get to see me again, we'll be able to talk because I'd like to keep talking to you
hb: blah blah about someone else that I don't even know
hb: (leans in real close, and says

Not in front of my ex
me: Oh, my bad, well I"m going to say bye to my friends that are here, and then I'm on my way
Her and her roommate leave, and no, that's not the end of it
I get through saying bye to the people that I stayed for, and then I head out, and I naturally walk fast
As I am heading up the street, I notice that her and her roommate are walking on the street and not far from where I am, so I head to the sidewalk (this turned out to be a good move)
hb notices, I wave, hb comes to the sidewalk to walk with me (definitive ioi #3)
we fluff for a little bit, don't remember exactly what was said, but I know she has Czeck (sp.) and German blood in her.
I ask what dorm they live in, and how far they have to walk. Here's a short bit of the convo:
hb: I guess that would be okay, but I'm never home so I hardly ever answer my phone, but I check my email every day (this turned out to actually be good, you'll see why later)
me: Well, yeah, that'll work
hb: ##gives email
me: (I say something that makes fun of it, because it is really strange and it was worth making fun of)
hb: Yeah, it was in my own language in hs
hb: There is a literal translation--(she rattles it off)
Okay, we end up back at her dorm, and I go inside, the builidng, not her room
me: bye, and walked in close to her
hb: Well, it was good spending time with you (not sure if this was exact wording or not), and hugs me, and
hb (whispers): And don't forget to email me
Now, two weeks ago, this would not have even been possible for me to do. Yes, I settled for an email, but I think this one turned out to be better with email, than with phone. She doesn't have a cell, and I can attest to that, and she is a college kid involved in her church, so she is more than likely hardly ever there. Whatever replies I get from this, I'll probably take with a grain of salt, because for me, this was a huge success.
Like I said, a couple of weeks ago, I wouldn't have even bothered trying, and I turned out to have a great night.
Week #2 is well under way.