BootCamp - Clan of the Phoenix


Don Juan
Oct 13, 2003
Reaction score
Thanks for facilitating Phoenix.
I statrted yesterday because I felt really weird about starting on a Thursday. So this week will be my first week.

I was wondering if my 3 year old copy of DJ bootcamp is still good. Or did they come out with a new one?


Master Don Juan
Jan 18, 2006
Reaction score
Start all over.

Folks, i thought I got this thing all lined-up. It's pretty difficult to get back in the game if you don't practice. I skipped the IC portion of the exercise and thought I could move on to the next section, which is convo with stragers. I could not carry on a meaningful conversation with girls. I think I will start all over.

The Phoenix

Don Juan
Jun 3, 2006
Reaction score
Chicago, IL
I haven't heard much from you which leads me to believe that either you have no questions, encountered no struggle or are letting yourselves go (or don't have access to the net daily) keep on hammering, don't make me get where you are and :kick: ur butts.

We have had a few members join and I have added them to the list accordingly. See my previous post with a roaster.

I encourage you to create a link to your own thread which you will call "Approach Journal" and add it to your signature. There you will keep close account of your estupendous adventures as you become a DJ. I am working on mine, will post soon.

I am left with 15 more Hello's before tomorrow, and a few meaningful conversations. Will go into detail once I create my approach journal. Will only be able to post at night though, though I will monitor progress during the day (schedule conflicts)

Best Luck


Don Juan
May 12, 2006
Reaction score
Starting a bit late, but I'm in. Start my week 1 exercises tomorrow.


Don Juan
Jun 21, 2006
Reaction score
is it too late to check in for bootcamp week 1?

i just got refered to this site about 2 hours ago, and i've read the intro and week 1 on the bible.., i'm going to start the exercizes tonight and tomorrow.
Jun 14, 2006
Reaction score
here's my late report (hey, it's still thursday here):

during the past week, initiated a lot of ECs. some brushed it off, some maintained. a lot happened at the lobby of the place where i work. some at the gym. a couple of Hi's with a nod. no approach, though.

last tuesday and wednesday, though, i was at a convention for contact centers. now, these companies have a lot of HBs... and HBs i tell you!
i approached a lot of chics and even got a number. but i don't think that should count coz i was there for work (im in sales... but i can't approach when it's not work related! how ironic!). i was tasked to network (gulp!)!

there were solid 9.5s though, which shared several ECs with me. as in i was checking them out, then later on i'll see them checking me out then we would lock eyes. didn't approach them coz i was still shy. damn!

fitness: did biceps-legs last saturday (before hitting the bars with friends); chest-ticeps last monday (hot chics on the dance class!); wasn't able to do anything last wedenesday due to the convention.

The Phoenix

Don Juan
Jun 3, 2006
Reaction score
Chicago, IL
Testing DJ Journal

I see new faces in our Clan, good the more the stronger we get.

Alright my Brothers, I hope this weekend was productive, so here is an Update

Roaster + Update:

The Phoenix - 38 hello's done 12 to go
-Dude Bob - Sarging at Supermarket
-2c2bt - Starting all over
-ApC23 - Pending Action Report
-amoka -Starting all over
-Jezz - Reported - Good Job
ThePhoenixProject - Reported - Good Job
AverageJoe5 - New Member - Pending Action Report
_AllStar - new member - Pending Report
Alaric - new member - Pending Report

Guys here are the main issues I am encountering:
1) Best places to approach
2) Approaching while having to much social proof - is this valid or cheating?
3) Approaching at bars with No social proof

I am at a loss with this, any ideas, how did you guys do at the bars? I wasn't to active, didn't want to look supplicating, but I was Money everywhere else.



Don Juan
May 12, 2006
Reaction score
Awesome, I finished doing all the readings today. Tomorrow I start working on the exercises. Will keep you posted.


Don Juan
Jun 21, 2006
Reaction score
first day report...,

well i read the intro and chapter 1 week one last night., i started today fresh and i went into work and started doing the eye thing. mostly all older women, but a few younger ones (mind i am only 19). i probably got about 10 or 15 looks at work..,

then when i came home , i decided to go to the mall. i dressed pretty nice and went with a few friends (they just tagged along). the mall was the best place to go by far (even on a thursday night). being in for about only 2 minutes i already had about 7 or 8 looks.., the eye contact thing. i kept doing this and i'd say i got about 25-27 eye contact today.. only one `hi` and it came from a older lady..., so i wont count it.

i noticed when i would be looking at the girls in the eye, i would think of two things

1. what if they have a boyfriend, and they tell their boyfriend this guy is looking at me

2. do you think i look stupid just staring at these random girls?

anyway., today was a good day... this weekend shall be good.


Don Juan
May 12, 2006
Reaction score
_allstar said:
1. what if they have a boyfriend, and they tell their boyfriend this guy is looking at me

2. do you think i look stupid just staring at these random girls?

anyway., today was a good day... this weekend shall be good.
Nice job on the field report.

1) As long as you aren't staring like a crazy psychopath it should be cool. The moment she breaks eyecontact, look elsewhere. Then catch a glimpse of her again to see if she's looking your way. Boyfriend isn't going to do anything unless he's really insecure.

2) No, you'd look dumber just staring at the floor when you walk. Don't gaze like a hawk though, look at different places once in awhile.


Don Juan
Jun 21, 2006
Reaction score
Alaric said:
Nice job on the field report.

1) As long as you aren't staring like a crazy psychopath it should be cool. The moment she breaks eyecontact, look elsewhere. Then catch a glimpse of her again to see if she's looking your way. Boyfriend isn't going to do anything unless he's really insecure.

2) No, you'd look dumber just staring at the floor when you walk. Don't gaze like a hawk though, look at different places once in awhile.
nah i was not staring like that., but i've never really gone out to just look chicks in the eye before. i noticed a few chicks would smile, and i'd look away, and look back and they would be looking back at me.

Dude Bob

Don Juan
Jun 13, 2006
Reaction score

Friday--Went to the mall. Got a total of 24 eye contacts and 15 hellos. I also managed to start a conversation with a shopkeeper (head start for Level 2 lol)

Sunday--Mall again. Got 21 eye contacts (total now 45) and 18 hellos (total now 33)

Monday--Wandered around the local marketplace and did 11 each eye contacts and hellos (56 and 44). I also tried to start a couple of conversations but kept chickening out.

Tuesday--Wandered around the marketplace some more. 14 eye contacts, 10 hellos (70 and 54). Once again attempted to get a head start on Level 2 but chickened out. It's gonna take awhile to get the hang of this!

Wednesday--I visited the local swimming pool and joined in with a group of kids playing aqua-basketball (I consider this an accomplishment since I have always felt anxiety when trying to join in with strangers). I even got kissed by one of the girls in the group--though unfortunately I can't take any credit for this because it only happened due to relentless dares from the guys in the group, and because she made the first move.

Today (Thursday)--While shopping for a gift for my sister I started up a good 5-minute conversation with the shopkeeper (nice head start for Level 2).

My goal for Level 2 is to initiate a total of 15 conversations with 15 different strangers and get a total of 60 minutes of conversation. I want to get as much practice as possible so I will not count the two head-starts I got during Week 1.

I'm also going to switch to daily or bi-daily reports instead of weekly. This will help me remember more specific details and will enable me to ask for advice and encouragement mid-week.


Master Don Juan
Jul 6, 2005
Reaction score
South Bend
hey i'm not in the bootcamp but keep up the good work especially you dude bob you'll be good in no time

The Phoenix

Don Juan
Jun 3, 2006
Reaction score
Chicago, IL
Yo all

Great Job Dude_Bob

Alaric, eye contact is key, that is the measure of power of your being, never bow or divert your eyes from anyone.

Sorry I haven't been able to keep current with your report guys.

I had an incident and I am a little depressed, but hopefully I will bounce back in no time.

S#it I am back, wow, that didn't take that long.

Keep on critiquing each others work and get ready for week two.

Last edited:

The Phoenix

Don Juan
Jun 3, 2006
Reaction score
Chicago, IL
About the hello's and EC.
Dude_Bob, good style, I guess the mall would be a good start. I did ok with my hellos most of them where while I was rushing to my friends house on the Street for band practice, so it was very hmm "on transit" if that is a term.
I was money with a couple of conversations though, my best was at my building's lobbie, I saw this cuttie waiting for someone while I was waiting to be picked up by my bud too, so I just started a conversation it was like 10 minutes long 'cause we both had to leave, but it was good.

I want to go to a coffee shop to finish my hello's or somewhere where I can find people that are not as defensive as in the street or clubs and bars. Any ideas? i am in the city so there are few malls out here. I will try the gym (my ex goes there though and I am avoiding her)

Ideas anyone?

Are you guys ready to start phase 2 and your conversations with people??


Don Juan
May 31, 2006
Reaction score
I know you just started the second week but could I join as first? Goddamnit I'm always late for boot camps :whistle: How about starting a new bootcamp for those who are interested (guys need support!!!)

The Phoenix

Don Juan
Jun 3, 2006
Reaction score
Chicago, IL
Join our BootCamp Eclipse24,
You can still make it, I have 15 more hello's to go, I plan to continue my Hello's while I start in my 10 minute conversations with people when I can.

I think you are still in time, if you want to join us