BootCamp - Clan of the Phoenix


Don Juan
Jun 15, 2006
Reaction score
k well im back...had no computer for a while. I did alot of the eye contact fine...only did like 20 hellos. :( i got 1 number in that time. made plans with her, then she tells me she just broke up with her bf and it wouldnt seem right from his point of view if she went out with me the next day...ummmmm.
She then tells me she'd love to try it again some other time. :down:

I have alot to work on still....


Master Don Juan
Jan 18, 2006
Reaction score
Ok, I've been doing my "hi"s to people and also try to carry few seconds of conversation. Right now, I have 15 "hi" and about 10 convo done. Frankly, I don't keep count of the number of "hellos" and "convo" I carry. How do you all keep count?

The Phoenix

Don Juan
Jun 3, 2006
Reaction score
Chicago, IL

I started with the Combo's since I am almost done with the hello's and I just could not wait.

While I was approaching and doing the combo's to some girls the first 3 times I could not bring myself to close. I guess because as I started talking to them the inmediatelly smelled a pickup and among the first few things they mentioned was how they had a boyfriend. After blatantly bringing that to the conversation I just didn't see myself asking for their #s.

I felt weak, the whole purpose of the excersice is to get rejected, what more could I ask than such easy rejections?? I am to proud I guess, I hate comming up as supplicating.

Anyway, I will describe it on greater detail on my Dj journal.
Now here is the big question:

How do we want to do this? If we approach a girl and don't close does it count as an approach or it doesn't count? that because approaching is easy it only takes a hi and a few words after, but closing is the hard part, what do you guys say... Should we count approaches only when we ask for the magic digits?? nevermind if we get them or not. Opinions??

I am F%$%ng tired because I worked out today and then I went sarging outside and then bbq'ed as a friends place, it is now almost 11pm but after Reading Nonchalant's approach journal I feel like inspired and guilty at the same time that I may not be making my best effort. I am not to good a solo sarging at clubs and bars, an when I have social proof I feel like I a cheating.

I may drag my @ss out to a bar just to try it out, though I a tired I think what I put in is what I get out.

How are you all doing??



Master Don Juan
Jan 18, 2006
Reaction score
Phonix, I think we should only count # close. It's pretty simply to say "hi" to ladies and have some convo with them. Let's us only count #close.

Aim for the week: 5 number close and one date.


Don Juan
May 12, 2006
Reaction score
amoka said:
Phonix, I think we should only count # close. It's pretty simply to say "hi" to ladies and have some convo with them. Let's us only count #close.

Aim for the week: 5 number close and one date.
That comes in goood time. The "Hi" part is only part of week 1. As far as my progress goes, I've only had 5 Hi's so far, but all of them have led to conversations. 45 to go, gonna try to get it done before Thursday.

The Phoenix

Don Juan
Jun 3, 2006
Reaction score
Chicago, IL
My brothers,
I just came from sarging, and I don't know how to describe this, once I got my groove on, it was soo hard to get rejections.

I tried a couple of changes in my attitude, it was initially hard for me to start approaching but by the end of the day I had like 8 approaches, two girls came to me to give me their numbers without me asking (!!?!) on of them really hot!, then 2 called me cute without me doing anything but walking by (and I look.. or i thought I looked like a little gargoile) and I got # other numbers from different chicks, that I have to call withing two weeks, damn I can't remember the faces of the not to hot ones.
and a few rejections but they were soo fun!..

The one thing that helped me was attitude and letting my body language do the talking, by the time I started the conversation I had already stablished contact with them by my posture and eye contact, then it was really natural after that. One thing though, obey the 3 second rule, it helps things go naturally and once you got this down you get so confident you'll talk to anyone.

Ohh I got flashed by a girl to, whos # I got, I don't think I can post the pic here, its on my cam phone, but yup. she was a HB7.

How are you guys doing with your excersises?? any approaches?

I will post the things I did OK and where I made mistakes in my DJ Journal.

Cheers, and good luck


Master Don Juan
Jan 18, 2006
Reaction score
#close at Library

Gentlemen, just got number close without doing anything, really. Here is the story:

The watch on my wrist reads 9:14 pm as I entered my school library. Upon entering, I noticed a HB8 studying studiously at an adjuscent table. I decided to make an approach:
Me: "So, tell me when is the test?"
HB8: "Tomorrow"
Me: " Too much partying over the weekend to remember there's a test tomorrow?"
HB8: " No, I had to go somewhere over the weekend. I visited my mom in NY over the weekend"
Me: " I see. So, what do you have the test in"
HB8: "College math"... I noticed she has a whole lots of studying to do for the nite, and I also have lots to be accomplished, so I decided to cut the convo short, although she showed interest in talking to me.

I went and sat at the table just adjuscent to her and was doing my studying. About an hour or later, she started parking her things to leave.
Me: " You done for the nite"?
HB8: " No"
Me: " So, you gonna go home and continue from there or you'd come back later?"
HB8: "No. I have to go my sister's place. Maybe I'll come back. Maybe I'll just study there."
Me: "Oh, I see. So you don't like me studying around here with you. Right?"
HB8: "No. I just have to go see my sister"
Me: " Aright then, I'll be here. If you decide to come back, I'll see ya; else, we shall meet some other time"
HB8: "Alright."

Two hours later, HB8 walked back to the library:
Me: "So, you decided to come back huh"
HB8: "Yeah, I have four chapters to cover for the test tomorrow"
Me: " That's definately a whole lots of work. So, what do you do for fun?". Here, she started saying how she is not a club person, she enjoys going for walk and all the sh!t.
Me: " What are your plans for next weekend?" I think question should not have been asked here, due to the responds I received.
HB8: "My uncle is coming to town and I'm planning to visit him". I could see she made this up.
Me: " Alright. When is your uncle coming" I was going to ask her to go out with me during the week insted of the weekend.
HB8: " He is already here. He is at my grandmother's house." I forgot to ask her when she plans on visiting him but somehow it simply did not click.
Me: " Alright. Let me have your number so I can call ya sometimes to do something interesting"
HB8: " Let me give you a disclaimer, I have a very busy schedule and may not have time to go out."
Me: " I have a busy schedule too. Why do you think I'm here in the library this late when I know I can be soundly asleep at home?"
HB8: " Alright. xxx-xxxx"
Me: " Is that a XXX area code?"
HB8: "Yeah"
Me: " Alright, I must get back with let my studies. So must you. I'll give you a call later".
Alright, gentlem that's it. She's still here in the library with me ( studying at different table). That was the quickest #close ever.

#close for the week: 1/5

The Phoenix

Don Juan
Jun 3, 2006
Reaction score
Chicago, IL
Yo, I am really happy to see the progress and dedication of this group, it makes me proud to be cosidered part of this clan!!

Now back to bussiness, so it has been desided that we will only count the number of closes cool, so now we have a standard of measurement but guys listen, I think more important than the number of closes is the number of rejections we get. We should not aim to a large number of closes but a large number of rejectionsbecause that is what is holding most of us back, our fear of rejection. We have to be money on this, by the time we are done we should be able to stare at the face of rejection and laugh on its face or piss on its shoe...

So I propose what we have now 5 # closes a week, but when you enter your findings count them as a ratio, like this (#of closes-OUT OF-# of rejections) so as we get better in the game we will see our number of closes raise as the number of rejections shrinks. And that also shows you how many approaches you are doing if you start lagging.

Also, try to keep a journal of your approaches so that we can have details and a collective experience of what works better and what does not.

I will do a row call tomorrow to see who is in still, and we will work from there.

Happy hunting!!


Master Don Juan
Jan 18, 2006
Reaction score
That sounds perfect: both successful and failure #close should be considered. This week, we can count the number of success out of the number of requests we make. Next week, for example, we can focus on the number of rejections we can possibly get by saying certain things to chicks. In this case we would have the opportunity to check what really turns of girls; besides, we will get to see that not all things that we think turns girls off. It would be a wonderful learning experience for all of us. Let's check out the probabilities of being successful with the intentions of failing. We can learn out of this experience.


Master Don Juan
Jan 18, 2006
Reaction score
Another Library pick-up: 2/5 so far for the week aim.

Alright gentlemen, I'm a strong believer in what the library can offer: hot honey chicks. I can see clearly now hot chicks go with two motives: to study and to sarg. Just like all the guys. Alright another success has been produced by going to the library. This was quick, less than 3 minutes into the convo before getting #close.
Amoka:walked straight with great smile towards HB7.5 " What do we have here?"
HB7.5: "History"
Amoka: "It's funny to wait till day before the test before catching-up with materials"
HB7.5: " Not really, I have the test on Thursday but there is a lot to memorize so I better start now.... we to know blah blah blah"
Amoka: "Alright. So what is your name?"
HB7.5: "Michell"
Amoka: "Alright Michell, what do you do as an enjoyment when you're not studying late in the library?"
Michell: " I hang out with my friends go out"
Amoka: " I see. How would you like to go out with me sometimes?"
Michell: " I don't mine."
Amoka: "Alright then, give me your number and I'll give ya a call and we go out".
Michell: "XXX-XXX-XXXX"
Amoka: "Great. I must go back to my study. Good luck on your test on thursday".
Folks, this definately the quickes #close I've ever encountered. Pretty soon, I'll pick-up Angelina Jolie at a rapid fashion.

Dude Bob

Don Juan
Jun 13, 2006
Reaction score
I wish this report could be as happy and successful as the last one.

Well, first of all, my internet has been broken, so I haven't been able to report as often as I intended. It wouldn't matter, however, because unfortunately I'm not making as much progress as I'd hoped. It's embarrassing to say how rocky a start I've gotten: one conversation that didn't make 2 minutes.

I could sit here and hate myself for not doing so well, but that tactic never worked before. My problem is that I didn't get out as much this week as I did last week. Hopefully I can remedy this and get some cathing-up done by tripling the pace for the rest of the week.

Here's the plan: Instead of going to just one "battlefield" per day, I'll do three. Tommorrow I intend to go to the marketplace, to the pool, and to the mall. I will not be beaten so easily!

Dude Bob

Don Juan
Jun 13, 2006
Reaction score
You know, Amoka, I thought about the library, but I always worry about being impolite--it's generally considered rude to talk too much in a library, and I just assumed that since I had to talk to sarge, the library wouldn't work too well. How do you overcome this issue?


Master Don Juan
Jan 18, 2006
Reaction score
Dude Bob said:
You know, Amoka, I thought about the library, but I always worry about being impolite--it's generally considered rude to talk too much in a library, and I just assumed that since I had to talk to sarge, the library wouldn't work too well. How do you overcome this issue?
It's funny because the two numbers I got close ( both yesterday and today) were all sitting by themselves. There was virtually no one in the surrounding to be disturbed. The library is 24/7 so after 9:30pm or so, many people leave the library leaving behind those that have test the following day and need some catching up to do.

Regardless, here is my suggestion. Whenever you walk to a library and you get looked at by someone who is already in the library, it means the person is more than likely not focused 100% on what he/she is doing. Immediately, put a smile on your face and walk straight to her and chat with her for few minutes. She'd be glad you did.


Don Juan
Jun 15, 2006
Reaction score
good to see one of us is making progress. Just finished my last exam today, so havent been out much. bah

The Phoenix

Don Juan
Jun 3, 2006
Reaction score
Chicago, IL


How are you all doing, I know I haven't done the Row call, I had no chance to post from work, I feel like I can't really post from there, but I do send quick responses form my sidekick.

I found out this 4 things that are working really well for me:

1) I first get my mindset and body language down completely.
2) Once I got my body language down I think of my self as been really Money on that so I don't ever think twice about it. As a rule once the sarging starts, I do not allow myself to question or self evaluate how I look, act sound or even smell. I focus completely in either grading all the girls around me on my scale or engagint the one I am working on.
3) I try to follow the 3 second rule but some times if I let it go for a little longer I loose it and then I loose the approach. I get better at the 3 second rule as I get more confident, it also helps me look natural.

4) I approach from the point of reference of having the most fun as possible when approaching, I joke a lot, and I am open to rejection gracefuly.

Today I got overconfident and tried to pick up the Hot bartender from a really popular pub, she denied me but it was worth every second of it, there are more details in my journal.

About the row call, I haven't done that yet, but Judging by your reports I know judging for your responses who is serious and who was just talk and is probably missing out.

You know who you are, remember, I gave you the chance to join us and act.
Action is the only way, you talked the talk now walk the walk.

Jun 14, 2006
Reaction score
D@mn! You guys are having great results!

I made a lot of ECs but not much hello's. I think i'm pretty poor at that. Gotta improve.

Here's what happened to me last Friday. Went out to meet this girl im steadily dating. We're not official though so we can still meet and date other people. Well, she flaked on me last Friday. D@mn! I was supposed to be upset but I decided to just have fun that night since that was what I wanted to happen - to have fun.

And so I went bar hopping into this popular bar somewhere moderately distant from my place. I had a wingman with me but he's not much of a wingman coz he's new to the game. Anyway, when we got there, the place was not yet jampacked. Nevertheless, lots of beautiful people were there. And when I say beautiful, I mean beautiful! Lots of 8s and 9s. But this where I fail you guys. I didn't approach any of them. Didn't even bother to say hello save for one. Why? Well I noticed that most of them are from my college (I came from a pretty upscale university where HB8 and 9s are more like the norm. Every 5 seconds you'll see some hottie. Of course, it's also populated by alphamales so there's still competition) so I didn't bother. I'm sure some of them have recognized me, just didn't aknowledge me.

So my friend and I just decided to skip to another place. Another upscale bar. There we met an HB9 and her friends (7s and 8s). There were four of them, but my friend and I focused on the 9 (damn! I still can't forget those legs! She was wearing a micromini skirt!). Anyway, we ****blocked those who were also trying to hit on them lol. They were there first but we managed to engage the girls into talking to us. Haha! Cut the story short - HB9, her friends, and I are going out again this Friday. Cool thing here was, she was apologetic that she was shy and that she must've looked funny or something (she texted me later). She was seeking my approval! Hahaha!

That was the upside. Now for the lowside of the night. After meeting this HB9, my friend and I transferred again to another club. Not much HBs. Full of ugly people that night. They must all there at the first two bars coz this last one didn't ask for any entrance fee and the drinks are cheap. Haha!
There I tried approaching 3 girls. Well, I got rejected by all. Hell with them! They were not even 7s! And they couldn't dance! They were just standing there right in the middle of the dance floor, holding their drinks, looking stupid. I know they're waiting to be approached, so I guess there was something wrong with my approach.

Oh well... I'll sarge some more.
Jun 14, 2006
Reaction score
Is flirting with a cute client ok? Does it count? Lol


Master Don Juan
Jan 18, 2006
Reaction score
ThePhoenixProject said:
Is flirting with a cute client ok? Does it count? Lol
Yes, as long as it does not jeopardize your job.


Master Don Juan
Jan 18, 2006
Reaction score
HB9.93 @ Library

Alright folks, I refuse to give HBs 10 because I simply don't believe anybody can look 10/10 ( in other words, 100%) hot. As a result, I'll give my recent HB encounter a 9.93/10. In actuality, she is 8.2 without the make-up but hey, she looks good with the make-up on so, why don't we just give her the credit of being able to dress to impress and give her 9.93?

This encounter occured, yet again, at my school library. It was about 10:19pm when I finally decided to leave the library and go home. On my way out, I sported a friend sitting few feet away from this HB9.93. I approached my friend and do the greetings: asked her how she's been doing and stuff like that. This is to gain social statues with the HB sitting on the table next to my friend's. Mind you, the two don't know each other. After talking to my friend, I proceeded to the HB:
Amoka: "What do we have here?"
HB9.93: "English."
Amoka: "No, I don't speak German nor French either. And yes, I also speak English"
HB9.93: " hahaha, that's soooo fanny. I mean I'm studying English"
Amoka: " I see. Where are you from? and When do you go back to your country and leave our English alone? Are trying to be a translator or something for your country.? -- This was just a joke. She is an American. I was just trying to crack some jokes and guess what, it worked.
HB9.93: "You really are funny. I'm an American. Born and raised"
Amoka: " I see. So, when you the test?"
HB9.93: " Tomorrow"
Amoka: " No wonder you're here so late. Do you come here often 'cause I've never seen you here before "
HB9.93: "Yeah, I came here but I like studying by myself and do not like the company of others when I'm studying"
Amoka: " Oh, so you're trying to tell me to leave you alone?"
HB9.93: with a great smile and gigling " Oh noooo, you're are fine. I think you're funny"
Amoka: " Alright. My name is Amoka, what is your name"?
HB9.93: " Katie"
Amoka: " Katie, so what do you like doing on your spare time"?
Katie: " I like to travel. I like to read" - oh sh!t, I can keep this conversation rolling until whenever.
Amoka: "Where is the most memorable place you've been to recently?"
Katie: " Last spring break I was Hawaii. I'm planning on going to London sometimes after I graduate." --This girl found it pretty interesting having a conversation with me. D@mn, I could talk to her for hours had it not being that we were at the library.
Amoka: "Hey Katie, how would you like to go out sometimes?"
Katie: " I have a boyfriend". Sh!t. I expected it. I just played it kull though. At any other setting, I could bang this HB for good. I did not want to disturb others in ther library so i was just in a harry and rashed things.
Amoka: " Alright. Perhaps, I'll see you around here sometimes and we can continue our conversation"
Katie: " Alright. See you later"

Folks, I missed on the #close but it was all a learning experience.