BOOT CAMP WEEK 1 (starting 6th July)


Senior Don Juan
Mar 24, 2005
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Ok, heres the new thread for the boot camp starting the 6th of July.

-=This is the response thread=-

Week #1 - Developing / Conveying Confidence

1) You must ACTUALLY FOLLOW THROUGH! I will tell you upfront that this WILL take you well out of your comfort zone, and will probably require an investment of 5-20 hours per week for you to accomplish the goals set for each week.

2) You must post a minimum of once a week detailing the results (good or bad) that you experienced while completing the weekly project. Your post should be detailed enough that we can all make suggestions to help you in the future (if results were not favorable), or if positive, it should be detailed enough so that the rest of the students understand exactly what you did so that they too can achieve similar results in similar situations.


One more thing, you have to post at least once a week, till thursday, but I would encourage posting everytime you got some results, or need advice, or anything. We are all doing this together so we have to help our fellas, dont we?:trouble:

Lets do it
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Senior Don Juan
Mar 24, 2005
Reaction score
BBX said:
So what do we have to do, is this the boot camp in the dj bible?
Yes, its the same boot camp as in the bible, if you dont know what to do, heres the course description:
DJ Boot Camp - Course Description (class is now in session)

and here is the PDF version:
DJ Boot Camp

read both

I'm not going to repost everything, neither am I going to be the "drill sergent", you have to read (search eventually) everything yourself, but if you have the PDF, everything's done for you, so common guys, lets show the girls the men we can be!!!!!!!!!


Don Juan
Dec 26, 2005
Reaction score
Gentlemen... start your engines.

I'm pumped, about to head out to work and then I'm hitting up the beach! :rockon:

As long as it's ok with everyone, I'm planning to stay at the beach for 2 hours, so I'll be putting the two 1 hour sessions together, as well as hoping to get all 50 hi's in today. The reasoning being that I have absolutely no time all weekend and I'm swamped in work next week.


Senior Don Juan
Mar 24, 2005
Reaction score
jack knife


Don Juan
Sep 14, 2005
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Are these all the Boot campers in this run?

Impact said:
jack knife
I was gonna do one soon any way... I might as well get in on this one!!!
I'm IN!


New Member
Jul 6, 2006
Reaction score
Count me in

Hello guys, I use to be active as a member a couple years ago. Honestly, I think its a shame what this board has come to but there are enough posts on that issue. Since I missed the intro/goal posting on the other thread I'll start here...

I'm 21 and was the shy kid entering HS. With the help from this board and some other sources I was able to turn that around some bit. I am a pretty good looking guy and I routinely pulled 8+ girls. When I got to college, something changed. I was so used to having girls approach me, show interest ect. , I had a hard time competing at the college level because women expect you to approach them or they hardly will talk to you. As pathetic as that sounds, I adapted again and am still improving.

If I can get a woman isolated, I'm money in the bank. I don't have any "inner game" problems and I sleep with enough women. My specific goal is to become better at cold approaches, while building rapport and leaving the girl with high interest. It's the initial part of the convo that I sometimes struggle. Plus I have some more free time now so what the hell....

Oh, and honestly I've never been with a 9.5-10. I am real picky and my 8 might be anothers 9 or so but by 9.5-10 I mean that one women who stands out from all the rest. This should be the goal for all you guys because believing it can happen is the first step toward making it happen.

I'm going to enjoy posting on here and letting you all know how it goes. There is too much *****iness on this board so I hope my fellow boot campers will follow through with me, and as the name says....Dont Be a Puss!!!


Senior Don Juan
May 1, 2005
Reaction score
Tampa, Florida
i wasn't planning on doing anything today but things just came around...
anyways i was playing and practicing soccer until I tripped over the ball and my foot kind of i dunno what to call it...
anyways i got a minor injury on my foot so I decided to go to the doctor to have it checked and make sure it isn't serious and this led me on to a real hospital where I had to take an xray

this basically gave me a small tour and got me started on the hi's lemme count...

hi1 - a guard, just told the dude that I'm not dangerous
- he said it's just procedure (when he was chekin me)
- yeah i know, don't you hate it?

hi 2 - a patient in the "waiting room", to not be bored just said hi and talked for a bit before it was my turn
-he had a cold

hi 3-10 - OK... basically the next 7 guys I said hi to didn't reply.... prolly shy fags... I was in the car and practically shouted at them... all they could do was stare at me
one of them cracked up though and passed a smile... maybe they didn't reply cuz they thought I was a lunatic? afterall I was kinda smiling too thinking wtf am I doing shouting hi to every guy? anyways I decided to stop just shouting at every person on the street soon enough since I felt like I was making a fool of myself and also if I did that I would've prolly finnished week one by now...

hi 11 - this kid had an AC Milan shirt so I'm like
- AC Milan fan?
- yes
- really cool, they're a good team, too bad they might not be at the top division next year
then I left into the hospital

hi 12 - this guy at the reception gave me eye contact so I said hi
- he replied hi

hi 13* - receptionist
dunno if this counts since I kind of was forced to say hi otherwise I wouldn't go to the doctor...

hi 14* - doctor
same as above

hi 15* - doctor's nurse
same as above

hi 16 - this taxi driver... i was kinda happy that it was confirmed that my injury wasn't bad and it won't last more than a week before i can start sports again so I was like popping music in the car and moving to the beat, taxi driver stares at me
-wassup yo!
- haha, hey

hi 17 + 18 - the passenger's inside the taxi
-and just to let you guys know, you have a great taxi driver, see you
-shake taxi driver's hand... and my driver sets off back to my house

so 18 hi's unless the three hi's which were kind of neccessary hi's don't count, therefore 15 hi's

this is a lot easier than I thought... and that was done in less than 2 hours add in the fact that half the time I was getting my x-ray took and seeing what the doctor said about the injury

anyway's on injury
nothing fractured so it's all good
I'm just pissed that I can't do any physical activities until it's cured...
I hope to finnish doing my hi's either tommorrow or saturday since those are the days that I normally go out... and so does everyone else and going out in the day in this country is kinda pointless... luckily i get to get out of here next week


Master Don Juan
Dec 20, 2005
Reaction score
Day 1 week 1

Lol, today... Was "insane" :up:

Most of it was at work though. I'm a handyman (as vacation job) mowing lowns a lot today so I didn't have much oppertunaties to say hi, so then I waved. I work at a caravan park so it was pretty easy, because I kinda consider myself beter than these people :crazy:, dunno if thats a bad thing or not :crackup: . I guess, and I will have to excercise on other places too, because later that day on the bus i kinda went bad...

I got 53/50 "hi's" with EC, counted the ones in group as one.
most of the time it were older people, though that isen't really my fault the park is filled with them but the excercise was any stranger so... I think I said hi to about 8-12 people my age.

143 waves (Lol I know I was really ready today, I'm surprised by myself) but without hi(most of the time because I was mowing the lowns or driving the tractor, so then I couldn't say much then...
and to my own surprise 5 conversations.

So it was a great day, until I got on the bus back home, HB6 steps on, I'm thinking "Comeon Credos, say hi now, but i didn't, i wanted EC first but she didn't look(should have kicked her or something, or get in her way :D ) anyways, she sits down, next stop HB 8(but probebly 6 years or more older than me, but still good excercise) gets on the bus, but doesn't pass me. Now I'm thinking, at least when you get off the bus (was my stop next) say hi to one of them... I picked the HB6 side, but didn't say hi, got kinda nervous :nervous: , guess the rule of 7(7seconds to say hi) should have been applied by me, but besides the bus thingy everything went great today, three thumbs up for today :up:

This weekend I'm planning a beachparty, will be good excercise too :D maybe ever get some conversations going etc... Hell anybody is good to talk to and through the ug's I may be able to get to the HB's but thats for the future like we all know ;).

Gonna make sure my busride will be beter next time guys sorry I failed there :down: . Today was fun, anyway good luck to the rest of you :cool:


Mar 21, 2005
Reaction score
i clicked your link to master of the universes thread, but when i clicked his link to find week 1, with all the reading material it didnt work. So i guess ill just say hello to everyone i see without reading any of that stuff.


Master Don Juan
Dec 20, 2005
Reaction score
7 second rule is that you start to talk to a person in 7 seconds (starting when you see them)... that way you dont have time to think about what could go wrong, that kind of stuff :D you should apply it too, when you see somebody, EC or not just say hi... :p much easier

Do try to talk to a lot of people in one day, remember you only got one week, and the more you practice the more youre prepared for next week :D


Don Juan
Dec 26, 2005
Reaction score
Well I got 50+ hi's in today in about an hour and a half at the beach. Unfortunalely like Nexxus I haven't the mental capacity to remember them all.

The task was easy, although I did feel a little bit like a mental case saying hi and looking every single person at the beach. One HB5 actually stopped me and told me I must be 'an incredibly friendly person'.. yah she thought I was a nut. :rolleyes:

Just when I was starting to have a little fun with the task and opening conversations, it rained on my parade. I ran for shelter into a movie store because I'm buddies with the guy who was working in there. I was stuck until my dad picked me up so when I spotted an HB8 picking a movie I decided to work my game when she picked up 'Kicking and Screaming'.

Me: I would NOT pick that one if I were you.
HB: Why not? (she looked very startled)
Me: Unless you're 8 years old, it is NOT even a little bit funny.
HB: But I love Will Farrell! I'm getting it.
Me: Ok... have fun with your childrens movie. (turns back)
HB: Well then genious, what movie should I pick?
Me: I'd go with this one, it seems to suit you! (picked up some Teletubbies sh*t)
So anyways I helped her find a movie and she ended up getting Happy Gilmore (never seen it:eek:) however I failed to close because I was admittedly nervous and kept thinking to myself, you're in over your head; don't blow it! So she left and I could tell when she was leaving she wanted to stay in contact because after I said 'see yah' she turned around and said bye and then paused for like a second looking me RIGHT in the eyes and after an ETERNITY of me not being able to find my BALLS she said 'Thanks for helping me with the movie' and left. Closing is clearly the weakest part of my game and I need to fix it QUICK!

jack knife

Don Juan
May 24, 2006
Reaction score
Weather sucks today so I'm holding out for tomorrow. Glad to see everyone is completing their exercises early.

afc recovering, good job talking to the HB! Sounds like you had everything going pretty well. The words you used were a bit cold, I hope you had a good delivery.

Anyway here's something I think about when I'm getting nervous talking to a woman. When you get a few seconds to yourself, think about a really sh¡tty situation. Imagine yourself being tortured, or on the front line in WWII, or being eaten alive by piranhas. And then think about talking to the girl. Think about which situation you would rather be in, and how much easier it would be to get the girl's number than having fend off a school of man-eating fish. Number closing should seem like a walk in the park after this.

Another technique you can use is pretend you are a secret agent. Your mission objective is to get that girl's number. You need it for intel at HQ. As soon as you start talking to her, think about how you're going to get that number.


Don Juan
Dec 26, 2005
Reaction score
jack_knife.. thanks for the feedback.

As for using harsh words, I'm an easy-going guy so it comes across in a nicer way, I think that's the reason she was so receptive. (For some reason I had this idea that she was gonna be like "ahhhh leave me alone") I really think I had set it up so that if I were to step up and TELL her to give me her number (assume the sale) she wouldn't be able to say no!

I think I was a little shy to ask for her number also because my buddy was present and I didn't want to get embarassed infront of him.

Oh well, atleast I learned something from this and next time I'll just go for the number because I know the girl isn't going to embarass you or anything. And hey, it was a good warm up for week 2's 2-10min. coversations. :D


Master Don Juan
Dec 20, 2005
Reaction score
day 2 week 1

today went pretty well, not to many my age not to many older than me...

Only had to work 5.5 hours to do my drivers licence exam, passed too by the way :rockon: just some minor errors, he said he'll let me pass but i still have much to learn. :cheer:

about 30+ "hi"'s and a lot of waves again, only one thing happend. this ug i wave+said hi to came to me started asking if i worked there, while i was mowing the lowns in front of the reception. I just said yes while thinking "No freaking idiot I'm here on f***ing vacation mowing lowns because i like to... :D retard woman..."

Lol i sure hope not all the women i meet are this dumb, damn now i understand why some people are gay... :whistle:

Anyways got the weekend off so gonna practice on the beach and on a beachparty, gonna be pretty easy and maybe get some 2-10 mins convo practice for next week :D.


Master Don Juan
Dec 20, 2005
Reaction score
lol am i doing this boot camp alone or with only 4 others or with more because nobody seems to tell their stories...:confused:


Senior Don Juan
Mar 24, 2005
Reaction score
Yesterday I got only 2 hi's (one of them I approached, short convo), EC is no problem at all, its just that 9 out of ten would avoid making EC (I think its the culture of the austrian chicks), thats why its a bit hard to get those hi's. Anyway, I'm doing more in the weekend. Today was a hell of a day, worked 11+ hours and had no time to go on the field, though I opened more than 30 persons - part of my promotional job, but that doesnt count.

wunnaBsmooth, welcome aboard!!

SnowBlind77, try to do a search, it really helps you find what you need!:yes:

marko26885, talking is more than ec or hi, so it counts!!!

Credos, congrats on your exam!:cheer:

DontbeaPuss, looking forward for your results!!!

And glad to see many of you already done with your exercises, thumbs up!!

jack knife