Met up with girl I sort of knew from highschool of facebook. exchanged numbers. From what I know she's inexperienced and has only been with one guy.
1st night to do something didn't go through but she asked if I wanted to do something else. I told her I didn't work the next morning so she should come over and hang out.
She did. I picked up a movie and picked her up and brought her over. I didn't realize my roommate had 2 friends over and were playing beer pong so that kind of threw a wrench in my plans. We played a couple rounds and I got some light kino in (back touches, high fives, etc.).
Shot a text to my friend to kind of clear the place out so I can isolate and escalate. He leaves but one of his friends stays and watches the movie with us. I sit close to her but I notice she keeps leaning forward and doesn't seem like she's relaxed.
I keep up some sporatic light conversation and tell her she can relax you know jokingly. After a bit she tells me she has to go take care of her dog and that I should stop drinking so I can give her a ride back to her place. I say ok, but my friend offers to give a ride so she does that. Few minutes later she gets up and leaves.
Shot her a text saying, "hey hope I didn't make you feel uncomfortable."
She replied saying, "Hey sorry about that. I just get really shy/nervous around new people. Don't take it personal."
I replied, "Nah it's cool. No worries have a safe trip back to school".
Did I come on too strong or was the interest just never there. I can't imagine a girl thinking that I'd invite her over to watch a movie with me alone wouldn't be sexually oriented.
1st night to do something didn't go through but she asked if I wanted to do something else. I told her I didn't work the next morning so she should come over and hang out.
She did. I picked up a movie and picked her up and brought her over. I didn't realize my roommate had 2 friends over and were playing beer pong so that kind of threw a wrench in my plans. We played a couple rounds and I got some light kino in (back touches, high fives, etc.).
Shot a text to my friend to kind of clear the place out so I can isolate and escalate. He leaves but one of his friends stays and watches the movie with us. I sit close to her but I notice she keeps leaning forward and doesn't seem like she's relaxed.
I keep up some sporatic light conversation and tell her she can relax you know jokingly. After a bit she tells me she has to go take care of her dog and that I should stop drinking so I can give her a ride back to her place. I say ok, but my friend offers to give a ride so she does that. Few minutes later she gets up and leaves.
Shot her a text saying, "hey hope I didn't make you feel uncomfortable."
She replied saying, "Hey sorry about that. I just get really shy/nervous around new people. Don't take it personal."
I replied, "Nah it's cool. No worries have a safe trip back to school".
Did I come on too strong or was the interest just never there. I can't imagine a girl thinking that I'd invite her over to watch a movie with me alone wouldn't be sexually oriented.