@James Cruse
I agree with a lot of what you've written on here but I also think you under-estimate the possibility of attention-wh*ring simply because you've never experienced it yourself. I'm not saying that to belittle you, it's just you have been fortunate enough to not cross paths with a woman that is like that. I've had several experiences of meeting attention-wh*res at the gym, all but one of my actual approaches. The other stories played out somewhat similar to the one I wrote about on here, in fact I'd actually say the others were worse.
The gym environment is filled with women like this, it's the cultural norm now for young fit women to take tons of selfies, record themselves, etc. whilst also dressing like it's a strip tease lol. You NEVER saw this stuff about a decade ago but I started noticing it in 2018, though it seems to really be far more common over the last couple years.
Firstly - of course I’ve experienced tonnes of attention-wh*re behaviour from women EVERYWHERE, not just at the gym. It’s hilarious that you think I would never have experienced this in the 15+ years I’ve been practicing seduction.
What I was saying above is: LEVERAGE this attention-wh*re behaviour to YOUR benefit, and her benefit (in a different & secondary way).
Leverage a woman’s attention - in the gym or at your hobbies or your social circle, to benefit yourself with: having fun, like she’s a person to have fun with AND a person to grow your social proof (by other women at the gym seeing her with you > and then being more open to you approaching them + more interested in you) AND a connector - when she introduces you to her way hotter friends or even just plainly introduces you to other women at the gym she just met (it happens, it’s happened to me and it’s far more powerful than introducing yourself). Eventually, she may even sleep with you when she sees the social proof you have - that she incidentally helped you create (unknowingly).
That way - you win all around and she does aswell and so do her friends because they get a chance to sleep with you.
Most seduction situations are start out (at their core) to be a woman wanting attention from a man. Then when she sees your value, she wants your validation (in addition to your attention) and she will sleep with you, in part, to RECEIVE that validation from you and your valuable attention in future.
This social value and social proof momentum will grow when you do this with a few of the attractive women - you’ll either seduce them
or they become a fun social person that social proofs and connects you to other women - and this keeps COMPOUNDING the more you do it - like a large bank balance
Then ALL the hot women you go to the gym with want to talk to you and the guys all start coming to you and wanting to be around you and you and those guys will attact MORE women to wanting to join you, etc etc. until you’re like gym royalty - when everyone knows you at the gym, any new girls joining end up sleeping with you or you get a great chance to do so, etc etc.
You get gifted free gym membership months and gym upgrades packages (this happened to me) and all the trainers know you. Then the hot female trainers are talking about you when you’re not even there to their clients or other employees at the gym.
Then your reputation proceeds you: people know who you are and your name and want to be around you BEFORE you’ve even seen or met them.
All of this while actually getting fit and jacked and it incentivises you to go back to the gym - so you’re getting so much more out of your gym and you’re far more motivated to go back - because it’s fun, it’s a good laugh, you have plenty of friends and you’re treated so well and you have sex with girls you meet there. It’s a great way to make the gym fun, while also having way more sex, and a much better and more fun social life at the same time, it’s simply great value.
You guys need to think long-term about these things. But the main thing is that you’re a fun guy that can also move people’s emotions to get all of this.
You go to gyms and do the approaching. Me, I go to gyms to workout and get approached. There's a difference.
Besides anything though im pretty sure you're just someones alt. Idk why anyone would come out of the woodwork wiht only ~30 messages and suddenly start typing longwinded replies in this specific post.
You say you’re not passive-aggressive but you just were even more passive-aggressive. You added that you’re clearly additionally threatened that someone is challenging you with reason on this forum.
Yeah, you’ve got some issues brother. I’ve been a member here for years but hardly ever posted. I’m on other forums that generally have better content and more savvy posters but they’ve been lagging lately.
Where did I say ONLY use the gym for seduction? It’s part of my philosophy to make boring (but constructive) things I do with my time more interesting and fun. Talking to women and having fun at the gym and then seducing them acheives exactly that.
When there’s so many attractive women at the gym, why wouldn’t you want to have fun and/or try to seduce them? It seems like a so many wasted opportunities with a place you’re already going to be for many hours of the week.
I think you don’t approach women at the gym because you’re scared of rejection and you have excuses like every other guy I meet a the gym: “No bro, I’m here to focus on the gym”.
I think, “Really? Are you focusing on the gym? You come here every day and I’m still much more muscular and fitter than you and improving more PLUS I’ve dated several girls here and I’m having far more fun being in the gym than you, you look so sad and angry all the time” - who’s really winning there? These guys are clearly coping and it’s sad and I talk to them all the time. Even when I introduce them to girls I’m with, they don’t know what to do, it’s tragic.
In the same light, if she says you are a creep, she’ll tell all her friends too. Better place is to be in the positive light, even if you two are not a match.
If you’re a fun sexy guy that has alot of social proof with other women - this very rarely happens.
It’s rare OVERALL for women to go around saying a guy is a creep unless he’s done something or several VERY egregious things. Being social with women is not egregious.
However, I mention location/culture, because I'm talking mostly about Dutch/Western European women here.
I’m in Australia and the bulk of our population is (ethnically) Western European women, have you been here?
Yeah, I don’t think these women are being truthful. Alot of women don’t want to indicate how much they like guys they spend time with from the gym or are friends with or work with or guys they have been
messaging on Instagram. It’s just a way to obscure their potential male dating options from other men that they like - because they know it’s something potential boyfriends don’t want to see or will ask them to cut off those backup male options.