Best ways to overcome loneliness, when you're alone?


Don Juan
Mar 4, 2013
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I'm revisiting this thread today, and I'm glad it is here for my reference, letter and all the responses. I'm not sure what the f* is wrong with me but I'm still having a really hard time. My mind is still on this almost non stop and I can't understand why I'm not moving on? End of this week will be a month no contact with exception of when we passed on walks. The good thing is that I haven't bumped into them.

A bad thing is that I was wondering why I got no mail in over a month, and just now the USPS informed me that she put a vacation hold on my address, so they held all her mail and my mail! Wtf do I do about that? I almost want to break NC just for that!

My holidays kind of sucked, spent alone and even though my friends were back NYE I kind of feel isolated in their group of all married people who are popping out kids. I left the bar before midnight and just went home and finished getting drunk, did my usual tradition and went to bed. I did go skydiving and that was pretty cool but the excitement wore off after 2 days.

I read like 6 books over my break: (2) Tolle, (4) Krishnamurti. Thanks for these recommendations. The stuff in these books is so real and really resonates with me. I felt like they were helping me really see the destructive power of my ego, but it is like I can't reach a state where that ends. I understand when I'm aware it ends but I think my mind is so conditioned and f*ed up it just keeps going back. I notice this is strongest in the morning and evening.

I've decided I'm going monk mode for a month, just hoping I can handle all this alone and stick with it without breaking down as I have done a few times over the last few weeks:

~Quit Smoking: This disgusting addiction has to stop. It is at the point now where it actually makes me more tense. I've quit before using Allen Carr's EASYWAY. The method is really about ending FEAR and making quitting enjoyable and understanding it for what it is: a drug addiction.

I'm a f*ing grown man and I need to end FEAR. This is one reason I feel my mind is so messed up. I'm hoping to really internalize the stuff I have been reading. Krishnamurti seems to elude to the fact that you should be able to do this immediately from within but it is not happening for me. I think this will also help me with getting some plates. 34 years old and I've had one real relationship (this one), and it wasn't even REAL.

No drinking during monk mode. No smoking green either. Going to increase the intensity/time of my workouts. Keep reading. Not even going to worry about my other goals until it is over (learn to surf, scuba, etc).

I didn't end up getting a bonus for whatever reason. Going to talk to my boss on that one. I at least want communication, I'm going to approach it from the stance of "Hey, what can I do right now to make me better positioned to earn a bonus this year" rather than "Why didn't I get one when you even gave one to the cleaning lady and totally socially awkward guy who turns down every assignment"

Eat better. I've had the worst eating habits for years, not even that I eat crap food but a lot of times I just don't eat. I was 300+ lbs for most of my adult life. When I was 29, after some other chick rejected me and my friend died I went down to 183. I kind of let myself go over the last few years with fluctuating weight.

Meditate every day. I'm hoping this improves once my head is clear of any and all substances.

Thanks as always dudes!


Don Juan
Mar 4, 2013
Reaction score
Ok this mail thing really has me emotional now. I'm gonna leave early and goto the post office and pick up the mail and had the hold removed. But now I really want to break no contact and just ask to meet so I can talk to her human to human. No anger, just give her the mail I have, explain a few things and call it a day. If she doesn't then whatever that is her prerogative and I'll move on the best I can.


Master Don Juan
Sep 2, 2014
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rastapasta said:
Ok this mail thing really has me emotional now. I'm gonna leave early and goto the post office and pick up the mail and had the hold removed. But now I really want to break no contact and just ask to meet so I can talk to her human to human. No anger, just give her the mail I have, explain a few things and call it a day. If she doesn't then whatever that is her prerogative and I'll move on the best I can.
Problem is it would actually be human to brat on a pedestal. Anything else you do with this girl, talking to her, texting her, emailing her, checking up on her social media, obsessively thinking about her, keeps the oneitis alive. Forget "closure", since in your case it would simply amount to a veiled excuse to see her again.


Don Juan
Mar 4, 2013
Reaction score
You're right, she doesn't even deserve that attention or talk. I went to the post office but since my DL doesn't have my home address they can't remove the vacation hold she put on there. So now I have to go back first thing in the morning with a copy of my lease and bank statement for my business to get my mail and have the hold removed. :cuss: I'm gonna work out like crazy tonight but I think I just need to do this and forget about her. Throw any of her mail and **** she left here in the trash.


Master Don Juan
Jul 31, 2012
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listening to adam carolla helps me feel better sometimes

i also enjoy listening to old howard stern show clips just for entertainment, keeps my mind off other things sometimes


Don Juan
Mar 4, 2013
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Figured I'd get this mail thing taken care of today and keep moving on. Woke up extra early and was first in line at the post office. The postmaster is a REAL cvnt and basically says my documentation is insufficient to remove the hold on my mailbox and that I have to contact the girl and have her do it. Or provide some other documentation which basically means getting my landlord involved.

I wasn't very happy. I got frustrated because she wouldn't answer my question, how can someone who never lived there put a hold on my mail, yet here I am showing you documents out my ass and you're being a cvnt about it wanting more.

I'm tempted to just go get this done through my landlord but argghh :cuss: :cuss: :cuss:

Would breaking NC here really be that bad? I mean fvck, I just want my mail service, give her any mail she has and call it a day. I don't care if she hates me, or whatever, just want to get on with life without any more frustration related to her. Now I am beginning to regret ever meeting her, kind of like this BPD chick I dated for a month until I realized something was wrong, found SS and ran like hell!


Don Juan
Mar 4, 2013
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So I hit a new low tonight. If you read the previous posts about HB8 that I ended things with back in November you can see what an AFC I am. Anyway, I've made very little progress with moving on psychologically. Fact is, I'm neurotic as fvck on a sick level, my mind is diseased and I'm violent (not physically but psychologically, towards myself and others).

Since things ended I did a lot of self improvement but I'm not really sure if there was much benefit. Tonight I got kind of drunk, walked over to the house of the new dude. I did this a few times this week under the influence of just my totally neurotic behavior and not alcohol. So today I finally get my confirmation she is still there, and I sit with that feeling. I walk to the bar and kill a few drinks even though I am not supposed to because of my health. A guy named Angel sits next to me, and says hey man you just went through a breakup right? I can tell, me too. " It was kind of a fvcked up moment, he began to vent to me about how he was making $1MM a year plus and went to nothing right after his 7 year relationship ended, etc. Then I proceeded to explain to him how nothing of form in this world is permanent, that attachment is a very dangerous thing and that you have to be a light unto yourself.

He asked me, "then how are you supposed to live?" . I didn't have an answer so I told him, " hey man, I can't tell you how you are supposed to live you have to figure that out for yourself." Unfortunately it couldn't get much deeper then that since he got pulled away from me in a quest for his Uber.

But I've been sitting with these feelings. I've been looking at them and I've had enough. When you really percieve what is going on it has the ability to end, instantly. I'm not there 100% now but tomorrow will be different.



Master Don Juan
Oct 8, 2008
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You need a project, an undertaking, a goal.

If you are working on your career, paintings, music, a business idea, woodworking, etc your focus is elsewhere for mos of the day.

These are far more important than "going to the gym." It's a deeper expression of self and takes far more time to finish and perfect.

Having good friends and/or close family helps too.


Master Don Juan
Jan 10, 2011
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South Africa
Step 1. Get Drunk.

Step 2. Repeat step 1.