we had a 1st date just as we're about to pay she puts down money for her meal
Right there that told me she wasn't interested in you.
Women make sure they pay their portion when they seriously don't want to imply ANY obligation on their part. And they only do that when they're totally not interested.
So her subsequent yapping continually on her cell to avoid you comes as no surprise. As they say in baseball, "YER OUT!!!"
Like the other brothers pointed out, it's disrespect that she's showing you. She disrespects you, because she doesn't care.
On my first dates, if she answers her phone, I do note that as a possible flag. I kindly then say, "Let's turn off our phones okay?" and what she answers either makes it or breaks it.
If she agrees, great.
If she gives me the excuse, "It might be work", my answer is an incredulous wide-eyed: "You mean you're working now?" In my mind, those calls can wait until business hours.
If she gives me the excuse, "It might be an emergency (kids whatever)", then she can look to see who's calling and not answer if it isn't the kids.
But most times, when it is the kids, it's no emergency. How often do people have emergencies at the exact moment they're on a date? Unless they're choking from dinner, the answer is hardly ever.
So, if she answers the call because it's from the kids and it's not an emergency and she doesn't end the call promptly but instead chit chats with her kid for five minutes about what's on TV or some such mundane topic, that's a deal breaker.
People managed to survive just frickin' FINE before cell phones came along.
Bottom line: if she gives you a hassle about it, you don't want a woman like that.
You'll find the woman who wants you will put her phone away.
It's a screening process.
is it ok to look annoyed and give an evil look at her then shut down when she returns from her call?
what should you say? should you walk out on her to send a message that it's rude
Leykis 101 advocates that, but keep in mind that admittedly, Leykis says you have to be a jerk. So, if you wanna handle it like a jerk, by all means, do so.
If you wanna handle it like a gent, you keep your cool, you finish the meal, get her home, say goodnight and throw her number away.