ok ive got a followup lol..
i did a search for posts ive made on this forum and reading my posts the last cuople of weeks i honestly feel bad for myself
Thumbs down to those that said it was insecurity and jealousy
Thumbs up to the ones that said shes a ***** and told me to go **** a stripper
Heres the story.. I stayed with her after this because the x bf came home early from the shore, like he was only down there a few hours.. im guessing she knew that I knew through our friends and ended the whole thing
So one morning about two weeks ago, we're hanging out ****in around. She gets a phone call saying she has to go she has a family emergency. We both get in our cars and go to different places, only i turn around and follow her. She goes to her x bf's house and parks a block away. I called her to see if she would answer whilst inside, bc she answered her phone when she was with me and guys would call her, and sure enough she answers with an "oh ****" tone of voice. I just tell her i had fun this morning and i wanna hang out tonight. That night I tell her I love her and I've been in love with her since before she said it first. I just watned to **** with her any way I could. We then **** for which I knew would be the last time and I break up with her the next day. Oh ya.. her excuse.. she baked his parents a cake and wanted to get her cakepan back...
She keeps calling me and stopping by my place and getting in with my roomates to stay in my life. Im debating to use her as a **** buddy or not since thats apparently all she wants anyway, until I find a good girl. I've talked to her once since then and I was a complete **** but I didn't let her know how miserable I am without her, i still cracked jokes and such.
Anyways, I think this may've been a plan from the begining. I met this girl on a random sarge in a coffee shop and I'm guessing shes been cheating on me the whole time with varoius guys. She has like 8 guys phone #'s in her phone and like 4 girls. There are so many coincidences in the relationship I feel blah.