best way to break up w cheating gf


Senior Don Juan
Mar 22, 2004
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ok so my gf told me she has to work until sunday so we won't be able to hangout. Through a friend of a friend of a friend i found out shes going down the shore with a bunch of people, including her x boyfriend. I called both of their phone lines and they were both busy for like an hour. He cheated on her a bunch of times they were together for 3 years before she left him for me. I told her never to cheat on me, and now I have proof that shes about to. Apparently they've hung out a few times and shes been lieing to me. Anyway, when she comes home on sunday im going to invite her over (she said shes working everyday until sunday and we can hangout sunday) like nothing. I want to sit her down and really make her go "man i shouldve never cheated on this guy" by the time she walks out. I already thought of how to make their reclaimed relationship weird by saying her x bf called me and told me he fukd her and rubbed it in. She wouldnt be able to bring it up to him bc then hed know about me, but she would never trust him or shed hate him.

I need advice on how to breakup w this girl


Master Don Juan
Sep 3, 2002
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You have what proof exactly? She's hanging out with her Ex-Boyfriend... chances are if they've seen each other for 3 years they have a bunch of mutual friends...

However, your actions will do nothing to increase your worth to her... you're showing how insecure you are in the way you're talking in the above post... I mean, calling BOTH their phones, lol... no, no, no, no, no... you don't have to tell a girl never to cheat on you, it's kind of an implied term in any relationship, making it an explicit one won't give anymore security, in fact it'd probably be more counterproductive.. lying isn't a good thing in a relationship, but honestly based on the attitude you've displayed above, it was probably a smart move on her part because you couldn't have handled the truth

Honestly, it sounds like you don't have enough going on in your own life to be so concerned with all the above...

On the slight off chance that she is cheating with her ex-boyfriend you've got to look at yourself and think what he can offer her that you can't... not that, I know him, but for starters he's probably much nearer the alpha male category...

The Truth

Jun 2, 2006
Reaction score
She lied about meeting her ex- and that's bad enough! You have to confirm things before you start throwing accusations because friends of friends can distort things or sometimes have destructive motives. Get more proof.

If it's true and she lied to you even if she did not cheat then go ahead and dump her or better yet, go and find another girl. If you want to get back at her then turn cold and indifferent on her. Stand her up next time you plan to meet with a laidback excuse like "I'm meeting with some friends tonight but will catch you another time" and keep being distant with her. Avoid her calls and dont offer her explanation for a long time. Whatever you do dont get mad or confrontational and your coolness will send her crazy. It will increase her interest in you too and damage her ego!


Senior Don Juan
Sep 1, 2001
Reaction score
Don't worry about it
you don't need any proof. Go with your gut, she's cheating on you. What more proof do you need. Unless you catch them in the act or some $hit. If she wasn't hiding anything she would have told you what she was doing instead of doing it behind your back. Trust me, I've been on both ends of the spectrum.


Master Don Juan
Sep 3, 2002
Reaction score
And I say it again...

Ashley Chuckles said:
You have what proof exactly?

Insecurities are the mother of all **** ups in a relationship... you know how many relationships end when they didn't need to because one party was so insecure that he / she jumped to the worst possible, and totally false conclusion?

Don't be another stat... and based on your initial post, going with your gut will **** you up... be rational, and intelligent about it... if anything TRY your best to go with your head


Don Juan
Jun 1, 2006
Reaction score

don't let your insecurity kill your relationship. If you get too worried that she is gonna leave, you will seem needy and insecure and she will leave anyway. (ask me how i know).

Do you have any other reason to believe she would cheat on you other than the friend of a friend told you she was going with her ex thing?


Master Don Juan
Jul 20, 2003
Reaction score
This is retarded. Your chick is a lying, cheating wh0re and you wanna "sit her down?" In FOUR DAYS?! Brother... call her right NOW (or if the line is busy, text her): "i'm dumping you like yesterday's garbage. You're now somebody else's problem. Stay the fvck out of my life. If you contact me, i'm gonna have you charged with harassment. Good-fvcking-bye!" Then grab 200 bucks and go fvck a really hot stripper. Over and done with, the way MEN do it! NEXT!

P.S. DISREGARD this unless you know FOR SURE that she lied to you!! It doesn't matter if you have proof her her actually cheating, but MAKE SURE you DO have proof of her LYING! Not proof for her, but for YOURSELF. If you're SURE she lied about the ex, THEN do what i said :)


Master Don Juan
Jun 8, 2006
Reaction score
hey man dont listen to the do gooders on here who say insecurity blah blah blah.

The biatch is lying to your FACE, man that is bad enough if she can lie to you about seeing an ex she can lie to you about fu**ing the Ex.

Now i would not entertain a GF who kept the ex on the scene anyway it is asking for trouble, the fact she is lying makes it even worse.

She is no good, dont be afraid to be single ok!

Now how do you do this in a way that would make her feel dam what have i done?

You ring her or meet her and say 'it is over i dont want to see you again'.

Nothing more nothing less!
Jun 18, 2006
Reaction score
Don Juan Way!!!

Listen kid, here is the truth...
If there is doub, there is no doubt, meaning assume it happend (and yes your gut feeling feels what you feel for a reason)

If she is innocently going with friends, why would she have to lie to you? The point is you have to assume exactly what your worried about, and that she is cheating (even if she not, the fact that she is making you feel the way you do is not a good sign and thus is not relationship material).

If your true Don Juan, you would already realize that this **** aint worth it (she did it to you once, she will do it again) and you will move on.. I.e. start looking for other girls (keep in mind you dont even have to say anything to this one, and still fck her)...

However, I doubt that your Don Juan, and you wouldnt be able to do the above... So, you can have a honest talk with her (but whats the point, your honest, and shes not, so what ever she says cant be trusted anyways)

The only chance for your relationship actually to be a real one, is if you showed up to work (i.e. with flowers) and actually found her there instead of out with her x... (the fact that you need to check makes you already a sucka..)But, you already know she is not going to be at work... Well, then just call her up before she leaves with x and say "Hey, I am a little confused, cause a ____ and ____ USE NAMES, said that instead of work your going to go to ________" and see what she says...and then you will be able to tell based on her responce whats going on (i.e. if she stutters, tries to cover up, it doesnt make sence, stupid excuses (like I was going to tell you)... BUT, you already know the answer (i.e. u know its going to be lame), so, get out there and start looking for new girls.... and dont be no b.itch...

By the way.. if you actually do the whole thing you were planning to do, and then wip it in her face, she would just end up leaving you and YOU still would be the one hurting.,... duh...


Jun 22, 2006
Reaction score
"If there is doub, there is no doubt"

- Yeah, let's listen to king retard!


Jan 14, 2006
Reaction score
Alody_Yers said:
"If there is doub, there is no doubt"

- Yeah, let's listen to king retard!

i love the useless shyt remarks like alody yers just made, this make this forum wat it is today - a joke


Don Juan
Jul 18, 2005
Reaction score
Look bro if you feel she is becoming distant on you and showing you some odd signs then take it with a grain of salt and show NO weakness.....Find your information out but NOT accuse. You have to show your strengths and hide your weaknesses.

What should you do? Go out to the clubs with your boys. Shes gone for four days right? Use this time to get your mind right! Go flirt with some girls, your not married are you? Boost your confidence bro cause it sounds like you may be letting this female get you down,....and chances are she may kno it and use it aginst you. Hence why i say show no weakness. If you feel the relationship is doomed then use you best game....on her and some new girls


Master Don Juan
Jun 9, 2004
Reaction score
Down South. Between the Y junction.
What is the point in confrontation anyway. what does it achieve??.... She will run to the ex-lover if she is made to feel guilty... All you will do is push her away, becoz being with you now makes her feel like a slut becoz she cheated on you and whe won't want to stay with you and feel those feelings...

I would keep the status quo and start looking for a new girl, that way you still get to have sex, and then and only then, turn the tables on the current girl...


Master Don Juan
May 9, 2003
Reaction score
If you're absolutely certain she's lying about this, then break up with her and never speak to her again. Don't try to make her jealous, don't stoop to her level, just drop her from your life and find a decent girl.


Master Don Juan
May 9, 2003
Reaction score
No stooping! At least not by these definitions:

a. To lower or debase oneself.
b. To descend from a superior position

Maybe, just maybe, by this definition:

6. To swoop down, as a bird in pursuing its prey.


Master Don Juan
Jan 1, 2006
Reaction score
yea man first find out if she did lie to you.. make her spill the beans..

dont jump to the conclusion.. never..

get the facts first.. be straight up... phone now ... and the first thing u should say.. is "you know im all about respect and i cant stand a lie right.. like i cant stand not a single lie when ppl talk to me.. (or say something that will make her understand that u will not accept garbage) ask her what she did that day and be like i heard u chilled with ur ex is that true... then if she denials it... be like one of my good boys saw u and i dont think he would lie...

if she keeps deniing it. fuk around, be like.. oh it must have been some other girl with her ex i guess..
u know alot of girls tend to go back to their exes... couldnt have been you...

she will slip finally.. then once she slips... the only words that should come out of ur mouth is..

" you lied to me.. i expected better from has been nice meeting you "HER NAME" i'll talk to you later.."

then hang up.. .dont pick up the calls for At least a week...

this will drive her fuking KRAZY.. like madd.. only if u dont pick up the phone for a week.. not 3 days.. i mean one full week..

then when u pick up she will be crying and ****..

if she doesnt phone back.. shes already with her ex and u did the right thing.. if shes truely ur girl and if she loves u she will phone u back within a week because she knows u are hurt and she cares for u but ur purpose it not to pick up in a week..

and if u doo and if u want to get back to her..

tell her that we need a break and ur shocked that she pulled such behaviour..

give it like 2 weeks then she would be scared to lie to u again.

but i think u can find a better girl honeslty dude


Senior Don Juan
Jun 21, 2006
Reaction score
keep yourself on the moral high ground. Tell her that you don't associate yourself with dishonest people who don't respect you or your time, and that it's over between the two of you.


Don Juan
Jan 8, 2004
Reaction score
Next. If she calls you asking what's up say "I don't date"