best friend ruining his life


Master Don Juan
Dec 31, 2011
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So I have this good friend of mine who is 31. He started to study Telecomunications but after a few years he started to abandon his studies progressively, and started to work part time jobs like waiter, masseur...

The thing is that since his studies started to go bad he's become less and less active, and he's been loosing motivation to do anything that takes some effort/time to achieve. For example, he never wanted to get a driving license so he cannot drive. I recommended to him many many times that instead of working as a waiter etc, he should continue his degree but he never listened.

He went to study abroad for a year but he didn't pass any subject because he was partying too much, so it was a wasted year, and after he returned he became lazy as hell.

He used to be kind of fit cause he went to the gym, but he also quit this and now he's 10 kg fatter than four years ago. He used to do some kayaking but of course he quit this as well. Because he was ACTIVE and looked ok he also banged a couple of girls, but never got a gf.

Nowadays, he's 31, kind of chubby, balder, unemployed, uneducated, lives with his mother, doesn't have sex with any girl, and... doesn't want to DO ANYTHING ABOUT THIS.
I've tried many many times to reason with him, to give her options and ideas, but he finds everything either stupid, boring, or too difficult.

The only thing he does is being at home and going for a drink on the weekends. This has been going on for three or four years now. He has had a couple of part time jobs during this time which gave him enough money to 'survive', but he got these jobs because one of his friends was the boss, not because he actually looked for a job, no way, I think he's never really, actively, looked for a job.

Around one year ago I gave up on him cause he doesn't listen to me, his mother, or another good friend of his. He has a bad relationship with his mother since many years ago.

I dont know if I could help him in any way. He is totally PASSIVE. I think he has some mental issue/trauma.
The thing is after he came back from "studying" abroad he became lazy, passive and more stupid in my opinion because he doesn't listen to anyone that gives advise to him.

Up until he was 24/25 he was "normal".

Ideas? Thoughts?


Jul 30, 2003
Reaction score
sounds like he has depression or some ****


Senior Don Juan
Apr 3, 2006
Reaction score
I think you should let him go and just focus on yourself. If you invest too much energy into saving him, you could end up putting yourself in a precarious situation.


Master Don Juan
Sep 22, 2006
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People who do not want to help themselves are incorrigible. They are locked into a belief system that is unbendable, and unchangeable. People are where they put themselves. There is very little you can do to change that. If you lead by example, and their life becomes so bad that they need to change, maybe only at that point in time can you offer anything. They have to seek you out.

I would put in the time afforded to you by his own actions. If he is not putting in the time, than you shouldn't be wasting your youth on him.

Steady Eddie

Don Juan
Mar 2, 2015
Reaction score
You can't save him. He's got to do that himself. He isn't going to listen to you because he doesn't think he has a problem. I use to get involved in friend's problems and it did me no good. I now have no friends and my life is better for it.

One day your friend is going to need money and is going to view your need to help him as a source of income. How much are you prepared to give him?
How much do you want to see your 'old' friend again?

Put a dollar amount on it or he will. Trust me his figure will be far greater than yours.


Don Juan
Feb 27, 2015
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He definitely has some serious issues but if you didn't manage to help him till now, you probably won't ever. The one last thing you can try to do is to convince him to visit a therapist. If he was ok until 24/25, then it is possible something happened to him. However, he is not a type of person who can talk about that. But therapist will know how to pull things out.


New Member
Mar 13, 2015
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I dont know if I could help him in any way. He is totally PASSIVE. I think he has some mental issue/trauma.
The thing is after he came back from "studying" abroad he became lazy, passive and more stupid in my opinion because he doesn't listen to anyone that gives advise to him.
