Good to hear from every1.
I have tried Lipodrene (SR) out actually. This version is ephedra free, and acts as an appetite suppresant mostly. And it does work, I'll give it that. Even though the actual pills smell like SH!T.
When on it, I don't have any urge to eat really, for a good 4-5hrs.
Which is good for me, cause I work in the nighttime, and so getting to the gym can be a b!tch on my schedule.
Other than that... I agree with you all on Ephedra being the best fat burning agent out there. I'll look into the EC stack, even though that sounds a lil tweeky to me.
As far as explaining how Fat Burning Supps. work. My understanding is through a few different avenues.
Caffeine, is pure energy, and thus your burning more calories, just being in that 'high' energy state.
Thermogenesis, is when your body heats up, thus burns more calories. A lot of these supplements utilize certain chemicals, and natural ingredients to enable this. Cayanne Powder, Green Tea, etc.
Appetite Suppressants, like Hoodia do exactly that.
Guggelsterones, which stimulate your thyroid, which in turn controls your metabolic rate.
I've heard a lot of compliments and praise towards Lipo-6.
Check out this review of it... pretty interesting, and in high esteem.
(although I wouldn't buy it from them, you can find it cheaper elsewhere)
I'm currently using Grean Tea Extract pills, which are pretty good, in the sense of caffeine. Keeps me awake, and energetic. Which in turn makes for more calories burned. Haven't been on them for long, so I can't give a valid opinion over time yet.