Being Bitter.


Master Don Juan
Apr 16, 2006
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I was thinking, the main ideas on this site about chicks are true, and they do leave AFCs to suffer.

But I mean, If you know the truth, should you still allow yourself to become bitter? I mean a lot of guys on this site are "ALL GIRLS ARE SLUTS" and a few are "NEVER LOVE THEM"

But isn't it best just to stay in the middle ya know? Love em for who they are and what they do? Just like we would do the same if they were ugly and were put down for having sex with lots of people? It's natural in a human to want to look for some value with a person right?

You know what I mean? That it goes both ways.

Just wondering who thinks it goes both ways and who thinks it's just a 'ALL WOMEN ARE EVIL' thing.

Francisco d'Anconia

Master Don Juan
Jul 10, 2003
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Galt's Gulch
The bitterness actually has nothing to do with women (yet they are the scape goats). It's actually some type of inner turmoil that these guys are having. Their lack of success or choosing of the wrong type of woman are just symptoms of a innate personal issue.


Senior Don Juan
May 29, 2006
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I think some bitterness might be attributed to guys here who will only go after women who look like the chicks in the porn that they whack off to. Its a self destructive spiral.

Theres no room for hate or bitterness. Accepting other peoples fauts is just part off being human.

Women are not evil, and getting rejected by supermodel looking chicks doesn't make them evil either.


Senior Don Juan
Sep 22, 2006
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Most of the PUAs or DJs in the world are the product of heartbreak - deep down is a naive guy whose heart was crushed by a woman or perhaps many of them over time. When they become PUAs, their purpose in doing so is to prevent this from happening again - and so they get their validation entirely from their success with females in general; because it is very easy to slip into AFC-ville and fall in love for a woman only to be rejected, PUAs often create mysogynistic barriers to protect themselves - women are all *****es. It becomes more about power than sex. Attaining all your self worth from your success with women can be very destructive.


Master Don Juan
Apr 16, 2006
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I actually liked Francisco's post this time, as a guy who's been through the bitterness many many times before..

I mean, I'd think women were b!tches with no souls but had the same negative thoughts about everything else too, and belived that all people were inheritly evil and pretended not to be for their own benefit. So I guess that was an innate personal issue.

I mean even Pook talked of this stuff, as like these black holes and sh!t he wouldn't philosophize or even want to think about because it's not worth it and gives you a bad outlook. Even if he could logically prove it. It might be an innate issue even wanting to 'prove' such negative things about life.

And I know most of us are the product of heartbreak, it just makes you stop and wonder though..
What the hell did we do to deserve it? If it was because of our own inabilty to be 'good enough' for her etc, then they really would all be b!tches logically right? Uncabable of understanding another human being's pain.. but that's not really the case.


Master Don Juan
Apr 16, 2006
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lol, yeah. Some of them I think are kinda 'out there'.

But hey, I troll for fun sometimes. So I'm probally not one to talk.


Master Don Juan
Feb 14, 2005
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Francisco d'Anconia said:
The bitterness actually has nothing to do with women (yet they are the scape goats). It's actually some type of inner turmoil that these guys are having. Their lack of success or choosing of the wrong type of woman are just symptoms of a innate personal issue.
I'm bitter because i think the majority of women are broken. The more I look around the more dismayed i get by the number of women with deal-breaking issues. And i don't think i'm too harsh. All i ask for is respect and compromise.

It sucks having to filter through sooo many to find one that's worthy of LTR only to find out you wasted a lot of time because some serious flaws were being covered up from you.

Women can turn on you so quickly. One day you're everything to them and the next they think it's okay to act like you are lower than dirt and not worth a minute of her time. Women are the only things that can get mad at you for calling them out for something they admittedly did that is wrong. Manipulative hogwash that very few women refrain from. And what sucks is that so many will be pure gold at first and you think you hit the jackpot but it turns out she was only on good behavior in order to sucker you into the relationship. Yea i know this is where all the "don juans" jump in and say it's on the guy to keep his lady in line and the power on your side so she stays on the straight and narrow.. but really... if she misrepresented herself as a lady to start with you can't keep her a lady and respectful because she never was in the first place... and none of us are perfect judges of character.

So yea the bitterness is a result of having to sift through so much complete garbage in order to find the rare gem. It's really just too much effort because the majority of my hobbies don't involve being around anywhere to meet women so i end up only very very casually meeting new ones... only to find out they're worthless and that makes it very discouraging from going out to try to meet some again because it's almost a given I'll have a better time finding something unrelated to women on a given night so it's hard to say "ok fine i'll risk going out again tonight and dealing with some stupid hos."

And the thing is.. i AM successful with women and have a wonderful time with the few that aren't screwed up. There just aren't many that i want to be successful with... and i think a large part of that is our current culture of feminism and how our tv/music and all that promotes them acting like sluts. And i don't want to JUST have sex. I'm all for getting laid but it sure is damn nice to have your girlfriend smiling at you, snuggling up to you on the couch all happy to see you BEFORE you go have hot monkey sex.

I'm currently starting to see a girl right now. And she seems all well and good but dollars to donuts (wtf does that even mean) she's going to turn out to be some slut who lets her breasts hang out and dances on the bar when she goes out and gets off on men ogling her.

And sorry if my standards are too high but i'm intelligent, college educated, have a good job, financially secure, athletically talented, built and fairly naturally attractive and i shouldn't have to lower my standards because america likes to spurn out uneducated masses with 19 year olds with 3 kids and a belly that sticks out further than their chests.

<-- wants lady in public and ***** in the bedroom. good freakin luck.

rant over :)

Francisco d'Anconia

Master Don Juan
Jul 10, 2003
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Galt's Gulch
mrRuckus said:
I'm bitter because i think the majority of women are broken. The more I look around the more dismayed i get by the number of women with deal-breaking issues. And i don't think i'm too harsh. All i ask for is respect and compromise.

It sucks having to filter through sooo many to find one that's worthy of LTR only to find out you wasted a lot of time because some serious flaws were being covered up from you.
Sounds like your frustrated, and for good reason. Once a guy becomes enlightened to the ways of the DJ he becomes more particular about to whom his efforts are spent. It severely dwindles down the selection to a trickle. The key to not letting it get to you is to appreciate the man that you have become; that even though being paired up would be good, it isn't necessary to make you complete. Understand that once you succumb to bitterness, objective reasoning is completely eroded.

mrRuckus said:
I'm currently starting to see a girl right now. And she seems all well and good but dollars to donuts (wtf does that even mean) she's going to turn out to be some slut who lets her breasts hang out and dances on the bar when she goes out and gets off on men ogling her.
This could be a part of your problem. You're so focused on all the unwanted qualities of women, that is what you are finding. Even worse, you've gotten to the point of expecting it. This will be your downfall; even though you've proven yourself right in that all of the women you engage do not fit your qualifications, you would have overlooked women who possibly could.

You have to decide whether you would like to be right or would you rather be successful? All it takes is to focus your efforts on what you want and believe that you will find it. No matter what you may choose, you are going to find exactly what you look for.


Master Don Juan
Feb 14, 2005
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Francisco d'Anconia said:
This could be a part of your problem. You're so focused on all the unwanted qualities of women, that is what you are finding. Even worse, you've gotten to the point of expecting it. This will be your downfall; even though you've proven yourself right in that all of the women you engage do not fit your qualifications, you would have overlooked women who possibly could.

You have to decide whether you would like to be right or would you rather be successful? All it takes is to focus your efforts on what you want and believe that you will find it. No matter what you may choose, you are going to find exactly what you look for.
Ok it's not THAT bad. There's plenty of stuff about lots of girls that annoy or are not completely acceptable but no one is going to be absolutely perfect so i can ignore/get over/just deal with minor imperfections. I know I'm capable of pushing a few buttons myself.

There's just some things that can't and shouldn't be overlooked and seems like these things in women are becoming more and more pronounced. They're getting corrupted and think "oh i can do this all the girls on tv do it" or "everyone does this - get with it." Argh, just because 'everyone' does it doesn't make it right.

Francisco d'Anconia

Master Don Juan
Jul 10, 2003
Reaction score
Galt's Gulch
mrRuckus said:
Ok it's not THAT bad. Argh, just because 'everyone' does it doesn't make it right.
Yeah, but it sure as hell make them easier to "fit in." Individuality and independent thoughts are dwindling character traits.

Aaron B

Master Don Juan
Sep 8, 2005
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My ex-wife dumped my about three years ago, and it sent me on a path of self-improvement. I lost weight, I got in shape, and I learned all about women and how to have my way with them.

I ended up meeting a great girl, we fell in love, and after a year, got married. She worships the ground I walk on and we couldn't be happier.


Master Don Juan
Jun 19, 2006
Reaction score
It might be an innate issue even wanting to 'prove' such negative things about life.
The notion that all women are evil, is an emotionally loaded sentiment without meaing. Like saying that "it's a cruel world out there." The world just is the way it is, not the way you want it to be.

Many people are indecicive twits. Calling a person evil for being an indecisive twits is like calling a boulder evil for tumbling down onto your head.

I don't call all women evil, because in the realm of relationships, women cannot be considered rational beings. You don't get mad at a grizzly for attacking you, so you shouldn't get mad at a woman for:

Women can turn on you so quickly. One day you're everything to them and the next they think it's okay to act like you are lower than dirt and not worth a minute of her time.
This would be unfair and cruel coming from a male friend, but from a female, it is neither. Don't get ticked.


Master Don Juan
Mar 23, 2006
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Loss Vaygus, NV
mrRuckus said:
I'm bitter because i think the majority of women are broken.
ALL of the bitternes comes from one thing (so we're clear, "all" in this instance refers to every single guy through all of history) come from one thing. One. That thing is ~not being able to get what you want~. Sometimes, it's from the girl not being everything you want, sometimes it's from you not being able to get it, but the end result is the same, there is something you wanted that you didn't/couldn't get.

Bvbidd said:
I was thinking, the main ideas on this site about chicks are true, and they do leave AFCs to suffer.
The main ideas on this site about girls are totally NOT TRUE. Plain and simple. Because the main ideas on this site are rank generalizations, and no matter how hard you try, you cannot classify girls by saying that "all the ones who do this are like this" or " if they ______, don't date them". You can't know anything about girls if you group them all by one or two little things that they do. I've dated strippers who never asked me for a single thing, money wise, so the over-genralization about strippers being gold-diggers doesn't even almost apply. I've dated girls whom I watched play every guy that they were with, but settled down and behaved once they were with me, because I made them want to not screw it up. And I've been with the most prissy, innocent seeming girls that cheated on me at the drop of a hat, and often. If I went with the generalizations EVERY TIME, I'd be screwed.

Every girl is different. Those on this site that try to clump them up and define them are just making things harder on themselves. If this site is teaching you nothing but to be bitter towards women because of the few who are total wastes, then you are using the site totally wrong and you need to get off until you can figure out the useful information from the crap. Anyone who say different is just bitter from going after the wrong women, or going afer the right women the wrong way.

Bottom line, what you should take from this site is a million different ways to react to and treat a million different women, not three or four ways to treat the three or four different "types" of woman.

Be like water, adapt, and so on....


Master Don Juan
Oct 11, 2005
Reaction score
The bitterness comes from many of us just wanting to be ourselves (good nice guy ie AFC) and be honest with women, express our love for them and get that love back in return but because that purity of love usually doesn't work and we get burned then have to use the DJ tools and tips to get great and lasting success when our pure love didn't work it creates a general bitterness or cynicism towards women and the world in general in us.

Its not love but games that gets us the women we want and that re-inforces the cold cruel unfair nature of things on this planet.

In a perfect world we could be AFC's or whatever our true self is and be accepted and treated with respect and love by women and not have to be DJ's or create the aura of being strong ie alpha to achieve that end.

So again any bitterness I believe comes from learning that the secret to success is games and plenty of them too late after much heartbreak on our part over the years or the bitterness of realizing your love is not enough to capture some woman's heart.

You have to be a little fake. You have to play games.

That sickens me and I think it sickens everyone else here or at least just about everyone here but hey it works so run with it.


Don Juan
Oct 29, 2005
Reaction score
Why do you need women?

why can't you just go out and have fun with some buds, join a sport, meet some new people, improve yourself? Why are you letting a bunch of bytches and tricks take your life away from you? They're not the end-all to life and civilization. They're just girls.

edit: and what the hell is this "good girl for a long term relationship" stuff? don't you have goals to accomplish?
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