Being a leader


Don Juan
Jan 4, 2008
Reaction score
Quick Question.

I never really had a problem leading certain ppl. Sometimes it comes natural but other times you have to fight to get it. I've made a plan for the month of May and that was to become a Better leader. I sit at this lunch table with some real good friends. But the thing is I have a feeling that they don't think that I'm not a leader. It's like they don't respect me, they do it's just they don't see me as a leader. Like if I say something they might listen or just completely ignore it. If they do listen they might disagree with me for no reason. But if my brother says the exact same thing they might agree or just try to debate it out. But when I said it it's but RKC09 IS WRONG! I've been trying so hard to be the life of the party, to be the center of attention to be the leader. But its hard work.

Today, I was talking and I said "Man, thats a big dude. He should play football". Now I was just speaking my mind. Then one of the dudes at my table say (the joker, you'll know him soon enough) "Man just because he's big doesn't mean he should play football" Then I said that he might be a good blocker. Then another one of my friends said "that doesn't mean that he'll be a good blocker" Basically as you can see, there putting words in my month. I told them that I didn't say he HAS TO play I'm just saying THAT HE SHOULD play. I didn't say he IS a good blocker I said he MIGHT be a good blocker. Look at the words in bold and you'll see my point. It's like my opinions is wrong to them(not the table, just them).

Then from time to time they'll ignore my for no reason! Like today I said something to the table. They completely ignored me. Then my brother was the only one who listened. He started laughing. He said the exact same thing and they all laugh.......:confused:. This doesn't happen all the time but it's still werid. Then if I'll be saying something that one guy (joker) would cut me off. And if I try to talk over him the table will tell me to be quiet down........:confused:. Idk, it just seems werid to me. It's not like they don't like me cause other times they actually listen but it's just seems like whatever I have to say isn't important to them. Like only 65% of the time they listen. I'M IMPORTANT AND THEY CAN'T SEE IT! Is there any advice I can use. Can you guys just give me some advice on how to be a LEADER at my lunch table.


(You don't have to answer this next question if you don't want to)

Then there's this guy who jokes on alot of ppl.......but about 50% of his jokes are funny. PPL make fun of him because his fat, ugly, and his jokes are lame!!!! I believe he has low self-esteem. But he always tell stupid jokes. He seriously thinks that he's funny. He's one of those type of ppl who has no confidence so he jokes on other ppl because other ppl jokes on him because he's fat, ugly, etc. and he feels that if he puts someone down then he'll feel better about himself.

He's funny sometimes and he's cool about 60% of the time but he truely is annoying.....he sits at my table. And he always brings up stuff from middle school about me. (I was always joke on at middle school) He always talks about this stuff that happen 100 years ago and I think that effects my image. I tried joking back but EVERY SINGLE JOKE IN HISTORY HAS ALREADY BEEN SAID ABOUT HIM. He actually gets joked on ALOT more than me. He's actually the only person who tries to joke on me. I want to bust him out. Basically I want to wait until he jokes on me again and then call him out on his low self-confidence. Something like "why are you so insecure?" But I want to do it in style. But if that won't work then is there anyway I can put this guy in his place 4 good?


Don Juan
May 21, 2008
Reaction score
sounds to me that they are giving u sh*t tests. EVERYONE gives everyone sh*t tests. They weed out the weak and if you pass them than you sir just deemed yourself worthy of respect.

Sh*t tests are comments or questions that, depending on you answer, can either have a bad or good impression. And the number one weapon to these is humor.

you were arguing with your friends, which leads to hate and that makes a bad impression. make a joke about it.

You: that guy is huge, he should play football.
Friend: just cause hes big doesn't mean he should
You: are you kidding? he'll make the whole team suck his d*ck...Sh*t he'll probably make the coach suck his d*ick. I'll suck his fu*cken **** (gay jokes are hilarious at my school, this is actually a joke made by yours truly and it got laughs).

once you pass the tests they are going to say "hey this guy is better than i though." My impressions on people completely change when they pass or fail sh*t tests.

Your brother seems like the AMOG (Alpha Male Of the Group). And in Highschool, groups ALWAYS go with the AMOG. For example, people went to a party because one person said he.



Master Don Juan
Feb 16, 2005
Reaction score
Davie, FL
You're in the hole. They don't respect you. Unless you're a twin, it makes sense because your hanging out with your brother's older friends. Of course they don't respect you. The only thing you can start doing is give them dirty looks, and tell them to STFU before you kick their ass. Other than that, find new friends, bro. You're really deep in the hole, and you just need some new people that don't know who you are. Maybe if they see you walking away, they'll respect you more.