Mike32ct said:
That's probably my issue. I'm not rugged looking at all. I'm kind of nerdy and effeminate/metro looking. I don't LOOK like a handy guy at all, so women probably don't actually believe me when I've mentioned wiring, machining, working with tools, etc.
They believe the ballroom dance stuff because it fits my "an inch from gay" profile lol.
I can relate. I utilize modern hygiene technologies, wear modern clothes, and, "oops!" I
must be into men. 'Cuz I've been shaving with a straight-edge and keeping the sun off my face via hat/glasses for years, I get carded for everything: I'm smooth like vector art. Couple the smoothness with a disinterest in garbage women and you get: "... he must be gay." Enough garbage women = consensus. Pretty bleak, considering the surplus of garbage around.
This, "gay" assumption, despite having a shop full of great fun like the torch kit, chainsaw, skinning gambrel, and air tools. I am proficient at every hunting method I apply myself to, attempt fix or make what I can, and I have come to find out that I spend TOO much time on my fingernails. What can I say? I wouldn't care to jam my grease-and-deer-fat packed nails inside a gal's vag... I don't want to be the one who unintentionally "puts it out of service" by giving her an infection!
I had to intentionally leave some good black gunk under a few nails to pick at when the convo dies. "Pardon my figitting... I must have gotten a hole in my glove." Then proceed to illustrate your valuable man-skills by describing where the black gunk came from if she takes the convo-bait. You almost have to smack them over the head with "handyman" anymore.
This thread has been skirting the issue without bringing it to the floor. In our time-short, tech-heavy, consumer-based lives,
american society has come to substitute money for time. Whereas in the past, most folks had time to tinker/fix/build, now we
buy whatever it is we need. We just don't have time to invest in getting dirty: and the clean-up is such a bother! Why would I get chicken spuzz on my hands [OMG! SALMONELLA!!! I better spray BLASTIT! 420x™ all over, then rinse, and repeat!] when I can just slap something into the microwave? No dishes, either! Nevermind the landfill element or nutritional value, that's for weirdo hippies.
As such, women have come to see "has a lot of money" as "good provider". A better provider anymore, it seems, (for the urban culture at least) is the beta bucks sort. And really, I guess that's fine. It leaves more critters in the woods for us alpha ƒuckos and property in the country stays affordable (supply:demand). But, and this is perhaps because I've had exposure to depression-era grandparents, it is beyond frustrating to have to sell "do it yourselfer". It used to sell itself. Women used to pine for ambition and talent, hell, you still see it on every online profile...
Welp... since we all know women don't know what the ƒuck half the sh!t that is parroted by their mouths even means, it's up to men to show, to demonstrate, to
lead them to what they need. Just like a horse to water, except most won't drink. They can't: they've never had exposure to proficiency to be able to acknowledge it. Yes, it's pretty disappointing to have unrecognized value. Heck, I was convinced that I would be homesteading alone when I bought my kingdom. "Fück 'em. At least I'll be around like-minded people." Moving to rural Russia had even been considered as an option. Where do you go to find "traditional" women? Even "traditional" is argued, now.
Ever since T.V., media an marketing agendas have trumped logic [socially]. This is simply a manifestation, another "symptom" of the "sickness"; and explains (some of) the value of imported women to a DIY-guy. American women love consumerism: they don't have to bother learning to cook. So, us DJ's cook for ourselves and use those women as what they want to be good at: being barbie clone consumerista whºres.
Woe be it unto a guy that has ^^^ that convo with women.

You're bucking 4 prior T.V.-watching generations' worth of brainwashing and group-think. Just know what you want and pursue it -- just keep sifting through the overburden until you find the gems.
If you'll excuse me, I have to get up and get at it. The wood isn't going to pile itself, and the weather is mild today.
play D:\audio\chairscoot.wav; D:\audio\sawnoise.wav