I honestly dont think i'm popular. I'm above average, but what i've learned the past 2 years is this.
-DONT EVER TRY TO MAKE SOMEONE LIKE YOU. If u have done this i want you to slap yourself, because it will never work. I always worried about people liking me before and i got ****. If you just be yourself people will respect that and hang with you, but u must also except the fact that NOT EVERYONE WILL LIKE YOU. Some people dont like you. so what?
-Be positive. You can disagree with people, but you should support your peers and they'll support you. Make people feel safe to be around you. When people feel its ok to let go around you, you've hit the jack pot with that person, and you guys will be friends for a long time.
-Be open to what people say. Like i said you can disagree with people, but tell them you disagree in a kind way no one likes to get shot down when their trying to share their ideas. Just say something like "i guess, i think it's more like......"
-Smile. Your body language says ALOT, and body language is the wrong word for it more like face body language. Cause if you have a mean look people won't want to be around you, but if you smile alot people with think your a happy guy and want some of that. Make kind gestures with your body, and dont go around with a stiff upper lip and your eye brows tilted down.
-DONT EVER TRY TO MAKE SOMEONE LIKE YOU. If u have done this i want you to slap yourself, because it will never work. I always worried about people liking me before and i got ****. If you just be yourself people will respect that and hang with you, but u must also except the fact that NOT EVERYONE WILL LIKE YOU. Some people dont like you. so what?
-Be positive. You can disagree with people, but you should support your peers and they'll support you. Make people feel safe to be around you. When people feel its ok to let go around you, you've hit the jack pot with that person, and you guys will be friends for a long time.
-Be open to what people say. Like i said you can disagree with people, but tell them you disagree in a kind way no one likes to get shot down when their trying to share their ideas. Just say something like "i guess, i think it's more like......"
-Smile. Your body language says ALOT, and body language is the wrong word for it more like face body language. Cause if you have a mean look people won't want to be around you, but if you smile alot people with think your a happy guy and want some of that. Make kind gestures with your body, and dont go around with a stiff upper lip and your eye brows tilted down.