Becoming DJ changes old friendships.


Don Juan
Apr 11, 2006
Reaction score
Sydney Australia
Hey Guys,

Has anyone experienced bad feedback from old female friends after becoming a DJ? I'm getting things like. You've changed and I don't know if it's for the better.

Even old AFC friends don’t respond too well to an alpha personality. Confident people love a Don Juan. I'm finding insecure people aren't quite so fascinated.

Any comments or similar experiences? Just something that I have been noticing lately.



Master Don Juan
Aug 6, 2006
Reaction score
Yeah, thats been happening to me since June.

Trying to prevent it is like trying to prevent continental drift; its slow, but its gonna happen whether you like it or not.

Alot of my friends think I've changed and act really uncomfortable around me...You know, trying to have a conversation and they either get nervous or just let it die out...Nah not much fun. The best I've been able to manage with alot of my old friends is to act nice around them, like you would around a retarded person; you know they'll always be there for you, but aren't much fun to hang out with...

My path is the best solution to your problem.
I "make new friends, but never disrespect old ones." Read it on one of those "Life's Little Instructions" boards once while i was taking a dump! :D


Master Don Juan
Feb 11, 2004
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The majority of people out there have insecurities. Even so it's best not to exclude them or make them feel worse, thats if they are your friends. Thats how it is, insecure people are friends with insecure people. Confident people are friends with confident people. Similarities attract.

The problem with being alpha is insecure people will reject you first because they dont want the risk of being rejected by you.

Francisco d'Anconia

Master Don Juan
Jul 10, 2003
Reaction score
Galt's Gulch
You'll probably get that from both male and female friends. You're not 'one of them' any more and its making them uncomfortable. You'll either have to learn to live with those types of comments or find people of a similar caliber as you to hang out with. It's like the age old separation of the "have's" and the "have nots."


Don Juan
Apr 11, 2006
Reaction score
Sydney Australia
Exactly. And I think Confident people accept each other as we don't bring each other down with negative bs.


Master Don Juan
Apr 6, 2005
Reaction score
After awhile you learn to lead instead of follow. As someone said,when you aren't one of "them" and you stand out above the rest it startles "them".


Senior Don Juan
Jun 5, 2006
Reaction score
ntdawg said:
Hey Guys,

Has anyone experienced bad feedback from old female friends after becoming a DJ? I'm getting things like. You've changed and I don't know if it's for the better.

Even old AFC friends don’t respond too well to an alpha personality. Confident people love a Don Juan. I'm finding insecure people aren't quite so fascinated.

Any comments or similar experiences? Just something that I have been noticing lately.

This is a very interesting topic, as there are four different types of DJ's, (1) being the tough cool dude redneck type, (2) the smooth talking flamboyant ****y and funny pretty boy type who although being extremely confident when around woman can't really protect himself in a violent type of physical confrontation, (3) the yuppie or businessman type, (4) the ones like us on this site who are not natural DJ's and have had to learn how to become one.

I don't think many guys, either DJ's nor AFC's like to be around a DJ, especially the type of guy who wasn't a natural DJ in the beginning.

In most cases if you have been known to everyone as an AFC, a Wuss, a Wimp, and a Loser in the past, it is going to be extremely difficult for you to ever be veiwed as the ultimate AlphaMale by many of these guys even after you have changed for many years.

First impressions are very powerful and they usually depict how other guys and girls as well veiw you throughout your life.

It is much easier to make a positive impression on someone who knows nothing about your past after you have changed.

Many guys who have changed from being AFC's to DJ's still carry the effects of their pasts as losers, wusses, and wimps, and therefore may still resent the natural types of DJ guys and attack them on their weaknesses once they have discovered them.

There are alot of DJ's who were former AFC's who are not alluring the hot babes by their confidence, but more so by the psychology of which they have learnt about attracting woman over the years.

These guys have learnt how to pick up the prettiest girls, yet they don't really like the natural DJ types.

I tend to think that the natural DJ's prefer to be in the company of the other natural DJ guys, who have always been in the in crowd, where as the guy who has changed from an AFC into a DJ often remains the lone wolf type, manages to be able to allure the hottest babes, focuses alot more on sarging for pretty girls, rather than on building freindships with other guys and prefer their former AFC freinds over the natural DJ types.

I may be wrong about this, but it seems as if it is right to me, what I have written here, :yes:


Master Don Juan
Feb 29, 2004
Reaction score
Baltimore, MD
Francisco d'Anconia said:
You'll probably get that from both male and female friends. You're not 'one of them' any more and its making them uncomfortable. You'll either have to learn to live with those types of comments or find people of a similar caliber as you to hang out with. It's like the age old separation of the "have's" and the "have nots."

once again you speak the truth.

When I first started to turn into a DJ back in tenth grade (god has it really been that long since I first visited the website :up: ). I had a lot of old friends that used to pick on me and make me feel like sh!t.

I started to change into a DJ, these friends started to get upset with me because I was more adept to not taking their sh!t anymore. They made me into a laughing stock until I kicked their @$$ (figuratively) by getting into one of the most prestigious summer programs in PA, becoming rally good in weight lifting and baseball, and getting a gold medal at National Competition for the FCCLA for Career Investigation. Once that happened, I was showing them what I could possibly have become. They became jealous of my success and really started to try to bring me back down. No bite.

I then went unto an Ivy League School and those old friends are staying in my past instead of going on with me into the future.



Master Don Juan
Oct 14, 2005
Reaction score
Auckland, New Zealand
Yea now all you gotta do is follow warboss's advice on getting big and cut and you wil get the 'hate' look.

Get used to it it means your doing good, and people are hating on you cause you have the balls to do what you want.

You have what they want and it kills them deep inside, btw Francisco hits the spot in his post.


Senior Don Juan
Jun 5, 2006
Reaction score
comic_relief said:

once again you speak the truth.

When I first started to turn into a DJ back in tenth grade (god has it really been that long since I first visited the website :up: ). I had a lot of old friends that used to pick on me and make me feel like sh!t.

I started to change into a DJ, these friends started to get upset with me because I was more adept to not taking their sh!t anymore. They made me into a laughing stock until I kicked their @$$ (figuratively) by getting into one of the most prestigious summer programs in PA, becoming rally good in weight lifting and baseball, and getting a gold medal at National Competition for the FCCLA for Career Investigation. Once that happened, I was showing them what I could possibly have become. They became jealous of my success and really started to try to bring me back down. No bite.

I then went unto an Ivy League School and those old friends are staying in my past instead of going on with me into the future.

As unfortunate as it may be, you can always change yourself, but you can never change the entire world, one man has never been able to stop earthquakes, hurricanes, tidal waves, terrorists, serial killers, or economic collapses, nor can a man be certain of a horse winning a race, he can only change himself in the environment of which he is trapped within. :confused:


Master Don Juan
Jun 19, 2006
Reaction score
I tend to think that the natural DJ's prefer to be in the company of the other natural DJ guys, who have always been in the in crowd, where as the guy who has changed from an AFC into a DJ often remains the lone wolf type, manages to be able to allure the hottest babes, focuses alot more on sarging for pretty girls, rather than on building freindships with other guys and prefer their former AFC freinds over the natural DJ types.
This rings true in my own experience. I was never socialy 'ept' until finding these sites and gaining experience. I have learned how to become Alpha and its true that I do resent natural Alpha's and choose not to hang with them and rather be a lone-wolf and go to a club solo and pull hottest girl while natural alphas will go in packs and pull together... I don't see other alphas as friends, they are nothing but competittion trying to take my kills... I don't compete I just find more plentiful prey ;)


mister o

New Member
Oct 9, 2006
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Just to echo what a lot of you guys are saying, I've noticed similar reactions recently. Since I started DJing, I haven't been going along with the negativity of my insecure friends. I'm not "looking down on them" or anything, just staying my positive persona and not complaining about **** with them. Also, some of my jerk (as in nice guy vs. jerk) friends who in the past could usually force me into going out or doing stuff I didn't feel like haven't been impacting me either. I've got to say, for me it's downright liberating. For the jerk friends though (who also happen to be spoiled), they get all pissy when they can’t control people. So both my quiet-insecure and obnoxious-insecure previous friends have been very passive-aggressive-ish since my DJ-ing began. I don’t mind though, because I love it and frankly they were bringing me down.

Incidentally, I've actually had a decent amount of non-insecure people come right out and say to me "you seem different this year.. more grown-up." Some of those people include close confident friends and even (female) teachers I know pretty well.