Banging a girl at the same time as another dude

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Yeah OK

Don Juan
Feb 5, 2010
Reaction score
Oh Just a Shot Away, how I long to simply continue lurking the forum for my customary 10 minutes per day. Instead, we continue…

Just a Shot Away said:
Well you're more than welcome to judge of course, but it'd be nice if people would keep the judgments to themselves considering they have nothing to do with my question and only clog the thread.
Of course! Good heavens, where are our manners? Let's answer your really complicated and important question! What was it again? Ahh yes, let's re-read this perplexing quandary of your’s one last time...

Just a Shot Away said:
if anybody has any ideas of how she can get out of [having sex with her husband] or relate how I can deal with my disgust of sleeping with a girl that just got railed the day prior I would like to hear it.
Ok, so it's not actually a question. But nonetheless it's still been answered--either directly or indirectly--by almost everyone who has responded to you. MY solution was for you to stop f*cking a married chick. What? That isn't what you want to hear? I'm shocked.

What you actually want is any response that will reinforce your terrible life choices. That way, you can feel more comfortable about continuing an unhealthy situation that you know, deep down, is about to get A LOT more unhealthy.

But hey! Look! You got one! Zarky told you that "as long as she took a shower between the other guy and you, what do you care? [...] Calm down and get over yourself."

You said this was solid advice.

I'm glad you have received a response you wanted to hear. Just make sure she bathes regularly before you stick your d*ck inside her. Cool? Cool.

Now that that brain-buster has been settled, let's "clog" your thread speaking about something a bit more important. May we? Great, let's.

Just a Shot Away said:
As for being "despicable", I'm of the opinion that all is fair in love and war. You don't agree? Hey, that's cool. I feel no need to refer to you as "low value" because of this disagreement though.
No, I don't agree. Anyone who believes in the Geneva Conventions, the U.S. Constitution, or the basic tenets of almost any organized religion don't either. Hell, I know anarchist atheists that don't agree with your opinion.

But of course, it doesn't matter who believes what. You and I both know that. The beauty of life is that you get to choose whatever you want to do, as long as you're willing to suffer whatever consequences may be attached to the decisions you make. The problem in your case is that you're either:

1) Too oblivious to see what the consequences of what you're doing will be, or
2) You know the consequences but are so pathetically desperate that you'll do absolutely anything to feel wanted by the opposite sex… even if it means having an even more miserable future.


But who cares, right? You have low values, low expectations, no standards, and you make no secret of it. I have high values, high expectations, high standards, and I make no secret of it. (So, quite obviously, you have no reason to refer to me as "low value" in this disagreement. But you knew that already. Next time you try to throw guilt trips for name-calling, make sure you throw it at someone who actually feels guilty about it. Because I certainly don’t.)

Just a Shot Away said:
Yes...she says this, and I believe her. It's fine if you can't trust anything a woman says, but I consider myself a very good judge of character and can usually see through dishonesty. Also, if a friend says they are being's my business. You wouldn't help a friend that says they are being physically abused unless you witness it firsthand? That's harsh, dude.
Oh Lord, here we go.

1) I don’t recall ever saying to not trust this woman BECAUSE she’s a woman. I never did, and never would. Of course you can trust what a woman says if she has earned your trust through consistent honesty and admirable behavior. Just because I deem the particular slvt you are cheating with to be consistently dishonest and untrustworthy doesn't mean I deem all women to be.

2) So now you consider yourself a good judge of character. I pray you're joking. So when you met this married woman with a child who is willing to f*ck you without divorcing her husband first, what part of her character spoke out to you the most? Actually she seems like a really sweet girl to me too! She won't divorce her husband because she has a child. So, out of "respect for the child," secretly having sex with you is the only solution. Classy.

3) You know, the way you just portrayed yourself in a positive light regarding your views on physical abuse, I like it. But I would love it and actually commend you for it if I felt what you just said truly characterized the type of person you are. Too bad that's not the case at all. So how exactly did you help your "friend" (you know which "friend" I'm referring to here) who's getting physically abused? I'm sure you called the police, and let her and her child stay with you in your home until the authorities worked out the domestic violence case. Right? No? You just f*cked her and thought about how much of a jerk her husband is while you did it? Well then... that's an interesting way to go about helping her abuse situation. Kudos on all your hard work “helping” your “friend” in need.


If a woman asks you for help, or shows you bruises/cuts/marks, of course help them get out of the abusive situation. When I say “help them get out of the abusive situation,” that doesn’t mean you should simply f*ck them and give a couple well-placed “wow, what an assh*le!” remarks whenever she complains about him. This woman--who is definitely honor-less and class-less--has not shown you any marks, and has not asked for your help. She’s merely complained and fed you a great rationale for some guilt-free cheating on your part. That’s all.

You can climb off your non-existent high horse now.

Just a Shot Away said:
That wasn't a judgment. That was speculation, and I made no statement indicating my feelings about it one way or another.
We’re getting into semantics here. Luckily, I love semantics.

Your argument might convince a room full of people learning English as a second language that what you’re saying is true. Luckily I’m a native English speaker and know better. Saying “But hey, maybe you guys think it's cool to hit women” in the context you said it was clearly a value judgment. As was, “You wouldn't help a friend that says they are being physically abused unless you witness it firsthand? That's harsh, dude.” Was that a judgment also? Yes, it was. You’re a hypocrite indeed. And in case you’re wondering, I’m not speculating when I say that.

However, despite being a hypocrite, I’m glad you have a judgmental side to you. Without having at least some values with which to judge others, you couldn’t be judgmental at all. Just add “don’t f*ck a married chick” to your list of personal values and you’ll be stepping in the right direction to a better lifestyle.

Just a Shot Away said:
Thanks for the input. Yes, I know it sucks not being able to get girls. It must be really awesome to have that ability, huh? I mean, I see chicks walking around on the street after coming out of the bars late at night with the dudes they will be banging later on that night and think "What a lucky guy, to be able to get girls." You're one of those guys? That's awesome, man. Should I be applauding? I apologize for having low self-esteem. Is that going to be enough for you or do I need to send money or something?
Despite the sarcasm, you’re welcome for the input. Here’s some more.

You are FULLY CAPABLE of getting girls. Although this is a horrid example to use, the married chick you are having sex with is--I hope--a girl. She is living proof that you are capable of “getting” a girl. That is, if your definition of “getting” a girl is merely having sex with one (which I believe your’s is). The problem is with your mind state. You’re creating fake excuses for not going after what you truly want in life. Just like you’re creating fake reasons to justify cheating with a married woman. Stop. Open your eyes and cut the bullsh*t.

This site has a plethora of good information. It has a plethora of garbage advice too. But if you actually TRIED to implement what you’ve read, you’d have already learned what works and what doesn’t. Instead, you’d prefer to quit trying to improve yourself and just bang some desperate married tramp that apparently “fell into your lap.”

In consumer terms, you get what you pay for. In relationship terms, you get what you work for.

If you want quality, you have to put in work for it. It’s not surprising that a low quality woman like this one was easy to hook up with, married or not married. Her value, like your’s, is LOW.

For my sake, keep scraping the bottom of the female barrel. Just means there’ll be even more high quality women available for me to choose from. Every city needs someone to take out the garbage. You’re more than welcome to move to mine.

But for YOUR sake, quit wallowing in self-pity and go after the best. If you succeed, great. If you don’t, great. Sometimes you win, sometimes you learn. But if you keep at it you WILL get there. I did.

Yeah OK

Don Juan
Feb 5, 2010
Reaction score
Just a Shot Away said:
I've been trying to improve myself in this area for almost a decade, and still trying. I'm sorry if I'm not making progress quickly enough for you, but everyone has their own strengths and weaknesses. I didn't really "go this route", so much as this is the route that landed in my lap.
If you’ve been trying to improve for 10 years and you still haven’t obtained significant results, you haven’t been trying hard enough. Do you strive to be the best at whatever it is you do for a living? Do you exercise regularly? Do you consistently read books that expand your world view? Do you have an active social life and spend your free time with people who improve your quality of life? Do you present yourself well? Do you have any passionate hobbies?

Regardless of your answers to those questions, the most important question is this: Do you chase after what you truly want in life, or do you just take whatever you can get with the most minimal effort?

If your answer mirrors the latter part of this question, then you’ll never succeed.

Winners, regardless of whether they succeed or fail, are constantly searching for the next better thing. They never stagnate and get too comfortable as long as there’s another challenge somewhere out there to overcome. Losers half-ass their way through life, attribute failure to some sort of fantasized deficiency they were born with, and settle for whatever they can get with zero effort.

Notice the definition of a winner I just provided does NOT depend on success. It depends on attitude and action. Adjust your’s accordingly.

Just a Shot Away said:
Yes, assume. Why read my post when you can just make assumptions and sound like an idiot? Anyway, she hates her husband. She stays with him for the sake of their child. What happened when he came back yesterday? She cried and let me know about how his return only heightened her desire to see me as quickly as possible and how the countdown turned from days to hours.
Believe me, I read your post. Given the lack of detailed information on your part, I made due with what you provided. I still believe my statement to be the case. If the assumption was wrong, you haven’t corrected it.

But even with assumptions, I don’t sound like an idiot. If you would like to learn what an idiot actually sounds like, this next quote is fool’s gold...

Just a Shot Away said:
There's roughly 350 million women in this world between the ages of 18 and 40 that are 8's or above. Of those, roughly 350 million desire confidence in a mate above all else. You are talking to someone with confidence in the negatives. I don't know, you do the math. Again, I apologize for not having confidence and being weak with women. What can I do to appease you for this inexcusable lack of a trait given to some people at birth?
Really? There’s 350 million women in the world who are between the ages of 18 and 40 that are an 8 or hotter on a 10-point scale? And virtually all of them care chiefly about confidence in a mate?

Gee, the World Almanac sure got pretty specific this year.

Ok, let’s do some math. We’ll keep it as basic as possible.

Your excuses ≠ Reality.

Now some logical reasoning. How about an “if…then” statement?

JASA was not born with the “trait” to attract women,
And if the most important “trait” that attracts 350 million women is confidence,
And if confidence is a belief and not a “trait” one can possibly be born with,

JASA is giving more bullsh*t excuses for his lack of effort.

Just a Shot Away said:
At the moment? No, not really. I don't really have what it takes to get a girl period, at the moment. Single or married, doesn't make a difference. I have no confidence or game, lack the ability to put women in a sexual state, only make things VERY awkward with any attempt at kino, cannot make eye contact with any woman above a 4 and instinctively break the EC if it happens by accident, and do not project a masculine, dominant aura. In addition, I have been rejected by every single girl I have ever pursued. I ended up with this chick via pure serendipity. I'm not whining about her having sex with her husband. I asked advice on dealing with it if I am unable to prevent it from occurring.
You have NO right to “prevent” a married couple from having sex. Having sex with the guy’s wife isn’t disgraceful enough in itself? You want to make the husband abstinent too? Maybe you could score his Social Security Number and steal his identity while you’re at it. Did YOU register this sosuave username or did you take that from the poor sap too?

Never in my life have I heard of someone hoping to c*ckblock a married couple before. Ever. The utter selfishness, insolence, and insecurity required to even consider such a thing is staggering. I hope this guy someday realizes how much he’s getting f*cked over because you can’t hold eye contact or kino a girl who’s single. Simply laughable.

Just a Shot Away said:
This guy is my "fellow soldier", now? Come on. A bit melodramatic, don't you think? Like I said. I have no feelings of brotherhood for a guy that likes to hit women. My conscience is clear.
“Fellow soldier” was more a reference to your fellow man than to this specific individual. It was to stress the idea of practicing decency for a fellow human being who has gone through many of the same life obstacles that you have.

Your conscience is clear? Great. Your selfish concerns are all that matters when it comes to this woman and her family, afterall. I wouldn’t expect any less from you.

Just a Shot Away said:
No, and I have no idea where you got that from. I'm only referring to her having sex with her husband. I understand that you think anyone who cheats on their partner becomes a "tramp", but again...all is fair in love and war. That's only MY opinion, though.
No, I think anyone who is married, with one or more children, who has sex with someone else without first obtaining a divorce, and who acts like behaving this way is what’s best for his or her child(ren), is a tramp. Or a complete d*ckhead. Or a stupid wh*re. Choose whichever term has the best ‘ring’ to it.

Just a Shot Away said:
Now as far as your other post, I think it's awesome you've saved four different marriages. Maybe you should become a motivational speaker or something, seriously...if what you say is in fact true, of course. My view is that they are grown women. If they want to have sex with me even though they're married, that's their business. I'm not going to tell them how to live their lives.
Thank you. It is indeed true, and I’m quite proud of it.

I agree with you to the extent that they’re grown women and capable of making their own decisions.

That doesn’t have anything to do with YOUR decision to cheat with them. You’re a grown man (I presume), and are capable of making your own decisions as well. What you two are doing requires the consent of both parties. If you had said “no” at any point in time in this affair, you wouldn’t have had to make a thread about preparing to have sex with a worn-down, exhausted vagina. Being a horny male doesn’t excuse you from the fact that you’re as equally responsible for the cheating as she is.

Just a Shot Away said:
Scenarios 1-4 won't happen because like I said (which you would have known had you read my post), they live halfway across the country. Whilst I'm blowing my load all over his wife, he will be sitting a thousand miles away watching TV or cheating on her or whatever he does with his spare time. No danger, there. You also said that I don't care about others, which is just not true. I do care for others, but I'm still a member of the animal kingdom and look out for number 1 first and foremost. I see nothing wrong with a female believing that I present a superior evolutionary package to the male she is currently running around with, and wanting to mate with me. To deny our own impulses is to deny the very thing that makes us human. That, my friend, is not an opinion. That's a fact.
Hey, can you believe it!? You went from being completely repulsive to 350 million different women to presenting “a superior evolutionary package” in less than 5 paragraphs! You may just have some confidence hidden inside that desperate exterior of your’s afterall kiddo.

I’m always amazed by how many people use biology as a scapegoat. Yes, you’re an animal. That’s not a valid excuse to do whatever the f*ck you want in a structured, developed modern society.

If you’re going to be an animal, you’ve got to really embrace it. So how about this. Go kill someone. Animals kill other animals. Then, at the murder trial, just tell the judge “I’m a superior human specimen and it was my evolutionary destiny to kill that inferior creature! I am designed to look out for my own interests and to deny my urge to murder that man would be denying my human essence! This fact cannot be denied!”

Meanwhile, while you’re doing 20 years to life in federal prison, next time some dude named Tank knocks your teeth out, forces his tattooed penis in-between your tightened lips, and drenches your tonsils with hot cvm, you can pat him on the back for following his animal urges. After you swallow, of course. Tank doesn’t like spitters.

And of course, when Tank registers on sosuave and posts a thread wanting to know how he should get over his insecurities about skull-f*cking you after several other guys have had a go the same day, I’ll be sure to pass on all I’ve learned from you and your post.

“Just make sure he showers first.”

Damn, you’re right. That is solid advice.


Master Don Juan
Sep 6, 2009
Reaction score
Why hasn't nobody suggested Just a Shot Away to do her, anally?

Seriously. I'm not going to bash on you about the circumstances you're in or if you are 1st, 2nd or 3rd afters. You've found some poon and thats that. So, I'm going with the notion that it is only Finders, Keepers, Losers, Weepers. Thats just how the game is. Thats how women are. Especially military wifes.

If you feel so much contempt to go after her husband, do her anally, rigourously too. I think your problem is more of a egotistical issue rather than the situation of her spouse status. Thats the only thing I can think of, does this woman not bath or clean up after shes done? Whats the difference between your last ex-girlfriends puzzy to this woman's puzzy? Your just another guy thats having his rod up in her. Just like your last and just like the next gf you'll have, yep, somebody was splitting her pink before you.

Just a Shot Away

Master Don Juan
Oct 12, 2009
Reaction score
Yeah OK said:
Regardless of your answers to those questions, the most important question is this: Do you chase after what you truly want in life, or do you just take whatever you can get with the most minimal effort?
Actually, I do both. I'm currently chasing two of my dreams and also taking whatever I can get in life.

Believe me, I read your post. Given the lack of detailed information on your part, I made due with what you provided.
Yes. You "made due(sic)" with the facts by changing them around to fit your preconceived notions about what happens in extramarital affairs.

Really? There’s 350 million women in the world who are between the ages of 18 and 40 that are an 8 or hotter on a 10-point scale? And virtually all of them care chiefly about confidence in a mate? Gee, the World Almanac sure got pretty specific this year.
No Almanac needed. Simple math and census data. I can give you the breakdown for you if you don't understand.

JASA is giving more bullsh*t excuses for his lack of effort.
I've put in the effort. Girls still aren't attracted. This comes as no surprise to those who understand how sexual selection works.

You have NO right to “prevent” a married couple from having sex.
No, but then again a married man doesn't have the "right" to have sex with his wife. So what's your point?

I hope this guy someday realizes how much he’s getting f*cked over because you can’t hold eye contact or kino a girl who’s single. Simply laughable.
I'm glad you think the misery of others is funny. What were you saying about people being "shells of men"?

Or a stupid wh*re. Choose whichever term has the best ‘ring’ to it.
I choose "sexual being." Facts generally have a FANTASTIC sounding ring to them.

If you had said “no” at any point in time in this affair, you wouldn’t have had to make a thread about preparing to have sex with a worn-down, exhausted vagina. Being a horny male doesn’t excuse you from the fact that you’re as equally responsible for the cheating as she is.
Nah, she ain't worn down. Like I said...2 months without sex and before that it was sporadic at best. Sure, I'm "responsible" for the sex. It takes two to tango. This is nothing new.

You went from being completely repulsive to 350 million different women to presenting “a superior evolutionary package” in less than 5 paragraphs! You may just have some confidence hidden inside that desperate exterior of your’s afterall kiddo.
This is just science. It doesn't really take confidence to be aware of how sexual selection works.

I’m always amazed by how many people use biology as a scapegoat. Yes, you’re an animal. That’s not a valid excuse to do whatever the f*ck you want in a structured, developed modern society.
Biology isn't a scapegoat. First of all, for a scapegoat to be present "blame" must also exist. There is no blame that needs to be spread around, here. Secondly, while biology is not a valid excuse for doing whatever you want, it is the underlying purpose for every single facet of human existence. If you can't accept that, then go hit the hash pipe and live in a treehouse in the woods or something. I can't help you with that one.

If you’re going to be an animal, you’ve got to really embrace it. So how about this. Go kill someone. Animals kill other animals. Then, at the murder trial, just tell the judge “I’m a superior human specimen and it was my evolutionary destiny to kill that inferior creature!
Horrible analogy and here's why: (most) humans don't murder other humans because they "have a conscience" or live in a "modern society" or any other idealistic BS reason you can come up. The only reason that children aren't being raped in the streets and people aren't being beat to death in public with whatever weapons other humans can find is because of one reason, and one reason only: the justice system. You take away any semblance of law, order, and consequences (the aftermath of Hurricane Katrina in New Orleans is a nice example) and everything goes out the window. Believe me. Humans still operate on the most basic carnal instincts...we've just learned to control these instincts to avoid consequences (prison). Telling yourself that we don't murder other humans because we have made "progress" is just naive.

To add a nice bookend to all this nonsense, I think it's only fair to provide an update as to what happened over the weekend. She succeeded in avoiding sex with her husband, although I believe I didn't have so much to do with it as just her being busy with her child and the fact that she doesn't really enjoy sex with him all that much. That was my original dilemma, even though a few posters helped spin this thread into the off-topic stratosphere and I appreciate the help from those that provided it. Thanks.

Just a Shot Away

Master Don Juan
Oct 12, 2009
Reaction score
Yeah OK said:
Oh Just a Shot Away, how I long to simply continue lurking the forum for my customary 10 minutes per day. Instead, we continue…
Then stop quoting every single sentence I write with a paragraph long response. It makes these debates go much quicker.

MY solution was for you to stop f*cking a married chick.
That's a solution to a problem that does not exist. Obviously, I'm not interested in such "solutions."

What you actually want is any response that will reinforce your terrible life choices.
Well, the morality of the situation never came into play in this thread. A couple guys felt the need to offer unwelcome opinions about that particular topic. What I actually wanted was advice for the problem in question.

No, I don't agree. Anyone who believes in the Geneva Conventions, the U.S. Constitution, or the basic tenets of almost any organized religion don't either. Hell, I know anarchist atheists that don't agree with your opinion.
It's an expression, friend. In this situation, it basically means that if you lose your girl to a different dude nobody's going to really care once you run to them crying foul. There are no referees in the game of seduction throwing up yellow cards when a guy gets AMOG'd, despite your wishes.

The problem in your case is that you're either:

1) Too oblivious to see what the consequences of what you're doing will be, or
2) You know the consequences but are so pathetically desperate that you'll do absolutely anything to feel wanted by the opposite sex… even if it means having an even more miserable future.
Of course you being wrong isn't an option. How convenient for you. ;) Your problem is either

1) Your wife left you for another dude and now feel obligated to run to the aid of any man who may be going through the same deal
2) You have no grasp on reality and instead see the world through idealistic eyes that are blind to how seduction really works.

Wow, my being wrong isn't an option either. What ever shall we do?!

So, quite obviously, you have no reason to refer to me as "low value" in this disagreement.
Eh, one could make the case that a guy shoving his snout in other people's business, tossing out unfounded moral judgments about strangers, and touting oneself as the authority about what is and isn't fair in seduction makes the aforementioned guy "low value." I'm not saying that you are low value of course, but one could definitely make the case.

1) I don’t recall ever saying to not trust this woman BECAUSE she’s a woman
Yeah, well I never said that either. More useless debate about an accusation that was never made.

Of course you can trust what a woman says if she has earned your trust through consistent honesty and admirable behavior. Just because I deem the particular slvt you are cheating with to be consistently dishonest and untrustworthy doesn't mean I deem all women to be.
Wow, 2 guys in 4 years makes you a "slut" now? Where do you go to meet singles? A convent? Anyway, we all issue some amount of trust to all strangers. Ever take a taxi? Give a drive-thru employee the cash before you get your food? Close your eyes when someone asks you to? That's what I thought, Yeah OK.

She won't divorce her husband because she has a child. So, out of "respect for the child," secretly having sex with you is the only solution. Classy.
I never said she was classy, OR that this was the only solution. More useless fluff text pulled from your ass, so I won't bother to reply.

So how exactly did you help your "friend" (you know which "friend" I'm referring to here) who's getting physically abused? I'm sure you called the police...Kudos on all your hard work “helping” your “friend” in need.
You're out there, man. Yeah, I'm going to call the police on a crime that I have no physical evidence for that is occurring 1K miles away. Real solid deductive reasoning there.

If a woman asks you for help, or shows you bruises/cuts/marks, of course help them get out of the abusive situation.
Oh, now you'll help a friend if they show you a BRUISE...alright. That's a little bit more tolerable. See, before you said you would only help this friend if you WITNESSED the abuse firsthand. Don't try to go all soft on me now. Stand behind your viewpoints or apologize and admit you were wrong.

Saying “But hey, maybe you guys think it's cool to hit women” in the context you said it was clearly a value judgment...As was, “You wouldn't help a friend that says they are being physically abused unless you witness it firsthand? That's harsh, dude.” Was that a judgment also?
No. Harsh is a subjective term to be sure, but I made no assumptions about your character or ability to make moral decisions. That's the big difference, here. As for you thinking it's cool to hit women, that was merely speculation. I allow for the possibility that you do NOT think it's cool to hit women.

The problem is with your mind state. You’re creating fake excuses for not going after what you truly want in life. Just like you’re creating fake reasons to justify cheating with a married woman. Stop. Open your eyes and cut the bullsh*t.
I agree. My mind state is a big problem. After years of rejection and ridicule from women I'm a broken man. I find it very hard to get motivated to continue the mating sequence with any girl once it's been initiated, assuming of course that I've failed at annoying the situation in the first place. Again, I don't need to "justify" a married woman's decision to sleep with me.

But if you actually TRIED to implement what you’ve read, you’d have already learned what works and what doesn’t.
I've tried "faking it until you make it", false time constraints, kino, "believing you are the prize", AMOG'ing, etc. All the major techniques, in other words. I've tried, and failed every time. You assume like it's a full-time job.

If you want quality, you have to put in work for it. It’s not surprising that a low quality woman like this one was easy to hook up with, married or not married. Her value, like your’s, is LOW.
Who said it was easy? Oh, and she's good-looking. Good-looking women are automatically elevated to "high value" status upon birth. That's just how society works.

Every city needs someone to take out the garbage. You’re more than welcome to move to mine.
I get rejected by fat chicks all the time. REALLY fat chicks. You'll do fine, bro. San Francisco was never really my style, anyway.

But for YOUR sake, quit wallowing in self-pity and go after the best. If you succeed, great. If you don’t, great. Sometimes you win, sometimes you learn. But if you keep at it you WILL get there. I did.
So wait wait wait wait wait want to spend 5,000+ words tearing me down in attempts to convince me that I'm a bad guy, "shell of a man", "low value", etc...but then turn around and conclude your post with words of encouragement and good luck? You can't have it both ways. Either continue your quest to berate those who have a different code of ethics than you do, or give advice to those who ask for it.


Senior Don Juan
Aug 21, 2010
Reaction score
I'm not going to join the morality police and hen peck you about f*cking another man's husband. I've done it before. Just get used to carrying a gun with you and looking behind you at all times.

What's sad is that you have NO OTHER OPTIONS.

Real Talk

Don Juan
May 27, 2010
Reaction score
TheAsianLoverReturns said:
I'm not going to join the morality police and hen peck you about f*cking another man's husband. I've done it before

Young Juan

Senior Don Juan
Jun 4, 2001
Reaction score
Ahwatukee, AZ
Is this really still a discussion? Hasn't all there is to say been said by now?

Either you have the answer by now OR you're not going to get the answer from these guys. Which is it?
Oct 29, 2009
Reaction score
This thread is still on the first page? Wow, I thought Yeah Ok pretty much wrapped this thing up a couple of pages ago.

Just a Shot Away

Master Don Juan
Oct 12, 2009
Reaction score
The Piano Master said:
This thread is still on the first page? Wow, I thought Yeah Ok pretty much wrapped this thing up a couple of pages ago.
Yeah, I was busy spending the weekend with a married girl so I couldn't reply for a few days. :p Truthfully my question doesn't even matter anymore since the issue was resolved and it's in the past. I just had to set the record straight on a few accusations that were being thrown around.
Oct 29, 2009
Reaction score
Just a Shot Away said:
Yeah, I was busy spending the weekend with a married girl so I couldn't reply for a few days. :p
Hey good for you I guess. Let me ask you a question: are there any children involved here? I'll interpret the ole' "no reply" as a yes.

Just a Shot Away

Master Don Juan
Oct 12, 2009
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The Piano Master said:
Hey good for you I guess. Let me ask you a question: are there any children involved here? I'll interpret the ole' "no reply" as a yes.
Why would you ask a question that's been answered multiple times throughout the thread? I mean, never mind the fact that it has absolutely nothing to do with the thread topic...that doesn't make much sense.
Oct 29, 2009
Reaction score
Just a Shot Away said:
Why would you ask a question that's been answered multiple times throughout the thread? I mean, never mind the fact that it has absolutely nothing to do with the thread topic...that doesn't make much sense.
I'll take that as a yes. Nice to see where you stand in this world. :trouble: :moon: :nono:

Channel your excited feelings into positive thoughts and behaviors. You will attract women by being enthusiastic, radiating energy, and becoming someone who is fun to be around.

Quote taken from The SoSuave Guide to Women and Dating, which you can read for FREE.


Master Don Juan
May 25, 2008
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Just a Shot Away said:
Actually, I do both. I'm currently chasing two of my dreams and also taking whatever I can get in life.
How do you chase a dream and settle for whatever you can get? That's not chasing. That's giving up.

No Almanac needed. Simple math and census data. I can give you the breakdown for you if you don't understand.
Funny. I've never seen a census form with "are you an 8 or above on the attractiveness scale".

I'd like to see that breakdown.

I've put in the effort. Girls still aren't attracted. This comes as no surprise to those who understand how sexual selection works.
Then you haven't put in enough effort. I agree, it's no surprise.

This is just science. It doesn't really take confidence to be aware of how sexual selection works.
As I've explained to you before, science doesn't work like this. Confidence is not measurable. Science deals with quantifiable variables. Please pay better attention in class.

You're out there, man. Yeah, I'm going to call the police on a crime that I have no physical evidence for that is occurring 1K miles away. Real solid deductive reasoning there.
Then how about getting some evidence? Oh, you're not really that concerned. You're just willing to fvck the abused chick while she's getting beaten by her husband.

You're a pathetic excuse for a human, no wonder you see yourself as an animal.

I agree. My mind state is a big problem. After years of rejection and ridicule from women I'm a broken man. I find it very hard to get motivated to continue the mating sequence with any girl once it's been initiated, assuming of course that I've failed at annoying the situation in the first place. Again, I don't need to "justify" a married woman's decision to sleep with me.
You don't think any one else here has been rejected? Boo hoo. Hell, I get shot down all the time, and sometimes by girls I REALLY like. It sucks, but I get over it eventually.

You're simply a coward. Keep making excuses.

Also, why the hell are you hitting on fat chicks?
Oct 29, 2009
Reaction score
Alle_Gory said:
How do you chase a dream and settle for whatever you can get? That's not chasing. That's giving up.

Funny. I've never seen a census form with "are you an 8 or above on the attractiveness scale".

I'd like to see that breakdown.

Then you haven't put in enough effort. I agree, it's no surprise.

As I've explained to you before, science doesn't work like this. Confidence is not measurable. Science deals with quantifiable variables. Please pay better attention in class.

Then how about getting some evidence? Oh, you're not really that concerned. You're just willing to fvck the abused chick while she's getting beaten by her husband.

You're a pathetic excuse for a human, no wonder you see yourself as an animal.

You don't think any one else here has been rejected? Boo hoo. Hell, I get shot down all the time, and sometimes by girls I REALLY like. It sucks, but I get over it eventually.

You're simply a coward. Keep making excuses.

Also, why the hell are you hitting on fat chicks?
Damn...this must be the 5th or 6th time this thread that Just a Shot Away as just been demolished. :D

Just a Shot Away

Master Don Juan
Oct 12, 2009
Reaction score
Alle_Gory said:
How do you chase a dream and settle for whatever you can get? That's not chasing. That's giving up.
I never said I was settling, I said I'm taking whatever I can get right now. That's how it works in the entertainment industry when you're just starting out.

Funny. I've never seen a census form with "are you an 8 or above on the attractiveness scale".

I'd like to see that breakdown.
The 1-10 point system that men use to rate the physical attractiveness of women is based on percentages. For example, a 6 is better-looking than 60% of the women you pass on the street. A 9 means that only 1 in 10 women in the world are of equal attractiveness or better than her. So after taking the number of women in the world between 18 and 40 (a nice age range for viable targets), I then took 20% of this number and it works out to around 350 million.

As I've explained to you before, science doesn't work like this. Confidence is not measurable. Science deals with quantifiable variables. Please pay better attention in class.
This coming from the guy that thought World War II ended in 1944. Anyway, the scientific method was used to determine what qualities attract female animals to males. In these experiments, confidence and its derivatives registered off the charts.

Then how about getting some evidence? Oh, you're not really that concerned.
Yeah, that's a valid conclusion. Listen. I'm not flying across the country to stake out her house to watch for any sign of domestic violence and be waiting there with a cell phone to call 9-1-1. Get real. In addition, she said that this is PAST behavior, and it hasn't happened in awhile. She also didn't elaborate as to how bad it was. For all I know, he could have just pushed her a few times.

You're a pathetic excuse for a human, no wonder you see yourself as an animal.
Right. I'm sure you would pay for the plane ticket, hotel, and miss weeks of work to do a domestic violence stakeout. Anyone who doesn't is "pathetic." Oh, and anybody who doesn't see humans as animals doesn't know the first thing about biology. Such a person probably has a variety of ill-conceived notions about how the world works. This person may even believe that looks matter to women, for example.

You don't think any one else here has been rejected? Boo hoo. Hell, I get shot down all the time, and sometimes by girls I REALLY like. It sucks, but I get over it eventually.
That's awesome. I know it's a numbers game. I was just explaining to Yeah OK why my state of mind is in the condition it's in. It's great that you get over your rejections, but I still remember all of mine...some of them very vividly. You simply drew a longer straw than me in this area. I drew longer straws than you in other areas. That's just the luck of the draw.

Also, why the hell are you hitting on fat chicks?
Partly for practice, and partly because those are the girls that are "for" me right now. The hotties are for guys with confidence and game.
Oct 29, 2009
Reaction score
Just a Shot Away said:
I never said I was settling, I said I'm taking whatever I can get right now. That's how it works in the entertainment industry when you're just starting out.

The 1-10 point system that men use to rate the physical attractiveness of women is based on percentages. For example, a 6 is better-looking than 60% of the women you pass on the street. A 9 means that only 1 in 10 women in the world are of equal attractiveness or better than her. So after taking the number of women in the world between 18 and 40 (a nice age range for viable targets), I then took 20% of this number and it works out to around 350 million.

This coming from the guy that thought World War II ended in 1944. Anyway, the scientific method was used to determine what qualities attract female animals to males. In these experiments, confidence and its derivatives registered off the charts.

Yeah, that's a valid conclusion. Listen. I'm not flying across the country to stake out her house to watch for any sign of domestic violence and be waiting there with a cell phone to call 9-1-1. Get real. In addition, she said that this is PAST behavior, and it hasn't happened in awhile. She also didn't elaborate as to how bad it was. For all I know, he could have just pushed her a few times.

Right. I'm sure you would pay for the plane ticket, hotel, and miss weeks of work to do a domestic violence stakeout. Anyone who doesn't is "pathetic." Oh, and anybody who doesn't see humans as animals doesn't know the first thing about science. Such a person probably has a variety of ill-conceived notions about how the world works. This person may even believe that looks matter to women, for example.

That's awesome. I know it's a numbers game. I was just explaining to Yeah OK why my state of mind is in the condition it's in. It's great that you get over your rejections, but I still remember all of mine...some of them very vividly.

Partly for practice, and partly because those are the girls that are "for" me right now. The hotties are for guys with confidence and game.
Eh, he still wins. This argument is a little flat.
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