Baffled and confused...


Don Juan
Aug 3, 2007
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Met this girl at a bookstore where I frequent. I actually did the cold approach by asking her opinion on something I just read. After a few minutes of small talk and introduction, I told her how I appreciate her opinion and left.

After a couple of weeks, I was at the same bookstore sitting in one of the leather chairs and was into a book. I did not notice her until she came up to me said HI and sat next to me. We talked about anything, laughed at anything, and basically had a great time. We practically had to be escorted out of the place coz it was closing. I asked her for her number and she gave it to me and told her I will call her to set up a date. She said that it was cool. Waited a couple days before calling her. Then when I called her it was brief and to the point. We agreed to meet up at the bookstore where we met that following Friday. She called me Thursday to cancel coz she had to work late but she will take a rain check. Told her it was ok. Did not call her for a week and when I did I told her how disappointed I was for her canceling. She said that she was free for dinner next Friday. So we went out to dinner, had a great time, and we had to be escorted out of the place coz we were the last ones left. It seemed like time just become nonexistent when we get together.

Well, that same night, I went to a club with my buddies and I ran into her. She was there with her friends, too. Small talk. She gave me a drink. I did not offer her one. Then I went on scouting the club for some hones. I already know some there and she saw me talking to a lot of them with lots of hugging and touching. She came to me and said that "Boy, you are popular." I told her "No, I am just a friendly guy." After that I did my own thing making sure to avoid bumping into her.

A week passed and she called me if I want to meet her at the same club with her friends. I said ok. So I met her friends, mostly guys and a few girls. After the introduction I went walking around the club to check out the scenery and did that for about an hour. My cell beeped for incoming text. She text me asking where I was but I did not reply. I went to the bar and she found me there. She dragged me into the dance floor and we danced. She was seductively dancing but I was only reciprocating just a little bit. She said she felt hot so we left the dance floor to get some water at the bar. We talked then she said she will see her friends coz it is time to go. I said cool and went home.

A couple of days passed and I called her to set up a date that Friday. All was set and I took her to my favorite Japanese restaurant that serves real authentic Japanese dishes. None of these westernized ones. Had a good time and we decided to shoot some pool. The girl was good but I was better. I gave her no slack and she said she appreciated that she won one game out of 5 without me purposely losing to her. She also said it is different playing with someone who can play and do not give away games for her to please her. Ended the date with a good hug and she said she wanted to see me again next time coz it has nothing but fun.

I did not call her at all that weekend but Tuesday I did to set up a date. She said cool. About an hour before we meet, she called me saying one of her friends want to go to that Japanese restaurant and wanting to know if it was ok. I said no big deal. This friend turned out to be a guy, a childhood friend. But the restaurant was closed and the guy friend was late. She calls him and he recommended another place. So we went there and he did not show up for another 15 minutes. All this time we were talking and I was maintaining eye contact but she keeps dropping her eyes. The guy shows up, looked like he just woke up and smells of cigarette smoke. The food sucked. I did not even finish what I ordered. After the meal, our plan was to go to the movies. I was hoping the guy friend would just leave coz I planned to put some real moves that night. Unfortunately, he tagged along and all three of us went and that blew my plans to pieces. After the movie we said our goodbyes and she said she will see me again next time. I knew she can tell I was not really happy how the date went coz when she motioned for a hug I just stood still looking at her. She walked over and hugged me and I hugged her. She turned and gave the guy a hug who was puffing up a chimney. (By the way cycling is my sport and hate smokes). We all went to our cars. I tried to call her when I got home but she did not pick up.

The next day, I know she was at work so I text her. No response. I went to work that night and called her and left a voice mail to call me back. She called me after a couple of hours and we were trying to figure out when we can meet again.

I think this is where I made a mistake but I am not sure. I told her that I see her in a very special way and want our relationship to go to the next level. She came back with “I just want you to be my friend. I know guys hate those words but I am not ready to commit to a relationship. It is your call. I really like hanging out with you and want to continue but if you don’t want I understand.” I was stunned and confused. I said “I am not looking for a just friend relationship with you. But if that is what you want, we have to wait and see how things work out.” She said she had to go and will call back when she finishes what she had to do. She did not call but text me after 2.5 hours. Her text said, “I just got home from meeting with my co-workers, sorry. If it is cool, I will call you tomorrow.” I responded, “As cool as the other side of the pillow.” She replied, “Ha ha. Sounds good, have a good night.” Of course she did not call and I did not either not even text.

I thought I did everything right with a few mistakes but nothing (I think) that warrants the kiss of death.


She is 26 and I am 32.


Master Don Juan
Mar 25, 2007
Reaction score
Yeah, I was reading along until you got to the part where you hugged her goodbye. That was the time to give her a kiss... you sure dragged this one out... looks like from the time you met her, until you hugged her, was over a month, with enough contact inbetween to make some sort of move.

Seems to me like you were too scared to make a move, then went way overboard by telling her how much she meant to you. She didn't earn that, you just gave it to her. She lost all attraction she may have had in the beginning and now you're in the friend zone.

Probably a lost cause. All you can do now is completely avoid her, move on with your life, build up some self confidence, and if she misses you enough, and contacts you, and you're still interested, make that move. Probably too late though.


Don Juan
Jul 7, 2007
Reaction score
Simple: she's not sufficiently attracted to you. You didn't do anything "wrong" IMO... She's just not into you. No crime or shame in that. Move onto the next one...


Don Juan
Aug 3, 2007
Reaction score
Reset and Nighthawk, I thought about it but it would look like I was rewarding her for ruining the evening. As I said, I planned on making that move that night but the presence of the guy friend blew it to pieces. Plus, I did not want to rush things because I am not just looking for a quickie. I want an LTR. My past experiences has taught me the faster things happen the faster things will fizzle and die due to lack of foundation. Since I want an LTR, I've change my ways to weed out those. I thought she was a good candidate for an LTR.

CF9, that could possibly be the reason.

Anyway, thanks ya'll. This is the very first time I have been told the infamous LBJF. No sweat. I know what exactly what to do.


Don Juan
Aug 3, 2007
Reaction score

After a week of no contact with her, she text me yesterday morning asking me how i'm doing, apologised for not getting back with me coz work has gotten hectic, and promising that she was not blowing me off or ignoring me. I waited to reply until that night and I text her that it is all good and I am not even sweating it. I also asked how she was. She replied saying she was tired and work has become a pain.

That is it. I did not reply back after that and I don't intend to contact her unless she does first. Good or bad?

I assumed that she would contact me either Monday or Tuesday since I call her on either of those days to set up a date for the weekend. Well, she did.:D Maybe a sign that she is missing me.

Any thoughts?


Don Juan
Aug 8, 2007
Reaction score
she was putting all the signs out there. Girls won't get attached to someone they don't feel they can be intimate with. And by you playing it cool on the dance floor and such when she was trying to get close to you showed her that your relationships strength is in the talking and not in an intimate way.


Master Don Juan
Jan 5, 2005
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Somewherez in USofA
Hate to say it, but think she is using you for something. I'm not sure, could be a number of things, but has no sexual interest. You will likely keep getting the 'we're just friends' thing.

Gangster Of Love

Master Don Juan
Dec 27, 2002
Reaction score
Los Angeles
Yeah, too much hanging out, the clock always ticks grasshopper. In the future, you can save yourself a lot of pain, time, effort, and analysis by planting a kiss early, in the middle of the first meeting. Always escalate.

"I just want to be friends, no ready for a relationship". What tha hell? Who says you have to be in a relationship to be more than friends. Not necessary. You left her no choice but for her to tell you that. You, out of nowhere cornerered her for a response/reaction, and you got the kiss of death.
Mar 18, 2006
Reaction score
I could have told you this was going to happen -- unless it is a cultural thing. never go on group dates, club, restaurant, whatever!! It shows you that she did NOT want to be EXCLUSIVELY with YOU - as eventually she verbally stated!!!


Don Juan
Aug 3, 2007
Reaction score
It is a cultural thing. I am asian and she is, too, and most asian women whom are worth it operate this way. As I said in my other post "IT ALL DEPENDS...", her cultural background counts into understanding her and customizing your dealing with her.

I understand the no-no's about group dates and all but there is always that "test" on how you will react around her friends. You have to remember that you are not just going to have a relationship with her but with her inner circle as well.
Mar 18, 2006
Reaction score
OK, I was thinking "Asian" - when I read your post. If such is the case then you need to qualify her interest in you sooner BEFORE you go to restaurants and the like! If she is so sensitive to her cultural traditions - then what the hell is she doing in clubs??? This is crap - qualify interest sooner so that you are not wasting time and money!!


Don Juan
Jul 7, 2007
Reaction score
pj0noel said:
I understand the no-no's about group dates and all but there is always that "test" on how you will react around her friends. You have to remember that you are not just going to have a relationship with her but with her inner circle as well.
True....BUT, this early?


Don Juan
Aug 3, 2007
Reaction score
There are certain details of our interaction that I left out from my original post. Going out with this girl has cost close to nothing so far. She will not let me pay. I insisted the first couple of times then I just accepted the fact that she is that way. I've dated women who will not let a man pay if the man is not her bf because they fear that the man would ask for something in return. Which most men think they are entitled to something because they paid. This shows me that she is not a user, that she is cautious, and could possibly be a test to see if I am one of those quid for quo guys. This really is not costing me money, just my time, which is more important to me.

I lived in Japan for 7 years and most of the dates that I had for the first few times after meeting a girls were group dates. Then when she feels comfortable enough and trsut you enough and she can tell together with her friends that you are a good guy then she will go out with you alone.

She went to the club because it was her best friends b-day and the second time she had friends from out of town visiting. I frequent that same club and I have never seen her there or not noticed.

In asian culture, a woman's reputation and and approval of her friends and family are very important.

For the girl in my case, she in between. An asian girl born here. Our first 2x going out was just the two of us. Then she started bringing in her friends. I thought that she might be putting me into the friendzone so I told her what my intentions are.


Master Don Juan
Mar 4, 2001
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Planet of the Apes
You are MUCH too needy!

When she gave you the number, just take it and don't say you'll call her - you want her thinking will he call me.

Too needy - too much txting and calling - RELAX! spread it out over weeks and months, not hours and days.

You should NEVER have accepted the other guy or friend on an arranged date - culture or not this is a big red flag.

Too needy!

Never talk about your feelings for a woman - it completely destroys challenge and mystery

Did I mention you come across as too needy?

This girl has ZERO interest in you other than a friend to entertain her, fine if thats what you want, but its going no where else.



Don Juan
Aug 3, 2007
Reaction score

You are not reading. Is once or twice a week of phone call to set up a date too needy? Texting two or three times a week, too needy? I admit, I MIGHT have made a mistake of going along when she changed the plan of having a friend join us.

The contradiction in having your intentions known and being a mystery is confusing. How can you accomplish both?


Master Don Juan
Mar 4, 2007
Reaction score
pj0noel said:
It is a cultural thing. I am asian and she is, too, and most asian women whom are worth it operate this way. As I said in my other post "IT ALL DEPENDS...", her cultural background counts into understanding her and customizing your dealing with her.

I understand the no-no's about group dates and all but there is always that "test" on how you will react around her friends. You have to remember that you are not just going to have a relationship with her but with her inner circle as well.

True, true. And word spreads fast about what you're doing. And if you don't pass her family/friends expectations then you're almost all but finished. And when you mentioned that she prefer to pay her own way for the date, tell her that you can split it. Or that on this date she pay and the next you pay which just might set her mind at ease.


Master Don Juan
Sep 22, 2005
Reaction score
pj0noel said:
I thought that she might be putting me into the friendzone so I told her what my intentions are.
That's not how you get out of the friend-zone.


Don Juan
Aug 3, 2007
Reaction score

You crack me up! For your info, I don't intend to use what I learn here to become a player. A DJ is not player. A DJ do not resort to calling people they rarely know names. I am not going to lower myself to that level.

A real MAN works hard for what he has and earn what he gets. He neither take or steal something he rarely deserves. Boys do.


I understand. But I would rather know than not know. There is no set way or pool proof way when it comes to dating. None. What works for one woman may not work for another. So we just have to feel when we take steps along the way. We are not dealing with machines or robots here. They are humans beings with their own fears and insecurities.

Funny how some you who responded to this thread are bent and upset about it. I am not. But I still appreciate your contribution.



Master Don Juan
Mar 4, 2007
Reaction score
pj0noel said:
There are certain details of our interaction that I left out from my original post. Going out with this girl has cost close to nothing so far. She will not let me pay. I insisted the first couple of times then I just accepted the fact that she is that way. I've dated women who will not let a man pay if the man is not her bf because they fear that the man would ask for something in return. Which most men think they are entitled to something because they paid. This shows me that she is not a user, that she is cautious, and could possibly be a test to see if I am one of those quid for quo guys. This really is not costing me money, just my time, which is more important to me.

I lived in Japan for 7 years and most of the dates that I had for the first few times after meeting a girls were group dates. Then when she feels comfortable enough and trsut you enough and she can tell together with her friends that you are a good guy then she will go out with you alone.

She went to the club because it was her best friends b-day and the second time she had friends from out of town visiting. I frequent that same club and I have never seen her there or not noticed.

In asian culture, a woman's reputation and and approval of her friends and family are very important.

For the girl in my case, she in between. An asian girl born here. Our first 2x going out was just the two of us. Then she started bringing in her friends. I thought that she might be putting me into the friendzone so I told her what my intentions are.
Are her parents 1st generation? If so, that could influence the way she behaves toward you and other guys who approach her. And what about her friends?