Thanks for the feedback man SnowPlowman. Quick question: when you say screening, what do you mean? Because I associate screening with ensuring girls meet your criteria and have things in common with you, aka checking for quality. They either have it or they don't when you meet em and there is nothing they can do about it. In the context you wrote, I see screening as making chicks qualify themselves to you or jumping through hoops, so that's what I'll respond to...
Looking back you are probably right, I don't screen as much as I can. I used to do throwaway screening when I first started in a flirty manner when I was interested in maintaining my reality and framing the conversation. Stuff like, "Oh wait... we'll never work out because you..." or "That's great and all but can you cook? I need a girl who can..." along with backturns for negative traits, the whole 5 yards. I believe too much screening can scare away or discredit chicks with only ONS potential. The only thing I'm screening for is not being crazy and being sexually attractive to me. On the other hand though, I can see screening make girls try harder for my attention.
The little screening I do do is usually through quoting (credit MrSex4uNYC). Like lets say we are on the subject of girls paying their way for their meals on dates or movies, etc. I wouldn't come out and say "I don't pay for girls sh!t" or at least not initially. I'd 'remember' a story of how some chick did some totally off the wall sh!t to me (or a 'friend' hehe) and expected me to pay and I'd tell the current target how much my opinion changed about the story-girl for doing it and I never called her ass again. Then the target knows what I like/dislike and has a decisions to make whether she should try and get me to pay and risk never seeing me again or bring her own money and stay in my life. It's like Im letting her elicit my values in a sense.
As for flakes, well it depends. Half of the time I'll cough it up to an error in my seduction; it is always a miscalculation on your part if you think about it in the grand scheme of things. The other half of the time, I'll chalk it up to the chick just being defective and not knowing her role in my life. Depends how I am feeling...
Onto the night
So yesterday was one of the few days I am going out with a 'wingman'. I use that term loosely coz we don't hunt together. The presence of a friend just provides kind of a safe zone that helps me not basing my night solely on success with women. (even though it is still my main goal for going out, fvck this 'just have fun' bs)
So we head to the club and I decide to limit my drinking coz of last night's sloppiness. As the night progresses I see more and more chicks I know coming into the club. First HbCoveted comes in with her entourage. She gives me a quick hug around the back and then keeps it moving. Then I spot HBLatina (w\ her husband lol). We just talk for 15 seconds or so while she is alone @ the bar and then I try to steer clear from her on the dancefloor
Then I see the chick who I fingered and got head from in the club a couple weeks back (the one who came to my house afterwards although nothing transpired from it... she will be referred to as HBpokey from here on out). Last nite she was with a friend and said she lost her phone with my # in it. She seemed receptive again and was looking kinda cute so I'm going to add her on facebook (even tho the dumb broad was on my computer on facebook and didn't add me) and I'll try and get her to come over during the week. Then I see HBB, the girl who blew me off @ a houseparty last semester. I'm saw her looking hard when I was posted on the dancefloor but I didn't go in.
Best of all was the seemingly useless #close i got from last night (who will now be called HBEuro) was there. When she arrives, she clinks glasses with me and invites me to dance with her. She must have been with 4 of the hottest girls in the club that night so I can' tell if it was intimidation or just seemingly too much trouble but I did not dance with her all night. We were just looking at each other on the dancefloor but there was this dude just standing next to her and talking to her every couple of minutes. I know he was nobody to her, but at the same time, I find it kinda disrespectful and overly-dramatic to swoop in and steal a girl right from a guy trying his hand at her. I grabbed her a couple times when she would be leaving the club to smoke and she was receptive, hugging up on me and smiling. I tried to isolate but she said she has to stay with her friends. She leaves before I do, and she gives me a big hug and says to
text her and that she'll see me in the class we have together. I throw her a text at the end of the nite but she doesn't respond yet again. Blah. Still, it looks like this has more potential than I though unless she is an Attention Wh0re.
In the club, there is this chick who is about a 6 or a 6.5 who is giving me eye contact and smiling whenever I walk by. Normal body and ok face but teeth are just too big for me. I point her out to my boy and tell her, she's not the cutest but I'll get head from her, so i might as well holla. Later on Im doing one of my walk-bys with eye contact and she grabs me and says
HB6: hey you are kinda cute
MF: *blah blah blah*
My next line after this was to isolate her onto one of the couches in the club. She is a 6 so I don't want people to think I am the one actively pursuing the girl especially since so many of my targets are here, so the isolation to the couch was two-fold, lol. The thing is, I was pretty sober but I got drunk off of having so many targets @ the club, and started actin stupid. I gave the girl my # instead of whipping out my phone so that it didn't look like I was picking her up and like the 3rd line out of my mouth was what are you doing later on tonight. This is how it ended:
MF: So why can't you make it to my place tonite?
HB6: Staying with some friends, they have a kid and stuff blah blah
MF: Oh word, you can just catch a taxi and chill with me..
HB6: Oh I got my own car, I just told my friend I would stay with her, it's her birthday. Maybe we can hang out some other time?
MF: *Gets up*
HB6: Where are you going?
MF: I'm going to find a girl that is putting out tonight.
...and then I walked away without looking back.
I'm a take no sh!t kind of guy, but as the night progressed, even I thought that was kind of hard, so an hour or so later I go back in to talk to her and try and guarantee some pvssy for the night and here was how it went
MF: So wats up
HB6: Me and my friends are going to a casino. I already deleted your number from my phone. You are a fool.
MF: Hahahahaha *ejects*
Got a little too ****y early on and got nothing to show for it. So we go sometimes. Next time I'll be humble even if a fight breaks out over me in the club. Even 6s need some kind of positive attention (initially at least). It's ironic though, because this girl stopped me solely because she thought I was cute, but when I talk to her solely for some sex all of a sudden I'm the bad guy. It goes both ways imo.