Autism makes dating/getting women hard

Jun 27, 2008
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oakraiderz2 said:
Struggling with conversations is normal, youre not autistic.
It's true that even neurotypicals struggle with conversations, but how do you know that he is not autistic? You cannot just affirm he is not if he actually knows that he has autism.

I remember having to tell my family members that, based on what I had read, I conclude I have autism. Not one of them believed me. They all told me I was normal and nothing wrong with me and that I just needed to be more social. Even when I reminded my parents about the clear autistic symptoms I exhibited as a child, they didn't want to believe. It took a psychiatrist (a specialist on autism) to finally convince them that I'm actually autistic. I was right all along.

Not much frustrates me more than wilful ignorance.

Kaim Argonar

Don Juan
Dec 10, 2007
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Asperger's syndrome is a complete fraud and is entirely imaginary in a good 97% of the cases.
Jun 27, 2008
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Kaim Argonar said:
Asperger's syndrome is a complete fraud and is entirely imaginary in a good 97% of the cases.
Such a post does not help anyone who happens to have Asperger's. It's very easy to just blindly say what you said.

Asperger's is a serious condition. It actually hinders one from being as socially good as he can be.

When you have a delay in speech, an inability to communicate properly with others, an inability to do and think things that everyone else takes for granted, an inability to actually understand what others are telling you from the first time. If you feel you are struggling with all the above and many other inabilities and limitations (knowing that everyone else around you can naturally do what you need to forcefully teach yourself to do), you should know that it's not natural. It's an unfortunate neurotic disorder that God (or nature) decided to give to you.


Senior Don Juan
Oct 23, 2007
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I have it

I was HORRIBLE with girls in high school, and I was dubbed 'the creepy guy' in drama club because I'd chase girls (and obsess over it) incessantly. I'd stare a lot and touch far too much. Because of this I only attracted fat girls or depressed psychos...often a combination.

As you can probably gather, I figured out through painful trial and error I mostly found out what usually works and what usually doesn't socially. Only problem I'll never overcome? I've never been 100 percent comfortable in my own body, and I doubt I ever will. To counter this, I'm working out every day to make sure I at least have optimum comfort when I reach my goal physique.

Whenever I do stuff like date, I try to make it in a location where I'll be able to assume an extremely relaxed position like sitting in a very comfy chair or lying back (if I'm that comfy, I'll be much more likely to use neg-hits and joke around). I've found that if I'm in an extremely uncomfortable sitting position, it will distract me to the point where I can't concentrate on the conversation as much. For this reason, I try to do stuff like avoid coffeehouses with hard-backed chairs. Sounds weird, but the successful dates I've had were ALWAYS when I was completely physically comfortable.

I also recommend picking one of your zillions of passions and sticking with it. As an Aspie, I tend to be a nerd (almost no subject disinterests me) so I've stuck with music as my main passion. A lot of guys play guitar and whatnot just to get laid, so they look like douchebags when they can only play three chords and don't know any bands other than Nickelback Since I can become a nerd in every subject, I have the freedom to CHOOSE the one that'll get me laid. An advantage if ever there was one, no?

Oh yeah...I'm not sure if this is just me, but I have a near-insatiable libido. My near-photographic memory doesn't hurt when it comes to memorizing sex information, either.

Anyway, my closing statement is that if I could do it, then anyone can. This is NOT call it autism, because you're insulting autistics if you do that. Autism is a full-blown disorder that impairs you for life. This just makes it a lot harder to do well but it still CAN be done.
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Senior Don Juan
Jun 8, 2008
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Or you could just forget about the weaker sex and do stuff you like to do. Why limit yourself when you can do so much more without being chained down by archaic feelings?

I'm socially retarded too, but I embrace it as a quality, not as a fallacy. For instance, there's a new guy at work who is the total opposite of me - he comments on everything, he's always talking, everything someone else has or does, he did it better or has something better/faster/more awesome. Climbed Everest in a day? He did it in 12 hours. You did it in 12? He did it in 6. Annoys the pi$$ out of me.

Just be yourself, there's nothing wrong with it.