attracting guys and making them your bf


Don Juan
Feb 26, 2012
Reaction score
Heyy Everyone,

so i have some important questions to ask. Recently i have been on dates with guys who ive met out or online and they all seem to be going well except most of these guys aged 21-26 are not looking for relationships, just "fun". I dont mind but im not the type of girl who will just open her legs to keep a guy around, so my first question is how do i get them to consider me as a girlfriend rather then just a "root and boot"?

Second question, can you tell me the best ways to attract guys and keep them interested especially to the attractive ones who always have women after them? What kind of dress style attracts men more? Also do you guys thinks its s1utty if a girl approaches you?? ive had many mixed responses about this, so im curious for your opinion....

Lastly i have met a guy im really interested in on POF but he is leaving my country tomorrow as he was only on a work visa so had to go back home, but we met before he left. We had a great time, lots of chemistry and we both admitted we liked each other and saw each other as relationship material...however since his going back home now and isnt sure when his coming back but says his "defiantly" going to be back, i dont know if i should wait for him??

Any advice, tips, opinions would be apreciated...thanks lots!


Sep 18, 2009
Reaction score
Don't wait for him. Why would you count on someone you just met?

Definitely NOT slutty if a girl approaches me, unless it's done in a slutty/annoying way.

As for making guys see you as gf material, I don't really know...I have my personal preferences but I can't really speak for most guys. Maybe the other guys here can help you out in general

Naughty Ninja

Apr 9, 2010
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djgirl said:
Heyy Everyone,

so i have some important questions to ask. Recently i have been on dates with guys who ive met out or online and they all seem to be going well except most of these guys aged 21-26 are not looking for relationships, just "fun". I dont mind but im not the type of girl who will just open her legs to keep a guy around, so my first question is how do i get them to consider me as a girlfriend rather then just a "root and boot"?

Second question, can you tell me the best ways to attract guys and keep them interested especially to the attractive ones who always have women after them? What kind of dress style attracts men more? Also do you guys thinks its s1utty if a girl approaches you?? ive had many mixed responses about this, so im curious for your opinion....

Lastly i have met a guy im really interested in on POF but he is leaving my country tomorrow as he was only on a work visa so had to go back home, but we met before he left. We had a great time, lots of chemistry and we both admitted we liked each other and saw each other as relationship material...however since his going back home now and isnt sure when his coming back but says his "defiantly" going to be back, i dont know if i should wait for him??

Any advice, tips, opinions would be apreciated...thanks lots!
1) Hit the "delete my account" button on POF.

2) Meet dudes through your social circle.

Nuff said. Good day.

( . )( . )

Dec 31, 2002
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Cobra Kai dojo
This AW still milking it here?

djgirl said:
Lastly i have met a guy im really interested in on POF
There's your problem, POF's for losers, Shed some weight and get out there. Nice floral dress, some lipstick perhaps, the friendliest, most feminine and approachable smile you can muster, and nobody cares about your degree.



Master Don Juan
May 17, 2007
Reaction score
djgirl said:
Heyy Everyone,

so i have some important questions to ask. Recently i have been on dates with guys who ive met out or online and they all seem to be going well except most of these guys aged 21-26 are not looking for relationships, just "fun". I dont mind but im not the type of girl who will just open her legs to keep a guy around, so my first question is how do i get them to consider me as a girlfriend rather then just a "root and boot"?

Second question, can you tell me the best ways to attract guys and keep them interested especially to the attractive ones who always have women after them? What kind of dress style attracts men more? Also do you guys thinks its s1utty if a girl approaches you?? ive had many mixed responses about this, so im curious for your opinion....

Lastly i have met a guy im really interested in on POF but he is leaving my country tomorrow as he was only on a work visa so had to go back home, but we met before he left. We had a great time, lots of chemistry and we both admitted we liked each other and saw each other as relationship material...however since his going back home now and isnt sure when his coming back but says his "defiantly" going to be back, i dont know if i should wait for him??

Any advice, tips, opinions would be apreciated...thanks lots!

It's not slutty at all to approach someone you like...pardon my language, but it gives me a huge hard on when an attractive girl approaches me herself and not through a friend because she is confident and doesn't play games....

Don't wait for that guy...waste of time....

Also, about long as you are not a prude and willing to do everything else....or almost everything and love making out...there shouldn't be a problem...some guys just want fun..others are looking for a relationship..weed them out...but don't hold the sex card too just makes guys think you are too complicated...a few dates is fine as long as you are not prudish about other things...

Get off of POF and go approach the most attractive guys you see in real life ANYWHERE...if you are pretty the guy won't mind at all trust me, we are really simple...i think it would be cool as anything if i was just say at a gas station pumping gas and a hot girl out of no where approached it fearless we don't care and we won't judge you...

And what you don't have to dress slutty at all if you don't want to but do wear something that shows what kind of body you have and don't be afraid to smile and laugh a lot and act really feminine...also painting your finger and toenails is a huge plus...good smelling perfume and body lotion...keep your hair looking and smelling good...keep a good tan on you and don't wear too much makeup, but just enough...

You can dress really classy looking or really casual..once again we are very simple..just show what kind of body you have...and make it pretty tight if it's casual like tight jean shorts or jeans ect...this way it is easy to tell what kind of figure you have...and if you can show off your legs,,,they are very important to most guys...

So in short....just look sexy and smell really good...

And if you want to be GF have to be good looking, confident, have a very sweet and kind demeanor/ animals (i don't trust women who don't like animals in general and i know a lot of guys who feel the same way), value your family and be a loyal person in general, at least be open to the idea of cooking or learning how to cook, have a good sense of humor... and be very feminine acting and also don't be a big party girl...these are all musts in my eyes..anything less makes you nothing more than a plate...basically you should be able to be the guy's sounds cheesy but that is what we want and the guys with standards won't except less....

and IMO, it is good that you have a degree...definitely makes you more attractive for a long term relationship...


Master Don Juan
Jul 31, 2012
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a lot of guys like women who are all dressed up and high maintenance looking, but for me personally and some guys, women who dress normal and dont look like they are trying hard to look sexy all the time are much more attractive. the shirt and jeans type girls who arent caked with makeup who are more down to earth are the ones i like. but it seems most guys want the fake cliche looking ones.


Don Juan
Feb 26, 2012
Reaction score
but its harder for me to attract guys as im heavily tattooed and most guys dont like tattoos on girls, which is fine i know that not every guy is going to accept me but i have heard from a few guys that i look "intimidating" because of them


Don Juan
Mar 4, 2013
Reaction score
djgirl said:
but its harder for me to attract guys as im heavily tattooed and most guys dont like tattoos on girls, which is fine i know that not every guy is going to accept me but i have heard from a few guys that i look "intimidating" because of them
men are men, even immature boys are men, it means we only care about your body, so if you look nice, dress up well, smell nice, we just want to fvck you, that`s it

looking good that`s imperative

but that doesn`t mean all guys want tall skinny cover girls, we certainly get a hard on, but everybody has a type, so don`t expect every guy to fall for you

for women to look good is easy, loose weight, find the hair color/hair cut that fits your face, find some nice dress

it`s just wear stuff that makes you feel good because you like it, not because you saw it an magazine or something


Don Juan
Feb 7, 2013
Reaction score
It's ok to approach. Just be cool about it. Just as a guy approaches a girl drooling over her , he gets shut down. If a girl does that to a guy , she gets labeled as a ONS an nothing more.

In a STR you look for an attractive body and don't really care how low her IQ is. But in a LTR you also look for that mental factor. In a LTR you need a companion who can stimulate you not only physically ,but perhaps more importantly , psychically.

Anyway , guys don't dislike tatoos , they are just not working to your advantage as it makes you look like that heavy party girl. Which 9/10 cases is trouble if a serious relationship is what you want.

About sex. Guys love it. But if you put in on the table too soon / too easy , you're getting labeled again.Anyway , this heavily depends on your age , so yeah.

Remember,challenge intellectually.


Nov 4, 2010
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Here we go again....


Master Don Juan
Oct 22, 2007
Reaction score
Eastern Time Zone where it's always really late
1. There's nothing wrong with women approaching men. Honestly, I see no downside for a female doing this. Women aren't going to receive a cruel (F off) rejection like a guy would. At the very worst, the guy might be indifferent. But even then, he will likely be polite. So if you see a guy you like, don't hesitate. If I were a chick, I would have ZERO approach anxiety.

2. You said you wanted the attractive guy other women want. But you also want a relationship. Well, the hottest guy will be the most difficult to get into a relationship due to his many options. He's used to pump and dump because he CAN. It doesn't necessarily mean he doesn't want a gf in the long term, but his standards are going to be very high.

The guy who actually wants a gf now and not after 50 plates is probably not the hottest. I'm not saying date someone you aren't attracted to. There has to be attraction. That's not negotiable. But date a guy YOU like. Don't do it for ego or to impress your female friends.

3. Drop pof. It's pump and dump only.

4. I'm not going to try to speak for all guys, but I personally don't like tattoos on women. One small one is ok. Several would make me look the other way.


Master Don Juan
Dec 4, 2004
Reaction score
djgirl said:
but its harder for me to attract guys as im heavily tattooed and most guys dont like tattoos on girls, which is fine i know that not every guy is going to accept me but i have heard from a few guys that i look "intimidating" because of them
Never thought I'd need this, cause guys are straight forward but:

MANese translator in progress......

"you look intimidating"


Translation complete:

"You look intimidating" = "You look like a hardcore slvt and I have no idea what I would catch from you"

Lose the tats.
Lose the POF.

No guy with a half a brain will take that combo seriously.


Don Juan
Feb 26, 2012
Reaction score
TillTheEndOfTime said:
Never thought I'd need this, cause guys are straight forward but:

MANese translator in progress......

"you look intimidating"


Translation complete:

"You look intimidating" = "You look like a hardcore slvt and I have no idea what I would catch from you"

Lose the tats.
Lose the POF.

No guy with a half a brain will take that combo seriously.
Funny about that, i may look intimidating but i am the sweetest girl out when given the opportunity....see guys are shallow too...

and yeah i am gonna ditch POF as im getting nowhere with the dudes on there:down:

Who Dares Win

Master Don Juan
Jan 16, 2012
Reaction score
Despite its probably the same low treath troll opening all this threads I believe that girls lurking this site may learn something out of it so I'll pretend its serious.

First of all most of your value depends on your look and right after your look comes your femininity and integrity, your intelligence and education are not that relevant as you may believe.

So your look depends mostly on your genetic and life style(exercise,diet).
Your femininity it depends on your culture, lifestyle again and from your conscious decisions.

Your integrity depends on the number of c0cks you got inside yourself and your inclination to surround yourself with men and milk them for attention or favours, guys looking for a girlfriend automatically move you to the fvck buddy group if you show any of this characteristics.

A real deal maker if you like a guy seriously is to give him what you dont/didnt give to others, I still keep in touch and help a girl which I toke her virginity despite we are not togheter anymore while I dont even bother to write on skype to some girl which I banged last week but that I see flirting with many guys every night at the club.

On the opposite site if he understands he is not gonna get any special deal from you, he is not gonna give a special deal back.

Regarding sexual escalation, I understand you have to take your time to make sure you're not used from any men but still if you like a guy allow him to slowly escalate date by date, we learn pretty soon that girls which stop us are most of the time using us as a back up plan while banging someone else or even not interested at all.

The worst insult you can do a guy is treat him as an asexual being which should accept to be content by your simple present, at that point even if you have sex with him he will start to ask himself what will you do since you dont have any high consideration of him...he will be concerned about being cheated and will move to greener pasture.

Hope its useful for all the fat b1tches lurking the site, now go back for your report on cosmo forum and dont omit the part of being in shape and the one where your degree doesnt really matter to us.


Don Juan
Jan 6, 2013
Reaction score
I suggest reading The Art of Seduction by Robert Greene.

It's a 500 page book, but definitely worth a read; If really don't want to read that much, at least read the following chapters:

Siren (Mainly female seduction character)
Dandy (Sounds like something that could suit your character)
Anti-Seduction (what to avoid),
Choose the right victim (so you can pick someone who will fall for you, instead of going for the wrong men)

That should give you a good starting idea;
Again though, as it says in the book, you should read it whole if you really want to master seduction (short and long term).


Don Juan
Feb 26, 2012
Reaction score
im actually not trolling at all, this is a genuine thread.
Id rather post here then "cosmo" as im more interested in hearing male opinions and answers on my questions then a girls thoughts. And this thread is helping me so keep posting :)


Master Don Juan
Oct 20, 2005
Reaction score
Lose the tattoos if you want any guy who is worth anything. Men are naturally attracted to innocence, sweetness, friendliness, femininity. Tattoos do not communicate any of that.

Greasy Pig

Master Don Juan
Dec 22, 2009
Reaction score
When you're out somewhere, make sure you scan the room.
If a guy likes the look of you, he'll be looking at you and will (should if he's got any balls) hold eye contact.
I find nothing worse than walking in to a bar and none of the girls are looking around for guys. I lived on the Gold Coast for 14 years and this was normal pretty much everywhere down there.
Women who don't scan the room really give off a `don't you dare try to talk to me' vibe.
If you're looking around, not only will you see which guys are checking you out, you'll also appear more approachable.
To turn a suitor into an LTR, I recommend being flirty without being slvtty, don't be afraid to bust his balls (not seriously, but in a playful manner) and remember that men like to be made a fuss over. So if you organise to meet again, make an effort with your appearance and smell great. Guys notice that sort of effort.
If he buys you a drink, offer to buy him one back. Compliment him on what you like about him. Saying he's got a nice smile is fairly safe.
If you like him and he goes for the kiss, kiss him back! Do NOT fvck him that night.
Be enthusiastic if he asks for your number. If you make a man feel confident that you're definitely interested in getting to know him better, he'll be more likely to get back in touch.
If you can't make the date, make sure you reschedule.

As a side note, I'm also not keen on visible tatts on chicks. As soon as I see a girl with overt tatts, I immediately think: "I bet she takes it in the butt.''
I'm a white-collar professional who mixes with captains of industry, politicians and other professionals.
I don't care if a woman is God's gift to men, she will not be seen on my arm at a swanky social event if she has visible tatts.
And that's what many women fail to realise: By getting visible tatts, they are instantly disqualifying themselves from attracting doctors, lawyers and other professionals who have a public persona and image they need to maintain.
There are very few white-collar professional men who will want to wife up a woman who looks like she's been passed around like currency at a biker bar since she was 15.
How can they go to the mayor's ball when his wife looks like she's spent most of her life in prison?

But you can't do anything about that now, djgirl, and sorry to hijack your thread. But you have to be prepared for many men to be put off by lots of visible ink.
Therefore, dress modestly and for goodness sake act like a lady. Don't buy into the feminist bvll**** of having to be a ballbreaking cvnt.
Men like feminine women. So don't swear like a sailor, don't get in to skolling contests and don't try to be 'one of the boys'.
Revel in your femininity and the men will flock.


Master Don Juan
Aug 6, 2009
Reaction score
Mike32ct said:
You said you wanted the attractive guy other women want. But you also want a relationship. Well, the hottest guy will be the most difficult to get into a relationship due to his many options. He's used to pump and dump because he CAN.
That jumped out at me too. The problem with the attractive guy that other women want is that other women want him. He has little incentive to settle down since there are always women around wanting him. Chances are he knows he can play women so that's what he does. Even if you do manage to land him in a relationship, other women will continue to pursue him, and the temptation will always be there for him to cheat.

Darth said:
Lose the tattoos if you want any guy who is worth anything. Men are naturally attracted to innocence, sweetness, friendliness, femininity. Tattoos do not communicate any of that.
Agree on all counts.

One of the mistakes I made early on in life was thinking that women wanted the same thing I wanted. But men and women are different, so they desire different things. The OP probably wants some tatted up dude, so she thinks guys will think it's cool if she has a bunch of tattoos. But guys don't like what girls like, and vice versa.


Master Don Juan
Oct 22, 2007
Reaction score
Eastern Time Zone where it's always really late
zekko said:
One of the mistakes I made early on in life was thinking that women wanted the same thing I wanted. But men and women are different, so they desire different things. The OP probably wants some tatted up dude, so she thinks guys will think it's cool if she has a bunch of tattoos. But guys don't like what girls like, and vice versa.
Great point. Not to go off on a tangent, but this is very true.

I used to think that since skinny women are considered attractive and fat women aren't, then being a skinny guy would get me lots more action than a stocky dude. I couldn't have been more wrong lol.

But to the main topic, I agree with WDW that this is a good thread for female lurkers. Men tend to be more honest about what they prefer in women so feel free to ask.