Attention Wh0re


Master Don Juan
Aug 15, 2004
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Attention *****:

They want attention from everyone all the time, regardless of the outcome it has on others. It's selfishness at its most refined.

Alpha Male

Don Juan
Jan 30, 2005
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I think it's really interesting that women come here AT ALL.
Not saying they shouldn't, but I just wonder what interests them to come here. What could they possibly want except to play games?


New Member
Mar 28, 2005
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I would say, "I hate to bring up an old thread"

But then I'd be lying.

I've surfed in here somehow, probably from the ASF website, and ended up reading this entire thread. Now I feel I must respond. You know, to get my money's worth. Not that I've spent a dime . . . instead I've spent time and, well, you know the saying.

Anyway, now I'm registered and that gives me the power to say . . .

I completely agree with this:

Originally posted by DJDamage
AW's are attracted to males like regular women. However their prefrences tend to be more shallow then most women . . . everything after that is secondary to them.
as well as most of the things myfriendblu wrote. Including but not limited to:

It is not painful for me to accept that a lot of women see me as a threat, because I have that knack to relate to men on a level other than sexual.

---The fact that you belive that other women see you as a threat is a characteristic that attention whor es have

we're probably some of the coolest chicks you'd ever meet. End story.

-----Doubt that. Single moms and attention whor es aren't my cup of tea. Maybe someone elses?

To this discussion I want to add what I feel is the number one characteristic of attention whqres:

Bragging about attention they've received.

"Bragging" is not the best word to use. But it works. Basically, attention whqres are constantly seeking to prove their value. For instance, they will frequently describe situations where guys where pining for their approval. Or perhaps they'll cite instances where women seemed intimidated by them. In each case, they bring up situations that imply that they themselves are worth something. Usually their comments are unsolicited. Like when you are telling a story and they break off on an unrelated tangent describing some guy that you don't care two sh!ts about. On the surface, it seems like they are trying to prove this value to other people but, deep down, they are actually trying to convince themselves of their own worth (that's why I say "bragging" isn't the best word).


New Member
Mar 28, 2005
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Re: Re: Re: I am so sick of $hit like this.

Checking back through the thread I see that ShortyBrown gave a perfect example of what I was talking about in her post:

Originally posted by ShortyBrown

To get back to the original arguement, Another popular trait of the attention w-hore is blocking other women. Example:
I was out at a club on Saturday night with a bunch of friends. I spent a lot of the night sticking close to one guy, who I am a little sweet on,but wasn't with him all the time.At one point, we were all sitting on the couch and this other chick comes and sprawls herself on his lap, as if to say, "he's mine." (I was sitting opposite them.I didn't give a s-hit either way.) this "woman" made no attempt to speak to me, or be friendly in anyway. She also stuck to his side all night I noticed, while I explored the club with our other friends and checked in with him regularly. I could've been sure that she'd be pissed off when he stuck his hand up my shirt when we hugged goodbye, but when she parked herself in another lap, I figured she'd be OK.
Looking closely at this, she could have made a simple statement ON TOPIC that attention whqres block other women. That's a pretty self-explanatory statement. Instead, she included a detailed, OFF TOPIC and unsolicited story both about some guy you don't give two sh!ts about and a woman who was SEEMINGLY intimdated by her. The story is told in such a way that it doesn't out-right say, "I'm hot" but it very strongly implies it. In fact, it goes a step further and implies, "not only am I hot, but I'm way hotter than that other girl."

This is a classic "attention whqre" story.

Alpha Male

Don Juan
Jan 30, 2005
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Re: Re: Re: Re: I am so sick of $hit like this.

Originally posted by Mix
Checking back through the thread I see that ShortyBrown gave a perfect example of what I was talking about in her post:

Looking closely at this, she could have made a simple statement ON TOPIC that attention whqres block other women. That's a pretty self-explanatory statement. Instead, she included a detailed, OFF TOPIC and unsolicited story both about some guy you don't give two sh!ts about and a woman who was SEEMINGLY intimdated by her. The story is told in such a way that it doesn't out-right say, "I'm hot" but it very strongly implies it. In fact, it goes a step further and implies, "not only am I hot, but I'm way hotter than that other girl."

This is a classic "attention whqre" story.
Interesting point.


Master Don Juan
Nov 3, 2004
Reaction score
attention h0s were raped as kids and should be dealt with the same as adults.