Attention Wh0re


Master Don Juan
Jul 29, 2003
Reaction score
Re: Re: I am so sick of $hit like this.

Originally posted by myfriendblu
I can spot you bitc hes a mile away. As far as someone like malibu "putting the mack back", well, LOL, the minute i find out a female is a single mommy i turn and run.
Oh no... myfriendblu won't date me... I'm totally and utterly crushed. :( :(


Master Don Juan
Feb 5, 2003
Reaction score
Re: Re: Re: I am so sick of $hit like this.

Originally posted by Sexy_Malibu
Oh no... myfriendblu won't date me... I'm totally and utterly crushed. :( :(
I wasn't speaking of you. I said someone LIKE malibu. Go reread my post again :rolleyes:

Again, I find the fact that you have chimed in on this discussion with no valuable insight or usefull discussion of any kind only further illustrating my point. :p


Don Juan
Dec 10, 2002
Reaction score
There are a few women in their 30 and 40s who still try it - you'll find them in Ibiza, Magaluf, or similar 'clubbing heaven' over the summer - then back home in the 3sizes too small dresses in the middle of the dance floor or sidling up to young guys in the bar. They're the women who waste money on anti-aging creams, hair dye and ultra-support bras in an attempt to look younger.

Her ability to control men changes as she does. She'll do it by flirting, *****ing about the young girls and being generally helpless when there are men around, because it's what works.


Master Don Juan
Feb 5, 2003
Reaction score
Originally posted by Sleeper
There are a few women in their 30 and 40s who still try it -
Oh don't get me wrong, there are women who still try it, but in reality, in a group setting they will command little or no attention from a solid 20 year old attention who re. Its a fierce competition they will never win.


Master Don Juan
Aug 18, 2002
Reaction score
ash nc US
Attention *****s!!!!! *sighs* I love them...

Bah, I read like one page of guys complaining about attention wh0res. Then it got OLD really fast.

From now on, Ill call AW's Sunshine Girls. And my definition of a Sunshine Grils is any girl who is very playful and filrtatious. How is this a bad thing?

I LOVE Sunshine Girls. I would say about 95% of my closest chick friends are sunshine girls. They are so much FUN, I don't see how guys can dislike them.

Well...actually I DO see why some people on this forum b1tch about Sunshine Girls. Shorty hit the nail right on the head.

"Some guys are threatened"

Simple as that. We come here and we would all love to think "hey I'm a DJ, I know exactly what's going on with women" and we love to set expectations based on signals we "read."

But you know what? That was one of the biggest mistakes I made when i was an AFC. I would get a smile from a girl, and I would spend half a day breaking my mind wondering what it meant.

I think, when a novice DJ, or perhaps a DJ who has created a comfort zone for his game is "Djing" a girl, and all of a sudden she surprises him.... All hell breaks loose inside. He got SHOCKED!? Something he wasn't expecting? Something out of his control? OH my !!!!!!!

Not to pick on the guy who talked about the 6guys at the lunch table, but you have to admit. He wasnt expecting that. He thought it was going to be him and the chick, and he relyed on his DJ wisdom.

If he is to admit he is would be admitting he isnt a perfect DJ. There is always room for improvement :)

The best way to enjoy Sunshine Girls, and pretty much life in general is to NOT set expectations. There is no dissapointment if you don't expect anything particular.

I play around with Sunshine Girls my whole day. Just today a MAJOR sunshine girl came up next to me, I turned around and hugged her, and held my arms around her like we were a couple, rocked her back and forth, and she like dug her face in my neck, etc. Then I took off her trenchcoat-type thing and put it on, turned to my other Sunshine Girl friend and opened my coat, catching her inside, shook here and growled telling her about a movie I saw with monsters who eat(;)) people by doing this.

Some insecure guy might look at this and say "what the hell, those girl's are sluts! rubbing up on guys like that!" or maybe if the guy actually did this he might be tempted to make an assumption about a girls 'loyalty' to him.

I don't. I walk with her in the halls, I see other guys run up give her hugs/kisses I don't care. Most of the time I highfive the guy, or give him a big bear-hug too. :D

Become a secure male, don't let people who love flirting and playing around threaten you... get out there and play and enjoy yourself with them!


Master Don Juan
Feb 5, 2003
Reaction score
Not to be a dic k oreo, but aren't you like 15 or 16? Just saying that because attention whor es really aren't out in full force and developed until there 19 or 20. LOL they may start out as sunshine girls.....


Master Don Juan
Aug 18, 2002
Reaction score
ash nc US
Originally posted by myfriendblu
Not to be a dic k oreo, but aren't you like 15 or 16? Just saying that because attention whor es really aren't out in full force and developed until there 19 or 20. LOL they may start out as sunshine girls.....
No that's true. In my opinion a stuck up sunshine girl is no longer an AW, she is what i call "b1tch."

The sunshine girls on this website are hardly *****y, they are in fact much more fun/flirty/playful, just like a Sunshine Girl would be.


Master Don Juan
Jul 29, 2003
Reaction score
Re: Re: Re: Re: I am so sick of $hit like this.

Originally posted by myfriendblu
I wasn't speaking of you. I said someone LIKE malibu. Go reread my post again :rolleyes:

Again, I find the fact that you have chimed in on this discussion with no valuable insight or usefull discussion of any kind only further illustrating my point. :p
:rolleyes: Oh... my bad... "someone LIKE Malibu" is much less insulting that "Malibu"... ha ha... basically if you wouldn't date someone LIKE me, you wouldn't date ME, because I am LIKE ME... but really, do I care? No. You can read all about it your other thread. As for giving valuable insight into the minds of attention *****s? What exactly do you think I can offer on that subject? I am not an attention ***** in my regular life, only on here, where its so damn funny and I enjoy getting a rise out out some of you guys (NO pun intended!)... I chimed in because... why the **** not? I hardly think you can claim tha every post on this forum is always valuable or useful... I chimed in because if you're going to mention me, then I can at least respond.... somewhat. :p


Master Don Juan
Jun 22, 2003
Reaction score
Re: Re: I am so sick of $hit like this.

Originally posted by myfriendblu
Generalizations exist because they are true for the most part, 9 times out of 10. thats why they become generalizations. Im not worried about attention *****s. I can spot you bitc hes a mile away. As far as someone like malibu "putting the mack back", well, LOL, the minute i find out a female is a single mommy i turn and run. Your lack of relationship with a prominent mother figure may very well have A LOT to do with your inability to socialize and befriend with peer groups of females. Perhaps you dislike psychoanalizations because you know deep down many of the flaws it exposes are in accordance with your personality and it is difficult and painfull to accept. Of course it doesn't make you a bad person and its good to see your trying to correct your flaws. were not all perfect. I personally feel that being prude or in charge of ones sexuality and sexually liberated has nothing to do with the values you were raised on. I also think the fact that malibu had to chime in on this discussion with something of no value to speak on only further illustrates my point.

also, many need to understand one CLEAR and IMPORTANT point, the most important point of the attention wh ore. They are NOT out to intentionally hurt anyone or destroy anything. Often attention whor es, in every case, don't even REALIZE they are attention whor es. Its there own psychological makeup. They behave in a such a way as to overcompensate for various personality and psychological shortcomings and self esteem flaws. there not intentionally bad people. Its a naturally occuring defense mechanism used to cope with control deep rooted feelings of lack of self worth, self esteem and confidence.
In other words, you are a perfectly secure, happy individual who has no time for anyone with a few personality flaws. Lets pick apart what you have said.

generalizations. Im not worried about attention *****s. I can spot you bitc hes a mile away.
Apparently. I love how you can tell everything about a person based on the small information they provide you over the internet.

Your lack of relationship with a prominent mother figure may very well have A LOT to do with your inability to socialize and befriend with peer groups of females.
Did you miss the part where I said I had female friends? It is not my fault my mother died.
Perhaps you dislike psychoanalizations because you know deep down many of the flaws it exposes are in accordance with your personality and it is difficult and painfull to accept
These are not personality flaws. These are your Gospel.I'd listen if you were qualified, but clearly you aren't. It is not painful for me to accept that a lot of women see me as a threat, because I have that knack to relate to men on a level other than sexual. Thats just my experience though. I am not an attention wh-ore. I am damn lucky that my FATHER taught me to relate to human beings, not men and women.
Its a naturally occuring defense mechanism used to cope with control deep rooted feelings of lack of self worth, self esteem and confidence
Ok as long as thats settled Dr. Phil.

Your point seven was an attack on every woman who visits this site. It was unwarranted. Mystery, myself, Malibu, MsThang.....we're probably some of the coolest chicks you'd ever meet. End story.

To get back to the original arguement, Another popular trait of the attention w-hore is blocking other women. Example:
I was out at a club on Saturday night with a bunch of friends. I spent a lot of the night sticking close to one guy, who I am a little sweet on,but wasn't with him all the time.At one point, we were all sitting on the couch and this other chick comes and sprawls herself on his lap, as if to say, "he's mine." (I was sitting opposite them.I didn't give a s-hit either way.) this "woman" made no attempt to speak to me, or be friendly in anyway. She also stuck to his side all night I noticed, while I explored the club with our other friends and checked in with him regularly. I could've been sure that she'd be pissed off when he stuck his hand up my shirt when we hugged goodbye, but when she parked herself in another lap, I figured she'd be OK.


Master Don Juan
Feb 19, 2003
Reaction score
I think Ms Brown brings up a very good point..


to be honest, NOONE knows what anyone is like on this board, the same can be said for those who claim they are DJ's..noone really knows.

That said: Who cares?

As long as people arent acting like f*cking idiots, and have good advice, ill read anyones post, no matter who wrote it.


Senior Don Juan
Nov 11, 2001
Reaction score
Central MA
And about the ladies posting stuff with no useful information, take another look at those posts. They're called jokes. You're supposed to laugh at them. Trust me on this one.


Master Don Juan
Feb 5, 2003
Reaction score
Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: I am so sick of $hit like this.

Originally posted by Sexy_Malibu
: am not an attention ***** in my regular life, only on here, where its so damn funny and I enjoy getting a rise out out some of you guys (NO pun intended
LOL enough said :rolleyes:


Master Don Juan
Feb 5, 2003
Reaction score
Re: Re: Re: I am so sick of $hit like this.

Originally posted by ShortyBrown
In other words, you are a perfectly secure, happy individual who has no time for anyone with a few personality flaws.

-----I never said that. try and quote me on that. Oh wait you cant.

Apparently. I love how you can tell everything about a person based on the small information they provide you over the internet.

------Im not talking about spotting attention whor es on the net, i saying in real life.

Did you miss the part where I said I had female friends? It is not my fault my mother died.

----Never said it was. Only said that people who grow up without a prominent mother figure often have trouble relating to other females in peer groups. Just stating it

These are not personality flaws.

---Yes they are .

I'd listen if you were qualified, but clearly you aren't.

----Never said i was. Im just a smart guy who has seen and experienced alot.

It is not painful for me to accept that a lot of women see me as a threat, because I have that knack to relate to men on a level other than sexual.

---The fact that you belive that other women see you as a threat is a characteristic that attention whor es have

Your point seven was an attack on every woman who visits this site. It was unwarranted. Mystery, myself, Malibu, MsThang.....

-----Never attacked msthang or mystery

we're probably some of the coolest chicks you'd ever meet. End story.

-----Doubt that. Single moms and attention whor es aren't my cup of tea. Maybe someone elses?

To get back to the original arguement, Another popular trait of the attention w-hore is blocking other women.
---I agree there, VERY GREAT point. :)


Master Don Juan
Feb 5, 2003
Reaction score
Originally posted by sAxyguy83
You're supposed to laugh at them. .
LOL I know. I have never found a girls advise on much, especially dating, to be anything but a laugh. Then again I bet Condeleza Rice (SP?) would be very interesting to talk to, but she is an exception to the rule

Ronin I

Master Don Juan
Mar 8, 2003
Reaction score
Guys look back at this thread - the attention wh0res on this board pretty much hijacked the whole thread.

And you guys make it worse by giving them exactly what they want - attention.

If they chime in with meaningless posts just ignore them.


Don Juan
Jan 28, 2005
Reaction score
Detroit MI
Originally posted by jnallen
The last one I hooked up with ended up being Histrionic. They are the worst. This chick was crazy. She would break up and comeback break up and come back. Justice is served in the end though as there looks fade and so many relationships deteriate there self esteem hits rock bottom. My ex has never lost contact with me for longer than three months.

She was a hottie but had four kids, faked high self esteem by flirting with guys at the bar and always telling me about it.

The last time she called she was depressed as could be, sounded like she had been run thru the mill and looked like crap. Nothing like I remembered. These girls pay the price in the long run.

When she lived with me the first time she split up I never let her move back in we just dated. She didn't have to work living with me. Now she has a factory job, four kids, numerous relationships lasting less than six months and has to be wore out.

They lose in the end.

Good luck
I can relate to this experience jnallen; are you still in contact with her?


Master Don Juan
Sep 6, 2004
Reaction score
What type of guys are AW's attracted too?
AW's are attracted to males like regular women. However their prefrences tend to be more shallow then most women by placing a very high value on either looks, money or social statues. That is why majority of AW's end up in abusive relationships because everything after that is secondary to them.

It is therefore not uncommon to see young AW's with men alot older then them because they tend to compose all those elements as oppose to younger men.

As well AW's will attract males which she herself will not find them attractive however they are so willing to supplicate something to prove their worth and therefore they will come in handy. She will keep them by her side by giving them attension and false hope but it is highly unlikely they will ever get to touch her.


Jan 19, 2005
Reaction score
I don't think we're threatened by these women posting on the forum. I think they have issues, and want the attention of men, and unfortunately come on our forum to get it.

If you guys would just totally ignore them and their capn save a ho's, they'd have no more validity.