Originally posted by drixsa
life is literally one big double standard so i fail to see how complaining about it will solve anything.
Are you saying that you agree with the basic premise that men are held to more strict standards of behavior than women are?
And are you also saying that this is justifiable?
Seems to me that identifying injustice is the first way to rectify it.
The premise of feminism, as it was sold, is that the opportunities open to men and women should be judged SOLELY on their merit, and people should not be put in categories based solely on sex.
Now that feminists have basically gotten their way, they are even worse sexists then men ever were. Women have choices, but men have only responsibilities.
At least men, as bad as they can be, were moved by appeals to justice.
It will be interesting to see if women can be moved by the same appeals to justice, or are they so thoroughly self-centered, that they will remain unmoved? I'm still in doubt.
To NOT speak out, and hold people accountable for their actions, is bullshyt, IMHO.
its utter bs for a guy to say that the woman is too "shallow" do see how great he is, instead of looking back at himself to see where he is really the one at fault
I'm curious--if you had a female friend complaining about men, how do you think she would react to the advice you are giving the men--that she is a whiner, and she should just deal with it?
If you had 1000 females and 1000 males with a similar complaint, do you think that the females would, on average, have a different response to your advice than males would?
How do you think other friends (both male and female) would view you if you gave her the advice that she should stop complaining about her problems?
Considering the fact that many guys on this site are afraid to approach a woman, is it really that helpful to tell them that their failures with women are a reflection of themselves?
Or is it more helpful to point out the obvious--too many women ARE manipulative, selfish, b!tches, and that rejection by them shouldn't be taken seriously?
i could care less how most men are taught in america, i am from america and yes i have seen this but it does not make it allright.
im not sure if more of the teaching comes from woman or from TV to be honest.
Are you aware that most TV shows are paid for by advertisers who are trying to sell products to WOMEN?
Either way, the female point of view IS reality for most people. The male POV has been defined out of existence as irrelevant or deviant.
i think that the real problem is not that many men are being raised by woman but the real problems lie within the morals which parents lack. again here is another example of how much easier it is to attack a woman than really try and solve the problem.
How can you NOT blame women when THEY ARE RESPONSIBLE for divorce (between 66 and 88% of all divorces are filed by women) and bring up a vast majority of children in single parent households?
How is pointing out irresponsible and unjust behavior an "attack?"
my definition of what a man is, has to start with morals and ethics, becuase nobody is worthwhile if they dont have those,
I'd agree. I just find the morals and ethics of most females to be lacking.