Asian men white girls


Don Juan
Feb 7, 2006
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Sup guys, my first post here :p

I am a half Chinese/ half Australian guy, and I fit into both the eastern and western culture, perhaps due to spending half of my life here in Australia and the earlier half back in China. I've been told (by asian girls) that i am really good looking, and had my faire share of asian and white gfs. I believe ive got the style, confidence and alpha male status, but I gota admit, even tho its easy as hell to pick up asian chicks, it takes me triple the amount of effort and game to pick up a quality white chick. Its ironic the fact that you see so many white guys with asian girls yet so few asian guys are able to hook up with hot white girls.

Is it a confidence problem? looks? style? -- or just the race? ok, I can take rejection because of my looks, because of my personality or whatever else, but I cant take the fact that many white girls reject me just because I am ASIAN, the fact they disqualify me in their subconsious mind before I can do anything.

Asian men are classfied into two categories, the four eyed nerds which are weak, timid and basically have no chance in hell with hotties, and the gangsta bois with imported rides and guns, and they usually attract *****s like flies to sh*t. Even then, the white chicks have to "dig asians"

Of course some of you will argue that no matter what your race is, if you have enough game you WILL score the chick, well guess what, thats a load of bs. Well I'm working on a HB9 white girl at the moment, and I hope I can do the asian men proud :D


Senior Don Juan
Jul 26, 2005
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white guys are just better looking and more alpha than asian guys. asian guys are short, thin-framed and have femenine facial features, usually. its not the race, they're just much less attractive in almost every area than white guys. whereas, all the features that the asian guys have aren't super unattractive in women; ie being short, skinny and having feminine features doesn't matter that much. so the lower 50th percentile of white guys you see going out with asian chicks are better than the upper 50th percentile of asian guys not getting white chicks.


Don Juan
Feb 7, 2006
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Originally posted by dirtyvibe
white guys are just better looking and more alpha than asian guys. asian guys are short, thin-framed and have femenine facial features, usually. its not the race, they're just much less attractive in almost every area than white guys. whereas, all the features that the asian guys have aren't super unattractive in women; ie being short, skinny and having feminine features doesn't matter that much. so the lower 50th percentile of white guys you see going out with asian chicks are better than the upper 50th percentile of asian guys not getting white chicks.
thats tru, although me and most of my asian friends are not considered "short" or "skinny" . We get white chix, but thats only if they are receptive to asians, u know?:p


Senior Don Juan
Dec 3, 2005
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I don't think race has anything to do with masculinity. Plenty of feminine white dudes, black boys, and asian guys. Also plenty of masculine men in those races.

Certain women might be more attracted to certain ethnic features. Asian women tend to like white men, and white American women tend to be the sluttiest on earth, and pretty much date anyone. Although even white chicks overwhelmingly prefer white guys.

Most races will find their own race the most attractive. But because of the constant call for cultural diversity, a certain portion of white women will date outside their own race. Black women tend to be most loyal to their own race in the dating arena. Not sure why.


Senior Don Juan
Jan 1, 2006
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Why do these Asian guy posts always reek of insecurity? Asian guys putting other asian guys down is bad. I doubt you are half asian too. I've seen enough asians who claim they are half this or part that. I just need to take a couple seconds of looking to know their true ethnicity.


Master Don Juan
Sep 4, 2005
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learn kung fu and **** dude

if i knew kung fu and had a bunch of wise asian stuff to quote, i'd be the biggest ****in pimp on earth


Senior Don Juan
Dec 3, 2005
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Originally posted by Soprano
learn kung fu and **** dude

if i knew kung fu and had a bunch of wise asian stuff to quote, i'd be the biggest ****in pimp on earth


Senior Don Juan
Jan 1, 2006
Reaction score
Originally posted by dirtyvibe
white guys are just better looking and more alpha than asian guys. asian guys are short, thin-framed and have femenine facial features, usually. its not the race, they're just much less attractive in almost every area than white guys. whereas, all the features that the asian guys have aren't super unattractive in women; ie being short, skinny and having feminine features doesn't matter that much. so the lower 50th percentile of white guys you see going out with asian chicks are better than the upper 50th percentile of asian guys not getting white chicks.
Bzzzt Wrong. Good looking masculine white boys usually jock caucasian looking females and it's the average or below average white boys that get asian girls. And try not to lump asian guys together, I tend to find masculine asian western guys tend to be more open about dating non-asians than the cute hairless feminized ones as asian girls seem to dig the boyish immature look.

With that, my generalities would be that asian girls tend to go for boyish immature facial types. that's why white anime video game fanboys seem to be totally into asian girls. Just look at their face, almost no hint of masculinity.


Don Juan
Feb 7, 2006
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Originally posted by Warlord
Why do these Asian guy posts always reek of insecurity? Asian guys putting other asian guys down is bad. I doubt you are half asian too. I've seen enough asians who claim they are half this or part that. I just need to take a couple seconds of looking to know their true ethnicity.
Im not putting down any asians, Im just saying its hard for asians men to score with white chix, thats all. Oh btw your right, i am ABC, not half asian, a bit of typo earlier

Mr. Unique

Master Don Juan
Dec 16, 2005
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I think an asian can have an advantage as thay are less intimidating and seem more friendly then most races to girls, so yeah I think you can have an advantage their if you make it work, but a greater disadvantage just because of the fact that theyr asian. try gaining muscles and act more badboy, girls like that. asians have feminine features but they never age like us white guys do. white girls would also want their kids to look exotic or pretty so they mix with an asian guy.


Don Juan
Nov 28, 2005
Reaction score
Its kind of like a self-fullfilling prohecy. If you think you are femine, thin framed, short etc.. you end up like that.

It's not completely do with genes either, there was some study that showed that the height in Japan and portions of China grew by a couple of inches in the recent decades. Diets are greatly underestimated. It has a lot do with the introduction of beef and dairy products when these East Asian countries opened their markets to imports. It's also known that testosterone also influences your masculine facial features.

But to be fair, asians are a more collectivist culture, which contradicts a lot of the individualistic traits of the idealized American Alpha/player male etc... I do know that a lot of East-Asian parents do mold their children into doormats/AFC, they hold a belief that academics and money is the most important thing in the world. Everything else is almost irrelevant. These parents "live" their children's lives as a extension of theirs.

But as always, we know that isn't entirely true, having a lot of money and supplicating to an authority figure for most of your life to get it isn't going to help you become more indepedent, ambitious and confident of your individual action. More importantly a more satisfying life.

It's a big hurdle to jump through, but everyone loves the underdog who laughs in the face of adversity. Take charge of this inner game problem and aim for change. I am not saying you should "Westernize" up 100% but you should combine both cultures to your advantage. I guess it is a half-full/empty thing.

Le Parisien

Master Don Juan
May 30, 2004
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back to Paris, missing the USA
Actually, being a pretty westernized chinese myself, I'd say things are NOT that simple.

The Asians living in western countries tend to be noticebaly shorter than the average local males. Being short is bad! Not being Asian per se.

Due to traditional values, first and second generation Asians in these countries tend to be less assertive, "alpha" or "manly" in their attitude. Being too "respectful" and unassertive is bad in western societies! Not being Asian per se.

And the list goes on...
So basically it's NOT the fact of being Asian, but some cultual "drawbacks" that make you look less attractive to white girls.

Again, there are also positive traits in the Asians culture: respect, valueing education, avoiding violence...

Now, depending on the country, just being Asian, even WITHOUT the aforementioned negative trait, can make it much harder to get hot white girls in some countries.

In France, Asia is pretty "popular" from a cultural stand point, so everything else being equal (height, looks), being Asian actually might give a little edge!:up:

Now in the US, things are BAD BAD! I experienced this first hand during my two year stay in the US. TOO many people (white, black, even many Asians themselves) buy into the negative racial stereotypes about Asians. I felt like my "market value" just plummeted like there's no tommorrow. I should confess that I basically played the "I'm a French guy" card. This is NOT a lie, but everytime chicks go woa when I tell them that I speak perfect French and nobody cares that I also speak perfect chinese bothers me alot.:rolleyes:
When I go out clubbing, only my great dancing skills save me. Right now, thanks to hiphop culture, it's cool to be a black guy. They get girls to grind, hookup with them real easy.

I don't have enough experience about other countries, but I'd guess that anglo-saxon countries that buy too much into the hollywood racial stereotypes against Asians might be bad for Asians.


Don Juan
Nov 28, 2005
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Yea what you say is true, if you travel a lot you WILL notice this. Asians do a lot hell lot better in France that's for sure. They have a depopulation problem there right now too.

A lot of "white girls" (or just girls) there are probably even better than the ones in America to begin with. Less *****y :D


Senior Don Juan
May 1, 2005
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Tampa, Florida
you're an idiot
I'm Belgian/Korean and chics love me, as long as they're not racist it's not like someone will dislike you more just because of your skin colour. it's not like I'd rather **** a white/asian chick than a black or latina... same goes for women.


Master Don Juan
Feb 11, 2004
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i'd have to agree with Nexxus and Rovalier.

Im an americanized asian myself, and over the break last month i visited london and stayed at a hostel there with friends.

and i've had nothing but good experiences with the ladies there.
quite a lot of french in england i'd have to say.

But i agree that it's probably a sense of rarity in foreign countries that makes the person all the more intriguing/mysterious to the locals.

As for your situation with HOT white girls, since u generally have no problem pulling in girls, i cant see how you can have problems pulling in the hot ones.


Master Don Juan
Apr 24, 2002
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monrovia, CA
there is a 5'6 asian guy at my gym, he is so ripped that he looks like an NFL linebacker.. seriously, and is only 150 pounds. I actually asked him one day.

He gets so much ***** thrown at him left and right, It motivates me to work harder. I mean good quality bad ass ***** too. I actually approached a girl about 3 months ago and got turned down because she told me she was interested in the asian guy. I said, hell, more power to him.

It is self fufilling. If yout hink you look like a little *****, get your ***** ass in the gym and get the testerone pumping. Facial features, no matter what race, tone out the lower your BF is.. I used to have a fat face, now It's very defined, because I lost the fat in my face.

stop making excuses..


Don Juan
Apr 15, 2005
Reaction score
Hey im 1/2 Japanese, 1/4 French, 1/4 German. Ive never had a problem with getting chicks and I currently have a freaking hot GF even if she is a B*tch! This is what I look like...........

Check it out!^^^^^^^^^^


Don Juan
May 28, 2005
Reaction score
Los Angeles, CA
I always use the analogy of gravity.

For whites, gravity is 9.81 m/s^2. It's the norm. For asians, it's more like 9.9 m/s^2. Not a HUGE difference, per se, but it's there. It's another bit of baggage to lug around.

What a lot of my fellow Asians do to their own detriment and what I have to ****ing socially DEPROGRAM them is that MOST of it is in their own mind. It's like they're carrying around a 20 lb weight when really it's a measily extra 5 lbs.

****ing matyr and prima donna complex. Yeah, I gotta game harder, tighter and faster than the white boy next to me, but it's not like that's a herculean feat.


Master Don Juan
Apr 24, 2002
Reaction score
monrovia, CA
I'm not asian.. I'm black...

I honestly think I have a distinct advantage over alot of white guys.. because I stand out.

Now, you are going to have your women who just aren't going to date out of their race.. nothing I can do about that.. however, it's not as many women as you think.

If you took 20 women, I would bet 16-17 would date out of their race if the they met the right guy.

Actually, that brings up a good point. Alot of times you are getting rejected with the "I don't date out of my race" card, is just her really another way of telling you she isn't interested in you.. you don't do it for her.

The thing Is, I notice, is that guys who date out of their race, or find themselves attracted to woman of a diferent skin color, the ones who make it an issue, it becomes an issue. It's really that simple.

I've seen my own best friends, go up to a white woman, or better yet, a young adult, and say something along the lines so "do you date black guys"... it's like you are setting up your own failure.

Not to say she is going to say no, but why even give her the option to say now.

You game up a white girl if you are asian/black just like you game up any type of girl, you MAKE HER REJECT YOU, not your skin color, not let you down because she has a Bf.

Make her say I'M NOT INTERESTED.

I've had my fair sure of cauasian women.. in all honestly I don't have a perference, I just like bad ass women, and I can honestly sit here and tell you that i have NEVER been rejected because of my skin color.

One girl I was talking to even said something to the account of "I don't even think about it unless someone else brings it up, and then I'm like "okay, what's your point?" when in the past I haven't dated black guys before"

The one time I got into an arguement with anyone because of my race, and I wouldn't even call it an arguement, was actually not to long ago, about 4 months ago, my old oneitis and I started messing around, and I KNeW her parents already becuase I have done business with her mom, but she didn't necessarly "warm" to the idea of her daughter being penatrated by a black guy (even though she isn't white, she's hispanic).. (she ovbiously doesn't know her daughter, I wasn't anywhere near the first).

I commend her mom, she had balls.. she came out one day when I picked her up and told me how she felt. I guess she expected me to get irrate and get mad and storm off.

So I explain to her, that a) It's not the idea of your daughter dating a black guy that you don't like, it's the idea of your daughter dating a sterotypical black guy, you know, the one that is pertraied on the media on a daily basis that steals, does drugs, wears baggy clothes and has no ambition, that you don't want your daughter dating..and in all honestly, there are alot of black guys I dont' want my little sister dating when she gets older.

That I could understand, and it's not her fault for not being around black people enough to understand and know that everyone isn't like that (I mean, it's wrong for me to assume all mexicans have 15 kids and drive 20 year old nissan trucks with no insurance).

However, I'm not like that, which she should very well know, and if she actually took the time to get to know me and where I was coming from, I am pretty sure she would have nothing but respect for me.

Didn't have one problem with her after that.. in fact, I think she actually warmed up to me. She even let me spend the night if I wanted to (I am grown, so is she, but she still lives with her mom)..

I bought her a copy of Guess whoose coming to dinner, the movie, for christmas... we both had a good laught out of that.

Oh, I also told her, that regardless if she liked it or not, her daughter was just 2 and a half months younger than I was, meaning she was grown and could do what she very well pleased.. and regardless if she liked me or not, I was going to do what I pleased.. I don't know if she enjoyed hearing it, however, if she wanted to be truthful with me, I was going to do the same with her.

however, other than that one incident, I have never had a problem dealing with women of the opposite race.