Based on my experience
I agree with Donjuanpablo that this isn't bad advice ...
BUT a lot of guys will read it incorrectly, overdo things, and become a good
friend to the gals they want to get down with. What was missing is that attraction
precedes all of this. And overdoing this kind of stuff early on might
kill the attraction.
OK, my take:
1. Call when you say you will
If you've actually
told her you'll call at a certain time, then do. Women with a decent amount of self-esteem don't like flaky guys any more than we like flaky gals. Otherwise call at your mutual convenience. Just don't call
too often.
2. Remember what she says
Definitely yes on this one.
The best example of this was when a gal I was dating mentioned a type of wine that she liked, and collected the corks (which had different pictures on them). She had recently moved, and could not locate the wine in the area. I found it, and surprised her with a bottle on the second date. A very fun weekend followed.
A lot of women are
starved for romance. Where chumps go wrong is that they jump into it way too early, before enough of a connection has been made.
Some gals will go for an all-out barrage of romantic attention ("what the hell - may as well enjoy the ride"), but there has to be attraction there. A skillful romantic will build up the anticipation, then surprise her with something that blows her away.
3. Share something of yourself with her
A double-edged sword. A lot of people will WAY misinterpret this. Share
just a little to arouse her curiosity. Building
rapport is great, if it turns out you
do have a lot in common, but definitely don't "spill your guts." And avoid sappy, emotional stuff.
4. Listen when she's talking
Definitely yes.
5. Notice her
Yes, but just don't
overdo it. Best to notice a few bits and pieces that most other guys
don't notice. If a million guys are complimenting a hot, smart gal about how hot she is, she'll remember the guy who commented about their conversation being interesting. Overdoing it might give her the impression you think she's out of your league. Better for her to wonder if she's in your league.