No its true that women will leave when a 6ft man in her orbit and actually mate with him for an offspring.. You live in planet earth.. Women in planet eart are programmed to get the best mate they can get. These were made more blunt by short chicks.. She, then will do her best helping her husband to pool in more money for them.. Even know women makes lots of money than men these days.
Women are not like men.. Their biology dictates her behavior.
Biology dictates our behavior just as much -- even
more so. We want younger, hotter, sexier, more fertile. Their personalities come second to their looks. Always. Are you arguing with that?
And yeah it's true that women will want to leave their man when he's no longer adding any value to her life. When he loses his job and stops providing, lets himself go physically, starts acting like a pathetic b!tch (sort of like the black pillers here), stops courting her and providing emotional nourishment, etc.
Men will want to leave their wives when she gets fat, starts acting like a nagging tyrant (often when kids enter the picture), gets an "easy maintenance" butch haircut etc.
But according to you, a woman's hypergamy is an automatic, reptilian response that she acts upon immediately, in every instance. But married men never start fvcking their hot secretaries.