Are negs more effective with more attractive girls?


Master Don Juan
Feb 20, 2008
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anyways...... A while ago I started using neg hits on this one girl. She wasn't the most attractive girl I've seen, but I did it anyways, and she responded negatively.. next.
This new girl has guys all over her, all the time, is a lot more attractive, etc. I'm thinking that negging her every so often would actually have a positive effect because she's so use to getting complimented ALL the TIME.
Is this a good idea?


Master Don Juan
Aug 23, 2008
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You probably negged that other girl the wrong way. You have to be very careful not to go overboard with it. It has to be fun for her too. Basically, you're playing with her, but at the same time you're communicating to her that you're not taken by her beauty and that YOU are the prize.

Also, you have to send mixed messages. Like be busting her balls in a friendly way, but hold doors open for her, be chivalrous in other ways and keep escalating the kino.


Master Don Juan
Feb 20, 2008
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can you give me some ideas on how you would do that?


Master Don Juan
Jun 23, 2008
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Negs are more effective on attrative girls. In fact in my experience it works only in hb9s and up. The type that have never been turned down by guy.


Master Don Juan
Sep 13, 2005
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entering the 4th quarter....
always remember: if you run across a girl who treats guys like have to treat her like crap for her to like you...if you can't play the game u gotta stay away from her...and most hot girls who are exciting and crazy are already screwed up in the head...there only used to disfunctional relationships...that's y she's single...cuz the last guy was a piece of sh*t to her...


Master Don Juan
Aug 23, 2008
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Jokerlsk said:
can you give me some ideas on how you would do that?
How do you joke around with your guy friends? I don't know about you, but when I'm around my guy friends I'm constantly making fun of them and they're constantly making fun of me. It's similar to what you do with a girl. The only difference is, you tone down the potty humor and the vulgar language that guys tend to use.

Mr. Bond

Senior Don Juan
Aug 4, 2008
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I've experimented with this a good bit lately.

I've noticed that neg hits work better on the girls who THINK they are the sh*t, whether they are actually that hot or they aren't. The point of a neg hit is to get a girl off her pedestal. If she isn't putting herself on a pedestal, then you don't need to neg her nearly as much.

If she thinks she's something special and gets angry at your negging (assuming you're doing it correctly), then she gets a big next from me for being *****y.


Don Juan
Aug 19, 2008
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Excellent post Badmannaz......

Anyway one of the biggest b i t c h e s I have met actually complained about all the guys who have given her drinks and smokes... And she blowed a nice guy away ( a guy who actually liked her) when I came and negged her ( well it was not really neggs, I meant all the words that came from my mouth)

Some of the things I said to her was:

This was when she sat with the poor nice guy.And i came along.

Nice guy:Was offering HB 8 a smoke
HB 8 : No I don*t want a smoke idiot

Me: What kind of woman are you that treat men this bad?
HB 8: No answer, just shooked face
Nice guy: Smiled and thought I was cool and gave no answer

A few minutes later
HB 8: this has happened to me all night , I have been offered drinks and smoke. Do you understand?

Me: no answer

HB 8: Do you understand?

Me: Yes I do.

And than the conversation started and the nice guy left. ( I think I did him a favor, she was treating him like s h i t, and she was obviously not interrested ) She was not actually treating me perfect either, but it was fun.

Later on before she went away with her female friend we kissed.
Last edited:


Don Juan
Dec 28, 2006
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Here is the scale gentlemen..

If she is a 9 or 10- She is available for Negs.

If she is an 8 to 9- Then ****y & Funny works well.

If she is a 7 above or at any point an ugly duckling which includes the vast majority then Teasing is the only way to go.

That is why the safest system is to Tease..

What is the difference..

A Neg is not meant as funny.. it is a Negative Compliment.. or a flat out insult.

ex: That is a nice shirt, but I saw 3 girls with it on already.

****y Comedy is usually sarcastic humour with no laugh.. like:

Waiteress serves you drink..

Response: Next time you could be faster.. I will hate you now for the next 43 seconds.. can you stand over there until I call you so you can make it up to me.

Teasing is humour with the laugh included.. sometimes you are laughing before them.. and this is implied humour.

Hey I love what you have done with your hair today.. the ball cap really suits your round head. Wanna go bowling? lol

You got the part about looks right.. women who have higher social value are used to more compliments and better things in life. So average isn't attractive like it isn't for any female.

Average is your enemy.. the difference is that some of the heavy Neg users.. use it to lower value.. which works and is easy but is unsustainable.. because what they said in essence is that you are hot so I am going to Neg you.

What that says to the guy in left field is that you have lower value in your mind than her.. she is worth more and you have to resort to Negative Game to get her.

Now I am not a believer of that mentality.. I believe in the Trophy Mentality and that only you can shine your Trophy.

Anyone no matter their looks.. can attain greatness.. and if you have the right Inner Frame.. the 9's and 10's will love you without the Neg.

I have seen the oldest dudes, not showered or shaved, all raspy, dirty as f*ck with incredible women.. they were broke and had nothing in their pants to write home about.

But in their mind they were a Trophy and they were rewarded..


Master Don Juan
Jul 26, 2007
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A short way of putting it is that you don't need to neg on girls with low self-esteem.


Senior Don Juan
Apr 7, 2005
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First, why do you guys use scales to rate women? all of us will have a different scale and all women have something good to offer, its just its our job to find that thing special. And I will tell you that "negging" a girl is the last thing you can do, well, not the last thing, but it has a high probablity of error and you sounding like a douchebag.


Master Don Juan
Oct 24, 2006
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its basically a theory ... i never found too much use in them


Master Don Juan
May 28, 2007
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trd323 said:
First, why do you guys use scales to rate women? all of us will have a different scale and all women have something good to offer, its just its our job to find that thing special. And I will tell you that "negging" a girl is the last thing you can do, well, not the last thing, but it has a high probablity of error and you sounding like a douchebag.
I've moved on from the number ratings. I now use letter ratings "Oh that chick is such a J! I want to screw her brains out"

Bigg Boss

Don Juan
Mar 19, 2006
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Not in my opinion. Negs don't work, people like to be praised. NOT FLATTERED, but praised. That's where most people go wrong. Dudes start flattering girls and girls respond negatively so then men start thinking they need to do the contrary. Which is not the case. Just tone it down a little and be sincere with your praise. Negging makes them feel as though you don't like them, therefore, they won't like you.

A better way to be more effective with more attractive females, I say, is just don't show them as much attention (don't hang out alot, don't call alot, etc.). And when do you show them attention, treat em like you'd treat any other girl (don't forget to praise when its due). This works for me. I had many girls tell me that it bugs them that I only call them sparingly but when I hang around them I'm so nice and cool, blah blah blah. One of my chicks called it "mixed signals" (I don't like to call it that though because that's push and pull aka negging). They yearn for the sincere words to give that only seem to come around every so often.

Now after interest has been built, that's when attention needs to be shown a little bit more. Because after a while they're going to finally say F it and let you go (the amount of time this takes to happen varies from each female)


Master Don Juan
Oct 20, 2005
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One other thing to add is that if you're an attractive guy, negs do more harm than good because it actually hurts their feelings.


Master Don Juan
Aug 23, 2008
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Basically the point of C & F is to subtly show to a girl that YOU are the prize. Most guys suck up to girls and kiss their ass and make themselves appear unworthy. Obviously, really hot girls need to be knocked down a couple more pegs than the average girl.

But even on average girls if you make sure you that you do it with a smile and -more importantly- see that she's laughing, it's a useful tactic.