Are negs more effective with more attractive girls?


Don Juan
Feb 17, 2009
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trd323 said:
First, why do you guys use scales to rate women? all of us will have a different scale and all women have something good to offer, its just its our job to find that thing special. And I will tell you that "negging" a girl is the last thing you can do, well, not the last thing, but it has a high probablity of error and you sounding like a douchebag.
I have to agree wtih you, I don't really find it to work. I know that I don't feel natural doing it. It works a little better with someone you kind of know. But I've learned to stay away from it.


Senior Don Juan
Aug 4, 2008
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Orlandomac said:
Here is the scale gentlemen..

If she is a 9 or 10- She is available for Negs.

If she is an 8 to 9- Then ****y & Funny works well.

If she is a 7 above or at any point an ugly duckling which includes the vast majority then Teasing is the only way to go.

That is why the safest system is to Tease..

What is the difference..

A Neg is not meant as funny.. it is a Negative Compliment.. or a flat out insult.

ex: That is a nice shirt, but I saw 3 girls with it on already.

****y Comedy is usually sarcastic humour with no laugh.. like:

Waiteress serves you drink..

Response: Next time you could be faster.. I will hate you now for the next 43 seconds.. can you stand over there until I call you so you can make it up to me.

Teasing is humour with the laugh included.. sometimes you are laughing before them.. and this is implied humour.

Hey I love what you have done with your hair today.. the ball cap really suits your round head. Wanna go bowling? lol

You got the part about looks right.. women who have higher social value are used to more compliments and better things in life. So average isn't attractive like it isn't for any female.

Average is your enemy.. the difference is that some of the heavy Neg users.. use it to lower value.. which works and is easy but is unsustainable.. because what they said in essence is that you are hot so I am going to Neg you.

What that says to the guy in left field is that you have lower value in your mind than her.. she is worth more and you have to resort to Negative Game to get her.

Now I am not a believer of that mentality.. I believe in the Trophy Mentality and that only you can shine your Trophy.

Anyone no matter their looks.. can attain greatness.. and if you have the right Inner Frame.. the 9's and 10's will love you without the Neg.

I have seen the oldest dudes, not showered or shaved, all raspy, dirty as f*ck with incredible women.. they were broke and had nothing in their pants to write home about.

But in their mind they were a Trophy and they were rewarded..
I agree, girls who have no confidence in their looks, are not good to use negs or CF on em.


Don Juan
Aug 19, 2008
Reaction score
At most woman you do not need to use negs. But to the woman who think they are the ****, the neg is the only solution. You have to lower their ego.

And body language , eye contact, appearance have just as much to say as what you are telling her with your mouth. You have to exclude high confidence also, else it wont work.

She wants to now that you are not just a guy ( who she has been rejected all night, so you have to reject her first with a neg)