Women feel comfortable around men who respect them thus making the whole easy going and full of positive vibes. If this is the case then where is the fine line between actually respecting women and being "friendly". I ask because I respect girls except I have a spine of my own can stand my own ground etc, however I still have not had a girlfriend (only occasional hook ups here and there and even that is declining) I noticed more of these girls responding to the "badass" that ignores them (I have tried that too, didn't work) but these girls get themselves entangled in the typical cycle trying to change the dude only to realize that they get themselves hurt. Yet when they meet a man that shows them some form of respect they ignore the dude.
here's the thing about "respecting women"
1. it's actually a hilarious internet meme now
http://knowyourmeme.com/memes/respect-women I see funny facebook posts about it all the time
2. women as a whole are no more worthy of respect than the average person is, when you try to give random women you don't know extra respect that they don't deserve it comes off in several negative ways:
feminists will be offended that you're treating them like they're not tough enough to get by without special treatment, b!tchy girls will think you're a pvssy for not putting them in their place, girls with daddy issues or other issues will probably get off more on being degraded and treated like ****, particularly insecure girls will feel like they don't deserve it and dislike it, jaded girls will think you're obviously and transparently trying to manipulate them, and normal/nice girls will just think you're a nice guy but not particularly care otherwise.
overall, it mostly comes off as annoying beta white knight bullsh!t, whereas the exact reason they don't like it will depend on the girl, but they almost certainly won't like it
3. final point, what's best for you and what you want aren't necessarily the same thing, the girl that's best for you is likely going to be a nun, a female pastor/preacher or a religious muslim who wears the hijab or something else along those lines, a woman who is devoted to being a good person and subservient to her husband and would make a fine housewife and mother of your kids, but I'm 100% sure that's not what you go for, because that would be really boring. same concept for women.