In other words Mature, to answer your question from the topic title, women don't like men who answer to the sets of unattractive qualities outlined by the other posters above.
I.e. smelly, unkempt, bad dressing, socially inept men with no life outside computers. Or simply just men who can't talk about anything else but computer stuff. Or any other singular interest for that matter. Said unattractive characteristics spell out one commonality: not taking care of yourself and no life. This can easily be transplanted onto
any other man with any other job. Any technician for example, whose life exists only between his machines. Or a bookkeeper, to name something else.
Since a lot of "computer guys" answer to a lot of these "bad" traits , the label "computer guys" has taken flight as a stereotype. Also because people tend to generalize, by the way.
When women say they don't like "computer guys", or "IT nerds", they
really mean to say is that they don't like people who are like the stereotype. Simply because they have nothing in common with them and there's nothing that interests them. Hence, they're not attractive.
And let's not forget: there are women too who answer to the stereotype. Nerdy computer girls who appear more like men than women. Who let their hair grow too long and straight, so it starts to look more like straw than hair. Who hide their unfashionable glasses and their face behind that long hair as well. Girls who don't take care of their posture or body (too fat too often). Who wash infrequently and wear un-feminine clothes. Would a guy be attracted to her? Yeah, another computer guy who's like her maybe.
There are however plenty of IT nerds out there who are otherwise well-groomed, who dress nicely, smell clean, and who are generally very sociable and interesting people. Mostly because they keep their computer nerd-speak to themselves and colleagues (it's just work to them) and have other things in their life to talk about too.
I'm a bit of a computer guy myself, but with women I talk about life, passions, people, feelings, relationships, dreams etcetera. Not about my latest endorfin high when I got a complicated configuration up and running after hours of cussing at the screen and nearly wanting to throw the damn lot out the window. (Well, not unless said woman loves to talk about such things of course.) I also like to keep myself slim, eat well, love gourmet food, and love good clothes that emphasize my personality. In other words: to women I'm an exiting, interesting, attractive man (shameless plug

So don't sweat (pun intended) as long as you're an IT guy but not an "IT guy". You'll do alright with women. And since women tell you that
"you're not like most computer guys", that probably means that you're an interesting and exiting man. Someone they are able to level with. So hell yeah, I'd say that's a compliment. I'd so, go out there and "educate" other women that computer guys can be real men too.