@Trump You're missing the point. And I don't
message 27 year olds. The point is you can be a guy and have many advantages but in the world of OLD, it doesn't really matter. It's all about age (#1 thing women filter for) and how many emails she is pouring through. You cannot control either one of these factors. After a well thought out but short and concise message, I would say maybe 30-40% even read them (Match tells you if they read or not). Then if they do read, you're maybe one of 50+ she skimmed. Then, if you do go out with an OLD woman, you can be sure she's seeing a few guys along with you. Not a problem I know, many here will say then multi-date her too, but the odds of dealing with multi-daters are lower meeting organically. If I were 25 or even 35, fine. But over 40, you have other interests beside becoming a professional dater and being out on dates 5-6 nights/ week. Especially when most don't pan out. HUGE waste of time.I'm a business owner, workout a lot, have a Doberman that needs a ton of exercise, and mostly I have other interests. So I'm saying it's a very low percentage option for most men. I'm successful in that I've dated 12 or so hot women from OLD in the past year but it's taken
a lot of time.