The divorce rate is only 33%!"
First of all, even if that's true, which I will demonstrate in a moment it's not, 33% is still really terrible... The reality is that looking at that one stat doesn't tell the true story. Far more than one out of three people get divorced. Why? Because:
1. That stat doesn't take into account the number of adults who have never been married or haven't been married yet. As I'll be showing you in a minute, that's a hell of a lot of people.
2. That stat doesn't take into account people currently married who haven't divorced their spouses yet, but who will at some point in the next few decades. Which again, as I will show in a minute, is a titanic number of people, both numerically and in terms of percentages.
Add those two together, and now that 33% figure is suddenly way off. As in, way too low.
Your risk of divorce is not about whether or not you've been divorced yet. Rather, it's based around the odds of you ever getting divorced at any point throughout your entire lifespan. I'm talking about the odds of you getting divorced, even once, at any time, from age 18 to 82, which is the average life expectancy of someone in the Western world.