Master Don Juan
Well I did not say I was an atheist... I am agnostic... meaning I do not know. Which IMO is the only logical position to take when it comes to divine faith. Your argument I have heard before from religious people... belief is a way to hedge bets. If you believe in God and he doesn't exist you will die then nothing.... If you do not believe in God and there is no God... so what at you moment of death you get to know you are right... but your fate is no different than a believer... non-existence. The only way to win is to believe.... It's playing the lottery.or because we're all drawing straws here, atheism is refusing to draw a straw. there may or may not be a prize for the longest straw (or you might get a plot twist reveal that the prize actually goes to the shortest straw instead), but if you don't draw your odds are 0% as opposed to the non zero percent chance of winning if you draw a straw
Well my answer to this is that believers are making a lot of assumptions... first that God has provided an after-life.... second that access to this after-life is conditioned on faith... and following dogma. If God is all powerful and all knowing, then it can make anyone believe whatever it wants. So if I don't have 'faith'... then it is apparently God's will that I be like this. Hard to believe 'God' would punish people for following it's will. The only logical assumption is to question the existence of God and that faith does't really matter because that is what God wants... so if there is a God and there is heaven... then everyone goes.