My issue beside the circus show is how they are using it to send a message where they want to have their cake and eat it too.
On one hand, women want to be better than men and do the same masculine things men do.
On the other hand, feminist women believe that everyone is a winner and that everyone should get awards. If you know any feminist single mothers, they all have this mentality. Competition breeds better people and advancement. This can't happen if every kid wins and thus quits trying hard. This intro goes against that paradigm and is effectively showing clear winners. So in this regard, this logic is flawed a bit.
Another example of feminists using the narrative to what suits them best.
Yes, points against feminism are taken. We also have to remember that this is a TANKING movie. The current RT score is 60%. The IMDB score is 5.5 and its a divisive movie. It has turned off allot of people who are Wonder Woman fans and negative comments written on some reviews is extremely harsh. Its one point away from being a rotten tomato.
Now, dealing with feminism, the movie itself actually portrays women very weakly. Take the Wonder Woman's obsession over her ex-bf on that level that she'd accept his essence on another male's body, and even invade an innocent guys' apartment and rape him, and lose all of her powers and not until the world is about to explode badly she finally decides to renounce her wish? Tell me how does that portray a strong woman? That is a joke. This is not feminism. It is the opposite. You can't ignore stuff like that.
Or how about Cheetah. Is she portraying a strong woman or a spoiled woman that lost all her humanity? Is this not what people here are complaining about modern woman who are getting validation from simps and going after Chads that they are shallow, soulless and lost their humanity the same change of character you saw with Cheetah?
For a movie about feminism they chose women of very weak character that would be a joke for a strong woman. The world almost exploded because of Wonder Woman's insane attachment to her boyfriend. If they portrayed men badly in the movie, they portrayed women worst.
Going back to the low score, I've heard theories out there that this movie alienates and throws off EVERYONE no matter what you believe. If you are a feminist, this movie is insulting because of these weak female character leads. If you are anti-feminist, as we are, then this movie throws you off too.
If you are worried about participation award movies, then isn't the Incredibles franchise directed for children WORST than this is? I'd be more worried about children's movies than adult movies that are being panned harshly by critics.