Here’s a question. I’m in my early forties. Really I need to lose fat, I’m overweight. I’ve always lived and breathed the idea of free weights, hitting compounds, deadlifts, squats. I’ve had one hernia from squats and one torn shoulder.
I’m not trying to win Mr Olympia and I don’t need PED really as my test is 600+ from multiple tests even 30+ bodyfat and ****ty sleep .my full panel of hormone was really good, SHBG etc all bang on normal and test has always been 600-700 from multiple tests.
question is, do I even need to keep deadlifting? Or squatting? I don’t want to be a bodybuilder, I just want to be fit and not skinny.
I love deadlifting. I’m thinking I could get by on a squat and a stiff leg dead, despite what they say I feel the real deadlift is the injury maker, stiff leg dead’s target hams more and are less shoulder and back involved.
I don’t think I’d get injured, might have to drop deads . Or do I go machines? I kind of look down on machines
Losing weight is a really difficult task. It's not impossible , but we are creatures of habits. So you eat what you eat, drink what you drink, watch on " tv" what you watch( aka sitting down.)
If you wanna lose weight you gotta attack from different angles.
1 - lift weights
2. Cardio
3 eat less
3.b eat healthy
4 . Be more active in your daily life
1. First of all be EXTREMELY cautious dealing with your injury. The shoulder is needed for almost all exercises. So you gotta bring down the weights significantly. Tbh I wouldn't touch the weights untill I consoled a GOOD PT. Meanwhile do cardio.
IMMEDIATELY get a program. Don't F around with your own made up programs. I can kinda tell from your writing you are clueless. Just a few compounds is NOT enough at this stage!!!Get a gym program from the employees from the gym. If you have money to burn get a personal trainer who can lead you to a good start.
Yes you can deadlift BUT do NOT ego lift. Your PT will provide definite answers.
2.this one is essential. Especially the combination of cardio and lifting. But you HAVE to do cardio. My secret; running on the treadmill. Nobody likes to run. Youngsters think they have all the time in the world and older folks simply hate it. I am not a fan of walking on the treadmill ( I'll get back to that one in a sec). Start slow. 3 minutes run, 5 min walk, twice so approx 15 min. 4 speed or even less. Increase gradually .Combine this with the stationary bike .
next, try to walk more. In the weekends for example. Get a step counting app and set a goal ( I believe 30 minutes is approx 3000 steps.) Take the stairs its possible , take the bike to get groceries ect. Do pushups and jumping Jacks at home.
3. Eat less/ eat healthy
*Did you know that you're stomach wont signal it's full untill after 20 minutes.( and get an app that tracks your calories!! )So eat less and wait till after 20 minutes before you decide to refill your plate.
* put your portion on a scale. Less pasta rice and potatoes and more veggies. Use olive oil or even water to boil veggies and chicken . Sometimes do a bread only day or bread with soup. Shrink your stomach.
* ditch candy, sweets, cookies ,chips, snacks, fast-food ect. You know exactly what I mean. Replace with fruit.
* don't underestimate soda and sugar. If possible stay away from this.
* don't do cheat days. Reward yourself after 2 months or something like that. ( if you do fail it's okay, but be hard on yourself if you do and call the man in the mirror a fat undisciplined pig).
4.Kinda similar to what I just said. I recommend boxing or cycling as a hobby. Strictly for recreation purposes. Don't measure yourself to others (yet).
Do this for the entire year. Start tomorrow. Get used to this lifestyle because your body is ungratefull: if you quit for 2 months you're back to square one. Also keep in mind that training= pain. An injury illness personal matters that depress or demotivating are always lurking so get as many days in as possible.
Push yourself when your body and mond resist.
At your age you have NO time to wait . Be active EVERY DAY. Dedicate this entire year to losing weight!!