Anyone else like being single?


Don Juan
Dec 15, 2009
Reaction score
Is it just me cause im a young buck or is a girlfriend really worth it? I mean yea go ahead and get some action! But isnt it more fun to just chase and meet random girls and seduce them? Since, im single.. I can hang out with the guys, do what I want in my spare time, or just go out and flirt with random women. Without the pressure of a girlfriend in the back of your mind

What do you guys feel?
Mar 23, 2007
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I have the same mind frame, I came to this site , with 2 options , how to get the girl , and how to get multiple girls , turns out in the process of chasing one , I ended up chasing many , and still am even tho I have my hits and misses .

many of my closest friends have GF's and hate it . its prevented them from chasing dreams , because their gf's are always their 2nd opinion , or their stop signs . As for me , I got myself an education , a nice car , and have freedom, as well as extra money in your pocket never hurts .

I enjoy showing up to get small reunions , and friends asking me when is it going to be my turn ? for what , to ask someone for permission to do something I had enough of that with my parents growing up .

I found for me ... chasing relationships wasn't worth my time .
too much emotions , then oneitis kicks in and you have to come back this site for the rest of the members to give you a pep talk ... , jealousy , hate drama.... etc
I would rather mingle and have F-buddies .

get new role models, like mike the situation lmao ... i don't know if jersey shore is written or reality , but the ish that he does inspires me , to see how much I can get away with .

I am no hurry to get hitched either , the best thing I recommend is meet as many women as you can , never settle for less .

I came here when I was 17 made a profile a few years ago and now I am going on 25 . its probably about the best place on earth . for advice .


Senior Don Juan
Jan 6, 2011
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Hawaiian Jungles
I have had girlfriends up until only recently.

I must say, I enjoy being single so much more. I feel like an animal on the hunt. At all times.

Tonight, I went out with this one chick (solid 9 I met at the club a few weeks back). She was feeling me. I was able to freely check out other women without being repremanded.

There is a sense of freedom available to you. You hang out with your boys more. You have more free time. You dont have to listen to them complaining about work or other life stuff. Its just fun. Only fun. Food tastes better, colors pop, the world is open for the taking.

There is no restriction. I feel like a Buddhist. I am attatched to nothing. Therefor I have nothing to lose. Therefor my innate desires are ignited.

The only thing I miss about having a girlfriend is the actual connection between two souls in harmony. But as a tradeoff, I can give up on that. Thats why I got my boys bahahahahaha



Don Juan
Jan 17, 2011
Reaction score
St. Louis
Single is the ****, All through high school I was in a relationship, I finally got out of my oneitis and its the best i've felt in years! I can do whatever I feel like doing whenever I feel like doing it.

There's no one to hold me back and no one to judge me. I can show up at 2 am drunk out of my mind and not have someone there to ask "Where were you all night!?" Hell yeah. I'm following my rules.


Don Juan
Jun 30, 2010
Reaction score
I hate how us guys have to be extremely comfortable and content with ourselves, love our single life in order to appear as boyfriend material, but the same thing does not apply to girls, a girl can be desperate and still easily get a boyfriend. That just shows you that women have higher standards


Master Don Juan
Nov 14, 2008
Reaction score
Just ask yourself what brings you most happiness and satisfaction.

Give both a try, and only then will you know what most fits your interests.

Life is about gaining experiences, so don't ever impose yourself any limits lest you think it is against your moral values.


Don Juan
Jun 10, 2010
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initiatorhater06 said:
I hate how us guys have to be extremely comfortable and content with ourselves, love our single life in order to appear as boyfriend material, but the same thing does not apply to girls, a girl can be desperate and still easily get a boyfriend. That just shows you that women have higher standards
yeah i feel the same way man.

i enjoy single life myself. but being a man i get those urges to want a woman. i've had times where i was single for even a few years. i was happy pretty much the whole time. in a way when you're in a relationship you lose a bit of freedom. less freedom and more ups n downs. thats the price to pay for a woman.


Master Don Juan
Oct 8, 2008
Reaction score
In your 20s your should be single. You miss out on alot if you aren't.

Once you hit your 30s it's a different story. Having someone to wake up next to, cook, clean, take care of you when you're sick, give a **** about your day, etc. is the best thing going.


Master Don Juan
Oct 25, 2010
Reaction score
No offense, but I don't like the idea of "In your twenties you do this...In your 30's you do this........." This kind of thinking distorts people's perception of themselves.
All the things you mentioned can be enjoyed for periods of time with single women. I do like waking up with certain women SOMETIMES....
I think that the bottom line is that any serious relationship with a female is bound to reach a point where she will probably want to get married, and the guy will be put in a difficult position if he doesn't want that lifelong commitment


Don Juan
Jun 30, 2010
Reaction score
blackwolf said:
yeah i feel the same way man.

i enjoy single life myself. but being a man i get those urges to want a woman. i've had times where i was single for even a few years. i was happy pretty much the whole time. in a way when you're in a relationship you lose a bit of freedom. less freedom and more ups n downs. thats the price to pay for a woman.
Yeah, basically God, Life, Society, Culture, made being Masculine extremely hard and difficult, but being Feminine very easy