Golden Arms
Master Don Juan
What ?? Well - not ALL "blokes", but you can learn plenty from guys who are good at picking up women. I mean that's like saying you can't learn about fishing from good fishermen - go ask the fish instead what they tend to bite on, right ? Why wouldn't I want to see from another guy's point of view - I mean I am a guy,Originally posted by Eileen
Face it guys, you can't learn about women chatting up the blokes.
I see it from the same perspective as another guy who can teach me a thing or two, you see what I'm saying ?
It's true - there are some women who will admit they don't like nice guys, that they want a challenge, but you don't come across them too often. I've heard a lot of nonsense from women in my life, and no, it's not just because of the so-called "discrepancy" in definitions. I mean some of it was just bad, bad, horrible advice that was rather specific - such as buying flowers/teddie bears on the first date, calling back the next day, you know that kind of crap.. The advice on this site in DJ Bible and other posts is written by men and I truly think I learned from 3 months of being on this site more than I have my entire life before - from being misled by women.
That's not a knock on you specifically, Eileen - for all I know you may have valuable advice to share - but if you do, you're in a very small minority