Another Online Field Report


Master Don Juan
Feb 13, 2005
Reaction score
Great Lakes
Re: Re: Update on the Online Chicks

Originally posted by Francisco d'Anconia
It may seem cliché and stereotypical but the health care women seem to be for giving and open while lawyers tend to be cold and argumentative. Have you noticed this?
It seems simple not not very much. What kind of features and qualities should a lawwer have? Anything but feminine ones.
So in general, statistically speaking, females lawyers are not very feminine...not a big turn on.

Same reasoning: what kind of qualities does health care pormote?
In any case something more feminine than dry laws...
But. Health care women, lets say nurses are usually in a very interesting environment at work: lots of women, and just a few guys who usually doctors and whom each decent nurse "wants to fvck". And basically some of them do. So it also promotes female competitiveness and power choices with all disadvantages which come along with it.

Obviously lawyers usualy cannot date up at all..