You guys can't take this book literally, in fact you can't take most books literally. Authors make sh!t up all the time to SELL. It's a business. I can just easily go out there, make up some crazy story, and say it's all true!
Don't forget, do you know what Neil did before becoming involved in the game? he was, and is a writer. Yes a journalist, the guy can write, and he's pretty good at it.
One last thing that stands out in the Game. How in the world can he remember every line he said to every girl, what they replied with, in the last 5 years??? Heck, I can't even remember what I said to the last girl I talked to 5 minutes ago. let alone every word she replied with. Seriously, try and remember the last dialogue you had with a babe. I can maybe remember a few words and thats it!! But yet he gets word for word dialogue with waitresses that occurred over 3 years ago. Impossible.
Its all B.S. PAy attention to the dialogue, it doesn't sound congruent. It leaves you scratching your head. The reponses and lines just don't sound like twop people are having a flowing conversation. He does have some decent points, but the objective of this book was to sell obviously, unless he likes throwing away money.