An ugly wh0re tried to charge me for


Master Don Juan
Aug 6, 2009
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Robert28 said:
I'm not the best catch in the sea but I've dated MUCH MUCH hotter girls then her and SHE'S trying to get ME to pay for sex?
I think you're looking at it the wrong way. She's not saying "I want sex, but the only way I'd have it with you is if you pay me". She's a working girl. She's saying "I want to get paid, in exchange I'll give you sex". The money is the goal for her, not the sex. She probably saw you leaving alone and figured it was worth it for her to take a final shot.

I'm sure I would have found her annoying also, but I wouldn't take it as an insult.

I'm also a little surprised that the guys posting here are so anti-prostitute. Usually guys in the manosphere are complaining that prostitution should be legalized so as to help balance out women's power in the dating game and the feminized west.


Senior Don Juan
Dec 11, 2012
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here and there
This thread is 4 pages too long. Although the exchange between Syrio and Danger was very good. :crackup:

Robert28 said:
I kept being approached by this girl who was a 6 at best (pasty white, LOTS of tattoo's, jet black hair, teeth were not that Any time I would leave my group of friends and go off by myself here she'd come. I was absolutely NOT interested whatsoever and I tried to get that point across by my body language and extremely short answers to her questions, plus I walked off rom her at least 3 times.
This is how a chick would act.

Dude, why were you acting like a chick with poor body language giving her short answers? Why didn't you just tell her straight up the first time you weren't interested? She would have left you alone and your ego wouldn't have gotten hurt.

You: "Why don't you go bother someone else? You're not my type. Bye."

See how easy that is? That's what a guy does when has no interest in a chick. He tells her that, then she goes away. If you did that, it would have been over. Sounds to me like maybe you did want her hanging around you. You kept talking to her all that time.

Robert28 said:
I didn't care that she kept trying to talk to me whenever I'd walk towards the bar, go to the bathroom, or break away from my friends. I was nice to her, not overly nice, but I answered her stupid questions she asked me such as (so what do you do for a living? Where are you from? etc).
Yeah, sounds like there was some interest on your part.


Don Juan
Jun 16, 2014
Reaction score
Old London Town
hahha listen to you guys trying to win an internet argument...such a waste of time.

OP acted more of a douche than he should of been, end of story. :nono: