An ugly wh0re tried to charge me for


Don Juan
Jan 30, 2013
Reaction score
What's wrong with some of you guys? Wouldn't you feel insulted if she felt you were only good enough to pay her for sex? Now I know why you don't get laid you are too damn nice to women even when they insult you. Good job OP you did the right thing.


Senior Don Juan
Feb 5, 2014
Reaction score
TARKUS said:
What's wrong with some of you guys? Wouldn't you feel insulted if she felt you were only good enough to pay her for sex? Now I know why you don't get laid you are too damn nice to women even when they insult you. Good job OP you did the right thing.
Not only that, but there are instances where you could be caught in an undercover sting operation. She was persistent to the point of needing to be told to f-ck off.


Master Don Juan
May 17, 2007
Reaction score
Honestly, i would have been indifferent to the whole thing....i mean...who cares? She sounds like a semi pro who happened to find you attractive....i would have just laughed and said no, but i might let you suck me off in the men's room for free if you give good enough head......

With that being said....i don't feel sorry for her because you know she has put down men worse than this before and there is zero excuse to have to resort to being a ***** in a first world country like the US... ...but i also don't feel the need to be threatened by someone like each and his own i guess...but there are many more deserving ****s of a ***** slap than this one out there though....


Don Juan
Jun 16, 2014
Reaction score
Old London Town
What Ive learnt is that the majority on a forum are a bunch of morons. This place is no exception.

Some of the crap I hear from your mouths is just ridiculous.

As long as you think of women as the enemy, you are never going to be wise.

You guys have turned a good thing and gone way too far.

Now you are just spurting crap from your mouths and believing your **** don't stink.


Senior Don Juan
Feb 22, 2013
Reaction score
Danger said:
How do we as men eliminate $hitty behavior? We make people feel bad for it.

How do we create more good behavior? We reward said behaviors.

If a woman decides I am only worthy of sex if I pay her, I consider such a proposition an affront and will treat it in a manner to reduce said future behavior. Therefore, I will insult her to eliminate it.

It isn't about feeling better, it is about lowering the price of pu$$y for all men. That means putting the 5's and 6's in their place. Especially when they feel that men should still be paying cash for the "golden vag".
Seriously? Like this is going to change the behavior of half the population? Like there is any way that could conceivably be done? Let's be clear here: behaving this way is an emotional reaction to make yourself feel better, and saying that you do it to change her behavior is a poor justification and a defense mechanism. Don't tell me you honestly believe you can change the behavior of woman-kind one woman at a time. Then there's also the issue of thinking that it's your responsibility to change people, which is a whole other thing (and it's pretty narcissistic).

To say that the behavior described in the OP is a woman deciding that you are "only worthy of sex if you pay her" is such a huge jump. If that were her actual thought process, then yeah I'd say she sounds like a total cvnt. Her actions don't suggest that at all though. The information that the OP provided suggests that she was trying to make some extra money. It's not like she was looking for sex and decided "I'll settle for this guy, but only if he pays me". Making the conclusion you made from that information is like when women over analyze simple and innocuous action and conclude that it means something hugely offensive or significant.


Master Don Juan
Jan 31, 2013
Reaction score
S Town
Syrio said:
Seriously? Like this is going to change the behavior of half the population? Like there is any way that could conceivably be done? Let's be clear here: behaving this way is an emotional reaction to make yourself feel better, and saying that you do it to change her behavior is a poor justification and a defense mechanism. Don't tell me you honestly believe you can change the behavior of woman-kind one woman at a time. Then there's also the issue of thinking that it's your responsibility to change people, which is a whole other thing (and it's pretty narcissistic).

To say that the behavior described in the OP is a woman deciding that you are "only worthy of sex if you pay her" is such a huge jump. If that were her actual thought process, then yeah I'd say she sounds like a total cvnt. Her actions don't suggest that at all though. The information that the OP provided suggests that she was trying to make some extra money. It's not like she was looking for sex and decided "I'll settle for this guy, but only if he pays me". Making the conclusion you made from that information is like when women over analyze simple and innocuous action and conclude that it means something hugely offensive or significant.

all of this doesn't matter, she was looking to make extra money for sex, she wanted him to pay for sex. how can you defend her actions?


Senior Don Juan
Feb 22, 2013
Reaction score
asa_don said:
all of this doesn't matter, she was looking to make extra money for sex, she wanted him to pay for sex. how can you defend her actions?
I'm not defending her actions at all. I'm saying that his reaction to her actions was unreasonable, immature, and very self-serving.


Master Don Juan
May 17, 2007
Reaction score
I have to halfway agree with the posters bashing the OP...

His reaction was not one of indifference......indifference is always the best route because you are training yourself to be indifferent and unphased by other people and their you think a character like Don Draper for example from Mad Men would have acted this way? I know he's just a fictional character but his attitude and demeanor is something to aspire to when interacting with others....

She wasn't even worth the emotion of getting upset nor the effort of insulting her...casually laughing and walking past her like she didn't even exist would be much better on his part and show much more class...why not just relax and be the bigger person? Would you be insulted if a kindergartner propositioned you for sex.....point is she shouldn't even matter...


Senior Don Juan
Feb 5, 2014
Reaction score
Syrio said:
I'm not defending her actions at all. I'm saying that his reaction to her actions was unreasonable, immature, and very self-serving.
As opposed to her altruistic act of kindness. Who cares about the welfare of the potential customer.

I'll tell any ho that approaches me to get the f-ck out of my face without an ounce of remorse. Men put up with enough BS in this society to keep playing nice with people who wouldn't blink twice if their actions caused you harm.


Master Don Juan
Jan 31, 2013
Reaction score
S Town
Syrio said:
I'm not defending her actions at all. I'm saying that his reaction to her actions was unreasonable, immature, and very self-serving.
it's what it sounds like to me, he didn't react that way to her on her first approach, she approached him a few times before he finally got fed up. what she did was insulting trying to hustle him for money, if she wasn't asking him to pay then you can say that. maybe he did it to look cool in front of his friends, who knows, she was annoying and insulting to him.

you should go out sometime, walk up to a chick who shows you little interest, then go up a couple more times to her, then go up again and ask her for sex, see how she reacts to you, she would tell you the same thing, let's see if you have the same opinion after that.

guys in bars tell fat chicks to fvck off and laugh in their face all the time, they are just tryng to chat the guy up, people aren't nice or consider your feelings, you should get out more to experience life, you would have a different opinion about things.


Master Don Juan
Jan 31, 2013
Reaction score
S Town
MidnightCity said:
the fact that this girl kept following op around all night clearly showed a genuine sexual interest. her "im a pro" declaration was a last desperate to attempt to signal to him that she was DTF. it doesnt get any more obvious than that. if you were a girl, no matter how ugly (especially if you were ugly) would YOU diminish your own sexual value by giving yourself a low monetary cost? you wouldnt go around telling girls you wanna fuk that you fap, smoke, and play video games all day and have never had a proper gf would you?

god its like holding a grown mans hand through this shlt
are you this dumb? she was following him around all night because she thought he would be dumb enough to pay her for sex, that is what she does, fvcks men for money, she is a call girl. if she had genuine sexual interest she never would say she was a call girl, she would go straight for free sex without mentioning it.

why would he want to bang some wh0re that he was never attracted to? if a chick offers you sex for money you say no.

MidnightCity said:

she was signaling to him long before she brought up the call girl thing hes just n00b enough that he didnt pick up on it. that was her last desperate attempt to convey her message. a chick will NEVER come up to an average guy and say "i want to fuk you tonight"

dont post if you dont understand what youre reading or wtf your talking about. its dangerous to the guys who genuinely want to learn and believe a lot of what they read
wow, you are that dumb, he wasn't interested in having sex with her at all, don't you get it? for money they will hit guys up for sex. do you just have sex with any unattractive girl? you must be desperate.
Last edited:


Senior Don Juan
Feb 22, 2013
Reaction score
Danger said:
How does an ant eat an elephant?

One bite at a time.

I don't have to change the behavior of half of the population. I merely have to do just my portion by relentlessly shaming and demolishing bad behavior when I see it.

His reactions are perfectly fine as I see it and of course they are self-serving. Why is that a problem? It is much better than just lying down and taking $hit behavior like a chump and it is MILES better than advocating others do the same.
I never said to do anything that would advocate her behavior. It's a problem that it's self-serving because it just shows insecurity. Insulting that woman in this circumstance is just showing that you feel the need to validate that you are better than her by belittling her. A MAN knows that he is better than this girl and doesn't need to express this to her. A CHILD doesn't know this, so a child will insult the girl. That is what we've seen here.

asa_don said:
it's what it sounds like to me, he didn't react that way to her on her first approach, she approached him a few times before he finally got fed up. what she did was insulting trying to hustle him for money, if she wasn't asking him to pay then you can say that. maybe he did it to look cool in front of his friends, who knows, she was annoying and insulting to him.

you should go out sometime, walk up to a chick who shows you little interest, then go up a couple more times to her, then go up again and ask her for sex, see how she reacts to you, she would tell you the same thing, let's see if you have the same opinion after that.

guys in bars tell fat chicks to fvck off and laugh in their face all the time, they are just tryng to chat the guy up, people aren't nice or consider your feelings, you should get out more to experience life, you would have a different opinion about things.
Just because a lot (probably most) women may treat you the same way in the reverse circumstance doesn't mean that you should sink to their level and do the same. By doing this you are just imitating women's behavior. As a man, you shouldn't be doing this. As I wrote in response to danger, a man doesn't need to express that he is better than this woman. A man is confident enough on his own that he doesn't let behavior like this get to him and affect him emotionally, which is clearly what happened to OP. Also, for the sake of irony, you can take your condescending remarks at the end of your post and shove them up your ass :p


Master Don Juan
Dec 27, 2008
Reaction score
MidnightCity said:
i dont buy that he wouldnt have banged her at all.

otherwise why post about something so petty?

no. what happened here was that this guys ego was hurt because he thought the girl was interested (she was) and then tricked him into thinking he had to pay her for sex; meaning he thought she didnt really want him the way he thought (read: butt hurt)

him posting about his response here is just ego assauging BS.

a true Don Juan uses every opportunity to interact with women to his benefit in some form or another. the fact this girl coulda been an actuall call girl is completely irrelevant.

plz go to sleep now. its past your bed time
You have me all figured out don't you? Wtf planet do you live on spewing this foolishness of which you speak? I wouldn't have had sex with that broad if SHE'D offered ME the $350. You can believe it or not believe it, that's fine with me. The simple fact is this girl was absolutely, positively, beyond a shadow of a doubt, 1000%, NOT the type of girl I have ever or will ever be interested in. I like preppy, feminine acting women, not some girl that looks like she could be in a satanic cult or some sh!t. I can PROMISE you she was NOT genuinely interested in me. Those types of girls tend to date their own kind and go to raves and celebrate Halloween everyday and listen to Marilyn Manson. I guess I appeared to have money and happened to be hanging around a preppy crowd of friends and she probably figured "hey money bags!".

Did you also happen to read the post where I turned down a stripper at a strip club who offered sex for $700? I didn't rag on her about it, but since I turned her down I think I was the cause of getting my group thrown out of the strip I'm just not going to pay for sex. Ever. If a girl doesn't want to willingly sleep with me then oh well, that'll be both of our loses won't it?

I've just gotten to a point in my life where I don't put up with a lot of sh!t, from girls AND guys. You're looking at a guy who was super "mr. nice guy" growing up until I realized that was getting me nowhere and I kept getting screwed over. Did that make me hate women? Nope. Well, I take that back, I do strongly dislike some women (who doesn't?). It's not because I can't date them or they won't give me the time of day but it's because of the type of person they are. You know how many women that say stuff like "I'm so loveable, I don't know why some people don't like me, I'm so nice to everyone!" and all I can think of is "yeah, right, I've seen you be a mega b!tch to plenty of guys simply because you weren't attracted to them. I'm the guy that isn't afraid to call a spade a spade. It gets me in trouble for it sometimes but people appreciate my brutal honesty and lately more of my friends keep coming to me with their problems expecting me to solve them and I tell them like it is. If you're some stupid girl that dates bums and gets slapped on but complains she can't meet a nice guy, I'm going to be blunt and say "quit dating losers you stupid @$$, quit making people feel sorry for you and get your sh!t straight". Most of the time they don't listen, but hey it's good


May 17, 2013
Reaction score
America is best
MidnightCity said:
if you got cheated on, it was partially if not completely your fault same as everything else.
You can't be serious. Women should be held responsible at all time for the way they behave. I don't care if they run on emotions, or follow gina tingles, thats to bad.

If women were socially shamed and labeled for cheating, i bet you they would do it less.

You know what happens to women in india who cheat on there husbands? Google it. I bet not as many indian women cheat.


Senior Don Juan
Feb 22, 2013
Reaction score
noobolgy said:
Well what about this guy? Was his reaction unreasonable, immature, and very self-serving?
lol are you kidding? Both of the people in this video are completely retarded and unreasonable.

Danger said:
I have insulted plenty of women, and men in a LOT of situations.

Not because I needed to "feel better" but because they damn well deserved it. When someone is rude or behaves in a manner which is insulting to me, or others, I drop the bomb in their face.

Some run, some cry, some have slapped me only to get slapped back, and some men have threatened me but never had the balls to follow through.

There are two types of men in this world. Those who stand for what they think is right, and those who are afraid of hurting other people's feelings.

My definition of "MAN" differs greatly from yours in that you think Men should refrain from their beliefs if it "may hurt someone's feelings". I think it is the JOB of Men to put the people exactly in the place they belong.

I stand by my point. If a prostitute followed me around and said she would have sex with me if I paid her $xxx, I would tell her exactly what I thought of her.

Why be anything less than honest? Only Men who are afraid to be honest would have a problem with this mindset.
You are putting words in my mouth and completely misunderstanding what I'm saying. I never said that you should refrain from insulting her because it would hurt her feelings. I said that you shouldn't stoop to her level because nobody gains anything by you getting all emotional and insulting her. That's what this is - guttural, emotional reactions. You know how people say you should "be the bigger man and walk away"? That is what you should do, and that is inherent in the definition of a man. Yes, men should stand for what they believe in. That does NOT mean insulting people who you consider to be below yourself. Standing for what you believe in pertains to issues that matter, not random *****s who try to sell you sex in a club, who honestly you shouldn't give a sh1t about. Why waste time on someone who you don't give a sh1t about?

You are lying to yourself if you think you aren't insulting these people to make yourself feel better. There is no way you honestly believe you are contributing towards some movement to "put people in their place" or something like that. If you do, that is insanely narcissistic and stupid. Do you really believe that it is your job to judge these people and correct their behavior? That sounds like a god complex. However, I don't think that you actually believe this - you just try to convince yourself that this is the reason you insult these people, as justification for behavior that you know is childish and irrational - certainly the furthest thing from manly. Frankly, it's emasculating.


Senior Don Juan
Feb 22, 2013
Reaction score
Danger said:
Why else refrain from saying anything? What is the point of avoiding the topic?
Let us be honest. Society has pushed everyone in general, but mostly men, to stop being judgemental. Where does it leave us today?

With a population of idiots who think they are entitled, special, their $hit doesn't stink and they can go around doing what they want.

One manifestation of this are scenarios such as the example in this thread.
By ignoring the girl it's not like you're going out of your way to avoid the topic or something. The question isn't "why avoid the topic". The question is "why start a fight with a random wh0re who you don't give a fvck about?" What do you gain from this? The answer is nothing, unless you are insecure and need to insult random wh0res to feel better about yourself (which once again, is the only REAL reason that you or anyone would insult this person in this situation).

Danger said:
That is YOUR definition of a man, inherited by a feminized society which deems men's values inappropriate when compared to the desires of the woman. A femcentric society loves this definition of a man who is unable to render and vocalize his judgement upon those around him. Such neutering of judgement is what allows the femcentric society to continue upon it's course unabated at the expense of men. No. Thanks.

MY definition of a man is that MY reality is what matters to MY life and those who choose to enter it. When hookers approach me they are entering MY life and thus are subject to MY rules of interaction. While the femcentric society will frown upon me and my actions and thrust shaming mechanisms (you are just lashing out at them) upon me by saying I do not reach THEIR definition of a man, I just look back and say, I don't recognize your definition or value based statement on how I should act.

Or to put more aptly.

Just as society places it's expectations (and laws in many cases) upon me and my gender, so too do I place my expectation of those around me.
You seem to be misunderstanding both the situation and the concept of being a man. It is not feminine to NOT get in a fight with a wh0re. It's not anything. It's just normal, human behavior. Saying that not getting in a fight with a wh0re is feminine is like saying that not biting people in soccer is poor sportsmanship (in case this seems random, Luis Suarez recently bit a player in the world cup).

It's not at a feminine to frown upon unreasonable behavior that demonstrates lack of maturity and inability to control emotions. And yes, that's what acting this way in this situation is - becoming a slave to your emotions and acting like a child.

Danger said:
I do not insult based on who I think is "below" me, I insult based upon actions. I would not insult a prostitute just to insult her. I would however insult a woman who continued to harass me at a bar and then presumed that I should be buying sex from her. No time is wasted in such a transaction at all. One could even argue that if the man insulted AT THE BEGINNING then even less time would be wasted.

More importantly, consider for a moment how a woman should react should a man approach her and offer her $200 to have sex with him. Should she insult him? Slap him? Should society look down upon him?

We already know the answer to these questions, so why is it that in the reverse situation we need to follow society's definition of "be the better man"?

The answer of course is, the point of a femcentric society is to shame only MEN into behaviors which fit the narrative.
Society would look down upon a man approaching a woman and offering her sex for money. Society does look down upon women approaching men and offering sex for money. Doesn't seem like you really have a point here though...

Furthermore, in OP it doesn't sound like the woman was continually harassing her. It sounds like she was approaching him, they were probably talking a little bit and then he dropped some passive-aggressive hints that he wasn't interested (like a woman). It sounds like she didn't pick up on that (not a crime) and then offered him sex (pretty presumptuous and stupid thing to do). Then he decided to belittle the wh0re because he succumbed to an emotional reaction for the purposes of boosting his low self-esteem.

Also, just for the record, whether you realize it or not we have an EXTREMELY male-dominated society. Our society is FAR from "femcentric". The vast majority of political leaders are men, men make way more money, men can safely walk down the street at night. Yeah, women get free drinks at bars and occasionally get the benefit of the doubt in sexual assault cases, but men have it a lot easier overall. Also note that I'm not complaining about this.

Danger said:
I absolutely believe that in the absence of judgement by men, women are able to run amock, and the evolution of society over the last several decades has certainly proven that to be the case.

You call it a "God complex", I call it my expectations. I don't mind being help responsible for society and it's ills, as most men are beholden to, but I damn well have a seat at the table for judgement as well then, regardless of your shaming mechanisms or methods of channeling the feminine imperative in an effort to blunt my non-PC statements to the contrary.

If you want to be subject to judgement yet neuter your own ability to meter it out, have at it. In the meantime we can all look to some sort of hero to fix the mess we are in today as a result of this neutering, however I choose to not stand and wait.
You say that I call it a god complex and you call it your expectations. Let's clear something up here: it is a god complex. It is OBJECTIVELY narcissistic. If you feel that it is your responsibility to judge everyone and put them in their place, you are objectively a narcissist. That is basically the definition of the mental illness Narcissistic Personality Disorder. For you to believe this is WAYYYY worse than for some random wh0re to presume that this guy would pay her for sex.


Senior Don Juan
Feb 22, 2013
Reaction score
Oh my god lol there is just way too much here. You are completely delusional about the world. Seriously though, you're living in a fantasy. Also you also keep changing everything that I say. I'm done here, sorry. I'll leave you with this quote from the German philosopher Friedrich Schiller: "Against stupidity the gods themselves contend in vain". Interpret it how you wish. I won't be responding anymore.


Master Don Juan
Apr 2, 2014
Reaction score
Syrio said:
Oh my god lol there is just way too much here. You are completely delusional about the world. Seriously though, you're living in a fantasy. Also you also keep changing everything that I say. I'm done here, sorry. I'll leave you with this quote from the German philosopher Friedrich Schiller: "Against stupidity the gods themselves contend in vain". Interpret it how you wish. I won't be responding anymore.
Your argument that he had low self-esteem because he didn't act like a complete pvssy was getting pretty tiresome anyway :yes: