AN Extreme Case of One-Its


Don Juan
Jun 28, 2003
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Ok I don't know wether if this will provide any help or anything for anybody or if this even belongs here.

This is to show u how bad it can get when you have a one-its. If you read my past posts you will see the story behind all of this.
It starts out over a year ago when I was getting myself together and going back to school one=its comes along I am no longer in school or have a desire or drive to go back because of my constant worrying about my one-its.

Now get this one. I was sitting at home one night listening to my Police Scanner On Sept 21 Yes I will always remeber that date.When I hear a cop ask about a warrant on a person the cop doesn't remeber the name so he asks the dispatcher to read off the names that start with an F "which so happens to be what my name starts with" Included in that list is MY last name. Now my last name is not a common name So of course the Paranoid person that I am I think to myself this has to be me "even though I never have been arrested nor has any of my family heck I have not even been pulled over in 12 years of driving" So of course since all I worry about is my one-its I think my one-its is having me arrested since she quit talking to me around the same time I heard this. Not to mention I did nothing at all to get arrested for but combine Paranoid with a one-its and every thing is possible. Now my boss at work is a Police Officer and 2 of my neighbors are also police officers all 3 I talk to everyday and they also know my name you would of thought I would of realized that they would have arrested me by now. Some of them guys talked me into joining the police dept but I got afraid of going down there to take the test .So this whole thing put a damper on my life big big time I would be very afraid to leave in my car I would only drive it to go to work I live in an Apartment complex and everytime somebody outside shut there car door I thought it was the police coming to get me So I got to the point of running a fan to drown out the sound of car doors. I have totally drivin away one friend and was close to driving away another on me always talking about me having a warrant, they all told me I was crazy.So on Christmas Eve they finally arrested this guy whom I never heard of. What a great christmas gift that was!!!! I can now live my life again if only I can shake this one-its now.

See what AN EXTREME case of one-its combined with a Police Scanner can do to you!!!!


Master Don Juan
Jul 27, 2003
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Wow, that is absolutely ridiculous!!! How can you let ANY GIRL take control of you that much when you weren't even in a relationship or intimate with her. Guess that's what going through the AFC years does to people. I don't understand why it still affects you now, when you obviously have tons of knowledge on how to PU chicks???? I didn't read your initial post so if the reason is in there, then I'll dig it out.



Oct 9, 2003
Reaction score
I'm not making fun of you, but that sounds more like "obsessive compulsive" disorder than AFC. I don't think it would be a bad idea for you to see someone concerning this.

I'm glad you feel your "worries" are over, but this is not a normal reaction.

Good luck
Apr 3, 2003
Reaction score
Originally posted by Pimp-sicle
Wow, that is absolutely ridiculous!!! How can you let ANY GIRL take control of you that much when you weren't even in a relationship or intimate with her. Guess that's what going through the AFC years does to people. I don't understand why it still affects you now, when you obviously have tons of knowledge on how to PU chicks???? I didn't read your initial post so if the reason is in there, then I'll dig it out.

I didn't read his post because I wanted to tell him that it's ok to be into a woman as long as you don't give away your power...but you beat me too it homie.

From your post it looks like this dweeb is one of those men with no masculinity....and it is natural for women to dominate him...he needs to learn to be a man and stand up!


Don Juan
Jun 28, 2003
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I don't understand what you guys are talking about, when you say she took over my life. I mean it was my goofy thinking that I had a Warrant because of her. She has NO idea that I thought such a thing. Nor does she know that I think about her alot.


Don Juan
Jun 28, 2003
Reaction score
I need some help with this. It has now been 8 months since we have been around each other and I don't talk to her at all. I still have feelings and think about her everyday all the time and I mean ALL the time. Why do I still think about her STILL??? I do want a couple other woman and I got back with an ex for a while and none of that has helped whatsoever. What do I have to do to get over her??????????


Master Don Juan
Jan 11, 2002
Reaction score
I honestly do beleive you need some seroius help. This is not just oneitis, you have serious emotional problems. As far as the oneitis, I have seen friends who could NEVER get over one oneitis, until they found another one, it was almost like an addiction!!


New Member
Feb 21, 2004
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Dude you need a hobby. Get a social life and some me time. When you see yourself getting hung up over a girl, just fall back on your hobby. Do you and **** these women.
Feb 21, 2004
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I remember the first part of last year. I met a girl at uni, I won't go into great detail over what happend (read posts by "Santos"). But the bare minimum. She approached me at uni, we started chatting, met in class. She was clearly attracted to me. I knew her for about a WEEK before she realised what an AFC I was.

So let's say the first week of March, she's lost interest. My life was a COMPLETE MESS up until about July that same year. I was OBSESSED with getting her to like me, I said some very stupid thngs that just made her dislike me more. (Nothing THAT bad, but stuff that made me look even more AFC). I failed ALL of my mid-year exams because I couldn't concentrate. I was depressed and missed plenty of lectures. All for this stupid girl.

Stupid girl? Nope. More like ME that's stupid. To this day I can't believe how obsessed I was. It made me depressed and I felt like I didn't want to live anymore. Thankfully, I was sitting one day (Around June) thinking about a TEXT MESSAGE she sent me about some lab she missed. I had twisted it around in my mind that this must mean she liked me.

But then BAM! In an instant I realised how RIDICULOUS I was behaving. It was like someone had switched a switch on in my mind and I could see how stupid I was for overanalysing and being obsessed with this girl for so long. Suddenly I went from being depressed and unhappy with life and wanting her to not wanting her at all. I went back to "normal".

It was so weird, I just suddenly didn't care about her anymore. After that life went on happily. I tried my best to recover from failing my mid0years, but unfortunately I failed and got kicked out of UNI! I can't believe it, all for a girl.
Feb 21, 2004
Reaction score
Originally posted by Dirty_Socks
I need some help with this. It has now been 8 months since we have been around each other and I don't talk to her at all. I still have feelings and think about her everyday all the time and I mean ALL the time. Why do I still think about her STILL??? I do want a couple other woman and I got back with an ex for a while and none of that has helped whatsoever. What do I have to do to get over her??????????
I dated a girl the beginning of last year, she's the same way about me. We went out for only 3 weeks, and I broke it off with her. Haven't seen each other since. She still sends me messages now and again. And apparently (my friend knows the girls sister) she wants to invite me to her highschool farwell party. Even after all this time she doesn't want to let it go.

Her problem, I think, is that she lives in a small town and can't ever really meet anybody. She never goes out anywhere (except school). She (like everyone on the planet) feels a longing to be with someone, because she liked me so much, her mind always goes back to me as being "the one".

I think you have the same problem, you need to meet someone new and attractive to draw your attention away from her. It doesn't help just dating any girl, it has to be someone you like. I guess you like this girl "beyond" her looks. This makes it that much harder to meet someone "better".

Given your odd behaviour with the one-itis you posted about here (it's that same girl you can't sop thinking about now, right?). I'd say you might still be obsessed with her because of all the "emotions" you went through with the whole "warrant" story. The more emotions you go through that are associated to a particular person, the more you feel that person means to you. It's like if you live through a horrible accident with someone, it brings the two of you closer.

Of course you didn't "share" the warrant experience with her. I know what you went through was "nuts", and hpefully you do to :). But it still had an effect on you emotionally.

Anyway, you just need to meet someone NEW. If you do this again with another girl (getting obsessed) you should consider getting help from a psychologist.
