Context cupcapke. All these do is rank religious groups as compared to others. It doesn't prove $hit about who is persecuted.
I don't recall seeing people being forced to pray in school. But I see the State bashing down on students who even choose to individually pray.
I don't recall seeing atheists being banned from speaking. But I see a lot of forces arrayed against Christians who speak their mind and lose their jobs because of it.
I don't recall seeing atheists being forced to fund Christian schooling, but I see Christians forced to provide money which are opposite their beliefs.
I am agnostics, but it doesn't stop me from seeing the trends and persecution. Go out and do some more homework, or better yet, find some examples to prove me wrong.
Never in the history of this country has anyone been barred from praying, noone could ever stop you except by death or lobotomy. You are free to pray within your head whenever you'd like. What is not okay is forcing students to pray, or subjecting other students to hear your prayers disrupting their learning environment. If a kid started spouting off the Koran in class everyday you wouldnt enjoy it either. If you were forced to say "One nation under Allah", you too would be offended. If your money said "In Buddha we trust", you too would say you dont trust in Buddha.
If you work for someone else, and you are on their payroll, you could definitely lose your job for preaching your own beliefs. Freedom of speech doesnt guarantee someone has to pay when you do it.
Its unfourtunate christians are forced to pay for things that dont fit their beliefs, but society shouldnt be reduced to barbarism becuase of religious beliefs. Do you think Amish people are forced to pay for things that dont support their beliefs? What about Mormons who dont believe in some types of medicine? I can claim any wild belief that goes against sanity, but that shohldnt limit the entire country.
Schools teach facts, are the best theories, not nonsense. You may ignorantly assume that atheists or "people who believe in science" are forcing their beliefs on you. But then you are putting the carriage before the horse. We believe in what is known and taught, , we dont teach and know what we believe. Religious folks are the reverse, they teach what they believe. Religion follows Plato's methodology and science follows Aristotle's methodology. Religion starts with a conclusion and then seeks to find proof for the theory, science takes observations and seeks to find a cause. They are the reverse. Only one is objective.