Interestingly, I managed to get 2nd dates from tech methods in my younger days (Granted, the tech method market wasn't as oversaturated yet back then). The 2nd date I mentioned on that post you quoted was from OkCupid.Getting 2nd dates with American women is not easy.
One of the biggest changes in dating in the tech era is getting the 2nd date.
With tech, a lot of men are arranging first dates that might not have been arranged without tech. However, what's happening is that a lot of men are arranging bad first dates. Some men don't screen well with tech methods. It can be more difficult to screen well remotely.
There's been a rise in first dates that go nowhere. I've called this the "one date, no sex, no second date" interaction many times.
It often happens that a man arranges a first date with a woman. The date is so-so and maybe even above average. However, the woman doesn't have "all the feelz" immediately and she has abundance. The man texts the woman for the second date and she either ghosts or sends back a "I had a good time but do not see this going anywhere" text.
When men arrange dates in real life, they tend to arrange fewer dates but possibly more dates that would result in 2nd dates.
Women's standards for a 2nd date have been rising in all areas, but especially when she has the most abundance from the swipe app channel.
On the other hand, the last 2 broads I went on dates with, I met the traditional way (in person), yet there was no 2nd date.
I still agree with your general premise that tech methods have made the dating market a lot more difficult.