What a pathetic bunch of crybaby sh!t.
And your post is a bunch of womanly shaming techniques because you dismiss everything and try to induce shame without ONE logical counterargument.
This blog you reference is but the opinion of ONE liberal weakling who couldn't make the grade in America. And if one word of it was true, the rest of the world would not be risking their lives to come here, as they have always done.
The fact that many people do one thing does not neccessarily mean that that thing is good.
And not one word is true? Please! You're only reinforcing my first words: that you're an indoctrinated, mindless patriot.
Think about this: patriotism is the manipulation of one's natural instinct of loving and protecting his shelter into fighting for other people's vanity.
This coward hides behind a stinking pile of defeatist rhetoric aimed at bringing YOU down to his level. "Just give up and move to a country where the government is your mommy and all you have to do is exist." As if there were any triumph in merely
That author does attempt to idealize the rest of the world, which I also dislike.
It is easy to justify cowardice and standing on the sidelines of life when you construct a complete system of EXCUSES to assuage that incessant and gnawing feeling in your gut that you are WEAK, have no AMBITION to become bigger than yourself and you simply DO NOT MAKE THE GRADE.
there are two choices one has: work hard and grow in a place where your efforts are being supported or work hard in a place where so many elements fight against you.
Many choose the second option and blame the others for being defeatist and choosing the 'easier' path. I see this 'hero' attitude in my country as well.
''Ok, fellas,'' I say. ''You stay in a miserable place and fight with the windmills and I will saddle up and ride away at the first opportunity of going somewhere where the government won't try to screw me in the ass.''
No one promised you life would be easy. No one promised you that everything would be taken care of. You think you have it bad? My grandfather, the youngest of 13 children, was born into the type of abject poverty that would kill off weak and effeminate men like this "blogger". He grew up in a house with dirt floors, as a nobody who seemed destined for oblivion. As a poor young man, his teeth were so bad that he pulled them out with a set of needlenose pliers. Two weeks before a contract offer arrived from the Pittsburgh Pirates, he was drafted and served his country in WWII. Upon returning, he was one of millions of veterans who came home with nothing to build on save for the petty cash in their pockets. And yet despite all his horrifying hardships and awful luck, when he passed away in 1981, he had a seven figure net worth, he was a pillar of his community, and over 1200 people showed up for his funeral, to render their respect for this man who had overcome impossible odds and inspired them greatly. To this day, his name is spoken with great reverence, as though he were in the next room. It's still his name on the mailbox, in the phonebook, and in the recorders' office, and he has been dead for nearly 30 years. Such is my grandmother's RESPECT for this great man and the life he led.
very nice job cheapening your grandfather's achievement by bringing the subject up in this topic. I remember you mentioning him way back in another thread and he was a real inspiration.
Your little story carries little weight now simply because those were different times. Also, your grandfather's options of relocating were extremely limited compared to the ones we have today.
Do you think he wouldn't have considered moving abroad if he lived today?
To become a man such as my grandfather, is the essence of SoSuave's
message. It is not merely about trivial distractions like picking up women, it is about being MAN ENOUGH to create yourself into something sunlike and great, despite the entire world telling you why you can't. And America is the last place on God's green earth where a man can do this, where a man may by his own power of WILL, DETERMINATION, and SELF-CONFIDENCE create himself into whatever he wills to become.
Any logical argument why America is THE place of unlimited achievement? (The 'everything is possible in America' cliche is not a valid argument)
And what of the man who concedes defeat in the face of struggle and hopelessness? In the end, he shall have his reward as well.
Only in America, indeed.