Am I the only one who finds socializing EXHAUSTING?


Don Juan
Jul 8, 2011
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If I am around people for too long, especially larger groups of people, my mind gets overstimulated and socializing becomes very difficult for me. It drains all my energy, making me retreat into my shell and obstructing conversation from flowing naturally. I'll remain quiet and cut off from the social group, my reserves taxed, while other people are making banter and cracking jokes. This makes "fitting in" and exuding a comfortable vibe very difficult.

I know the automatic response would be to say I'm introverted and, yes, this may describe me a bit, but I am beginning to question this notion. As I am aware, an introvert by definition is someone who ENJOYS spending time alone and is preoccupied primarily with their own thoughts and inner world. An extrovert would rather spend time with people and would rather focus on the other world. I feel like I fall in the latter category.

If I am by myself for too long, I start to go crazy and get "stuck" with my thoughts, I get anxious and start ruminating about the past to the point where I begin processing the world wrong. For the longest time, I believed I was just introverted instead of shy... My dad is a very introverted guy, so for years I just assumed I inherited this trait from him. He instilled in me the idea that it is normal to spend no time socializing, because I never really saw him do it that much growing up. My mom, on the other hand, was always very extroverted, but I modeled my behaviour more after my dad.

The thing is, I wish I had more friends. I wish I had a richer social network and more active social life. I wish I went to more parties. I would like to spend more time with girls.

Have I been spending too much time alone for the past few years of my life? I feel that maybe social anxiety and social isolation have made me become used to being alone? In that sense, have I become introverted as a defense mechanism of sorts, an adaptation?

I think maybe I have spent too much time as a recluse? For the past year, I spent copious amounts of time smoking weed and though I've quit now, perhaps I am still suffering the effects from it.... I can't help but think my poor social skills have forced me to become introverted? Should I get therapy for poor social skills at this point in my life?


Senior Don Juan
Oct 10, 2011
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Get help if you feel like it will benefit you.

Jibbles, you signed up to the December Don Juan bootcamp right? Week 1 is about getting confident, having a positive mindset and then going out and establishing eye contact with strangers.

It's a good exercise which eases you in to social interaction. Plus if you develop a positive attitude and gain confidence, the social interactions will not be exhausting. Read the articles, do the bootcamp exercise and post your results and what you found good/challenging etc in the bootcamp thread, who knows, someone might post something useful to you in the thread that will help you get over your hurdles.

Remember, without actively doing something, you'll get nowhere. Staying inside and surfing sosuave all day is not going to help you unless you go out there and take action.


Don Juan
Nov 28, 2011
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MrJibbles said:
If I am around people for too long, especially larger groups of people, my mind gets overstimulated and socializing becomes very difficult for me. It drains all my energy, making me retreat into my shell and obstructing conversation from flowing naturally. I'll remain quiet and cut off from the social group, my reserves taxed, while other people are making banter and cracking jokes. This makes "fitting in" and exuding a comfortable vibe very difficult.
It means that your basic personality trait is that you're an introvert. You can switch this to extrovert.

Look up Meyer's-Briggs personality profile testing on google and take one. When you answer honestly, it'll indicate you're (at this time) an introvert.


Master Don Juan
Mar 28, 2011
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Introvert is just a term to describe people who need to spend time alone more. I myself am an introvert. It has nothing to do with how far you can socialise with everyone. For me, I still attend parties and stuff but I bail once I feel my energy levels drop low so I don't go into a recluse state. You might want to try that some time, keep your outings short and simple. That way, people see you at your best and you don't have to worry about being that odd one out in the group.


Master Don Juan
Dec 10, 2008
Reaction score
dude I am exactly like you.

I love being by myself and sometimes i will not go out just to stay home and do nothing (i've been trying hard to break that habit and be happy n do stuff). Thing is i do well in small knit groups, very flirty, playful and fun. But when i see too many people i get overwhelmed and don't both talking to anyone i don't know as i see it as a hassle to talk to so many different people. I'm an account manager and i have soooooo many different main points of contact for my accounts that i sometimes get overwhelmed and just have to take it one step at a time.

I prefer being by myself and at one point a few years ago i lost all my friends as i didn't talk to anybody. I'm alot more social now but i still don't handle large groups well at all. It stresses me out to talk to people unless i really want to.


Master Don Juan
Dec 10, 2008
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i usually will be social but i don't bother introducing myself to anyone. just drink together and i let them do the work. I will introduce myself if i find someone interesting or if they make an effort to introduce themselves to me. Otherwise i'm very social among my friends now when we go out, i just don't talk to others.

I used to be the quiet creepy guy but looks is something i'm happy i'm blessed with. Girls will come talk to me when i used to keep to myself and i would just kind of ignore them. Since my last horrible relationship break-up that left me devastated, i become even more exhausted talking to new people to the point it becomes like work. It was never this bad but i can no longer tolerate drama and will be straight out cold/not nice if you try to pull me in it. Less people i talk to, the less drama there will be.


Master Don Juan
Oct 22, 2007
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Eastern Time Zone where it's always really late
Konada said:
Introvert is just a term to describe people who need to spend time alone more. I myself am an introvert. It has nothing to do with how far you can socialise with everyone. For me, I still attend parties and stuff but I bail once I feel my energy levels drop low so I don't go into a recluse state. You might want to try that some time, keep your outings short and simple. That way, people see you at your best and you don't have to worry about being that odd one out in the group.

Socialize, have fun, and when you had enough, call it a night. People will see you at your best and will miss you when you leave.

I'm an introvert, but I love people and socializing up to a point. I have fun and then leave when my energy is depleted.


Don Juan
May 13, 2011
Reaction score
That's just how you are man, nothing wrong with that. I'm the same way. I love socializing up to a point, but then I want to be left alone.

I think people get in trouble when they think being an introvert is somehow worse than being an extrovert. There is nothing wrong with being an introvert. Like the others have said, just socialize and then call it quits when you feel drained. Even the most outgoing person needs time to recharge


Senior Don Juan
Oct 23, 2006
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You don't need to socialize in order to allure the beautiful women, you can be a hermit with no close freinds as long as you can isolate the girls when you are out and about.

A hermit and an introvert are too very different things, not all hermits are shy when they are amongst other people, they just prefer to be alone most of the time, an introvert on the other hand is a shy person, yet they may be socializing a lot.


Master Don Juan
May 25, 2008
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No you're not the only one. I like socializing but I have a limit and then it just wears me down. There's a healthy dose for everything and it looks like you found yours.

Now what can you do? Make it count. Don't spend time with worthless people. Use your time wisely and make the best of it.


Master Don Juan
Oct 22, 2007
Reaction score
Eastern Time Zone where it's always really late
YAboi said:
Mike32ct I think you are a very respectable honest Man. I respect you and can tell you're an experienced man that has learnt through pain. The only thing I won't do that u do is have sex out of marriage. Listen to this guys advice people . He knows what he's talking about.
Thank you. I really appreciate that.


Master Don Juan
Oct 8, 2008
Reaction score
MrJibbles said:
I'll remain quiet and cut off from the social group, my reserves taxed, while other people are making banter and cracking jokes. This makes "fitting in" and exuding a comfortable vibe very difficult.
Why does being quiet for a little while mean you aren't fitting in? Since only one person can talk at once that means anywhere from 1 to whatever number of people are being silent at the same time you are.

Unfortunately it seems like instead of being quiet, listening to the other people, and enjoying their company you are sitting there agonizing over something funny to say. Which, of course, means you won't be funny or fun to be around.

I don't get along with everybody. Maybe less people than most. But one thing I noticed a few years back was that when I was comfortable with people I could be silent in their presence for an extended period of time. I too thought that I had to talk all the time but found that people thought that was annoying and obnoxious.

Try being quieter and focusing on the conversation not on yourself and how funny you are!


Don Juan
Oct 20, 2011
Reaction score
People are different and share different interests. You can be social the way you like it. Why would we blab about some crap in order for others to think we are not quiet/shy/weird? If you don't enjoy it, what's the point? You can change of course.

People I don't know well may think I'm shy, but the truth is, I often don't give a sh1t what they are talking about. I like to step in when the subject is of my interest. Teasing, stupid jokes and other crap never interested me. I'm more into intellectual stuff and deeper conversations. Being quiet and wise doesn't make you less cool. And you can get chicks regardless all of that.


Master Don Juan
May 25, 2008
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DonGorgon said:
yup its al designed to benefit women..
In the male world socializing is called "networking", it's just the same thing really.

Enough with the women this and women that. You give them far too much credit.


Don Juan
Oct 30, 2011
Reaction score
im an introvert; but im a 'moderately expressed introvert'
Im trying to rebel against it.

the test gave me INTJ personality type