Master Don Juan
So... I'm minding my own business in the checkout line, doing my weekly grocery shopping. And there is this loud mouth woman who is overweight and unattractive, she apparently spent no time putting herself in a somewhat decent position to be in public. did i say she was overweight?
anyway let me get to the story, because it's actually pretty funny. So she is just being LOUD. And out the blue she just starts talking, and says "All men don't want skinny women" then " A REAL man knows a REAL women when he sees it"
There can't be REAL skinny women? why must every blimp on earth revert to the "I'm REAL clause?".. I was pretty "REAL" in my AFC days but nobody gave a ****.
Now I happen to prefer petite women, but that's my preference. I am sure there are guys out there that don't mind a big(er) woman.
but point out a guy that WON"T date a woman with a coke bottle figure over a woman the shape of a blimp. Some guys ACCEPT the blimp because they have little to no chance in getting the COKE BOTTLE
now there are guys out there that don't like really skinny women and like women with a little figure on them, but that's nitpicking..this woman was every bit of 250.
That's like a woman saying she prefers her men to get welfare checks over being wealthy.
but all of this is over this woman's head, and I was actually in a hurry.
So by now I'm biting my tougne, as she is right behind me. Anyone who knows me knows one of my downfalls is I have a sharp tougne that at times I have problems controlling.
so I'm thinking "just get to the damn checkout line and get out" I get next in the cashiers line and Bam
Out of ALL the people in line, and the people next to us.. about 10... she had to ask ME out of the blue... "What do you think? A real man will date a woman with some meat on her"
So I try to pretend like I don't hear her... then she catches an attitude. "Uh.. you don't hear me talking to you".. now I'm like okay.. you want it, i was going to sugarcoat it and get out of here... but let's put the gloves on now you fat ass enligh muffin
So I say "To be honest, at least in my case, I'm not going to lower my standards because you are too lazy to go to the gym or to put down the Red Barron Pizza's (10 of them in her cart), I can't speak for everyone but I have options"
The guy in front of me checking out gave me "damn did you just say that look"
And here she goes.. "Oh know you didn't motherfvcker" and I'm just sititng there as calm as can be. When she was done on her what ended up being a 2 minute tirade, I said "first of all, don't ask a question if you don't want to know the truth" secondly, I don't hit women, I could seriously hurt you (she pushed me) but you just proved how much of a REAL woman you are. you asked a question and when a man didn't agree with you, you physically threated him.. I'm on my way to the gym"
and walked off. her cursing me in the background. she did push me but I know what I am capable of doing... and it wasn't worth it. No way no how.
Anyway, I thought it was funny, even at the time it was pretty funny
anyway let me get to the story, because it's actually pretty funny. So she is just being LOUD. And out the blue she just starts talking, and says "All men don't want skinny women" then " A REAL man knows a REAL women when he sees it"
There can't be REAL skinny women? why must every blimp on earth revert to the "I'm REAL clause?".. I was pretty "REAL" in my AFC days but nobody gave a ****.
Now I happen to prefer petite women, but that's my preference. I am sure there are guys out there that don't mind a big(er) woman.
but point out a guy that WON"T date a woman with a coke bottle figure over a woman the shape of a blimp. Some guys ACCEPT the blimp because they have little to no chance in getting the COKE BOTTLE
now there are guys out there that don't like really skinny women and like women with a little figure on them, but that's nitpicking..this woman was every bit of 250.
That's like a woman saying she prefers her men to get welfare checks over being wealthy.
but all of this is over this woman's head, and I was actually in a hurry.
So by now I'm biting my tougne, as she is right behind me. Anyone who knows me knows one of my downfalls is I have a sharp tougne that at times I have problems controlling.
so I'm thinking "just get to the damn checkout line and get out" I get next in the cashiers line and Bam
Out of ALL the people in line, and the people next to us.. about 10... she had to ask ME out of the blue... "What do you think? A real man will date a woman with some meat on her"
So I try to pretend like I don't hear her... then she catches an attitude. "Uh.. you don't hear me talking to you".. now I'm like okay.. you want it, i was going to sugarcoat it and get out of here... but let's put the gloves on now you fat ass enligh muffin
So I say "To be honest, at least in my case, I'm not going to lower my standards because you are too lazy to go to the gym or to put down the Red Barron Pizza's (10 of them in her cart), I can't speak for everyone but I have options"
The guy in front of me checking out gave me "damn did you just say that look"
And here she goes.. "Oh know you didn't motherfvcker" and I'm just sititng there as calm as can be. When she was done on her what ended up being a 2 minute tirade, I said "first of all, don't ask a question if you don't want to know the truth" secondly, I don't hit women, I could seriously hurt you (she pushed me) but you just proved how much of a REAL woman you are. you asked a question and when a man didn't agree with you, you physically threated him.. I'm on my way to the gym"
and walked off. her cursing me in the background. she did push me but I know what I am capable of doing... and it wasn't worth it. No way no how.
Anyway, I thought it was funny, even at the time it was pretty funny