All you seniors dating Freshmen!


Master Don Juan
Feb 16, 2005
Reaction score
Davie, FL
Re: Re: All you seniors dating Freshmen!

Originally posted by DJ4Real
There are 25 year old women dating 40 year old men....and you're tripping on Seniors and Freshmans going out together?
Apples and oranges, man. The second you go over 18, everything is fair game (unless of course if you go under the limit). Old men can date whatever they want, hell, they're quite teh PUA if they can get 25 year olds. By the time women are over 18, they've seen it, they've experienced it, they can defend themselves. But ask any 40 year old guy, and they'd think you're a pervert with no game for being 18 and screwing 14 year olds.

****, I actually have to think about when I'm a Senior and my sister's a Freshman, that my friends will be hitting on my sister? It's already creepy to see people hit on my little sister, but damn, people are actually going to log onto a website as an 18 year old typing up messages like, "There's this really hawt 14 year-old... LOLOLOL... SHE'S SO HAWT.... and like OMG, chicks my age think I'm odd, but this hawt chick would see my car and suck my **** if I let her in my car and gave her candy. Vroom Vroom!!!!"

The girls are just hitting puberty. They haven't had a boyfriend in their life. They don't even know how to blow a coc. The girls are the most immature they'll ever be in their life at that age. Lucky you, Mr. Pimper of the Freshies!

As far as what's right, I like to go by the rule of half your age plus 7.

14/2 = 7+7 = 14. 14 should date 14.
15/2 = 7.5+7 = 14. 15 should date 14-15.
16/2 = 8+7 = 15. 16 should date 15-16.

and so on.... It's a great rule, imo. I didn't come up with it, but I saw it somewhere here.

I'm not stopping you, but damn, realize what you're doing, and how sad your game is if you're going for Freshman girls.


Don Juan
Sep 14, 2005
Reaction score
well i wouldnt put all my focus on freshman as a junior or senior, but if the opportunity is there then id take it. well see next year for me
May 28, 2003
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Nodferatu's Lair
yeah i'm a senior and i ran into this chick a few weeks ago and she's been nagging me to go to lunch with her but I always have to change the subject because she's like 15 and I'm 18 and I ain't trying to be no pedophilin f*ck...


Master Don Juan
Dec 12, 2005
Reaction score
Originally posted by PeterNorthisawesome
You guys are sad, the most a guy should ever lower himself is 2 years. Junior dating freshmen is normal these days. But a senior dating a freshmen is just plain pathetic

Why? Because you say it?

Originally posted by PeterNorthisawesome

How gross would it be if a 9th grader dated a 5th grader!
How normal would it be if a 24-yr-old guy dated a 20-yr-old girl?

Originally posted by PeterNorthisawesome

Only a desparate nerd would do something like that. If she ends up dumping you you would look like a LOSER.
Where I live, high schools have 5 grades: when I was in 10th grade, there was a 13th grader that was dating a 9th grader. Guess what? He was already the biggest don juan in school and this didn't negatively affect his reputation. Actually, he became even more popular, because other freshmen would look up to him for getting that nice hottie. He could have had the most beautiful seniors and juniors, but he was into her. Do you really think that it's Don Juanish not to hook up with someone just because other people think it's wrong? Read the Bible, again, then.

Originally posted by Bling
SO ****IN' TRUE. You're an insult to Don Juaning, if you're dating pre-pubescent girls.
We're not talking about pre-pubescent girls. We're talking about post-pubescent girls.

Originally posted by PeterNorthisawesome
Well i hope you older guys are statisfied with easy picking 15 year olds cuz im not I WANT A CHALLENGE i only try and get the best it's QUALITY more than quantity.
Post a pic of your "quality girls" then.

Consider that I've never banged a girl who was more than a year younger than me, so I'm not trying to justify myself, as some of you would otherwise think. But I can't judje people that bang younger girls, because it could happen to me sometimes, since I don't find anything wrong with it.



Master Don Juan
Sep 16, 2005
Reaction score
I just fingered a 15 year old girl :p

Read Adones post again you little anti-relathionships-with-younger-girls.
May 28, 2003
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Nodferatu's Lair
Yeah, but you're from Romania dude. Dracula was all about that sh*t back in the day.


Master Don Juan
Sep 16, 2005
Reaction score
Originally posted by Dimebag_Darrell
Yeah, but you're from Romania dude. Dracula was all about that sh*t back in the day.
Well that explains why I like biting so much :D


Apr 25, 2005
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Cleveland, Ohio
I know this Freshmen dude named Nick who's dating this senior named Kaisie, man, I wish I were that lucky.


Don Juan
Oct 7, 2005
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New Zealand
A junior girl (I'd say 16, no less for Norwegian high school juniors) approached me at a party some time ago. Being 18 I've been kind of on and off whether to pursue or not... (It is actually legal in Norway)

Bah...I need to study instead or I won't get anywhere decent and I'll be stuck studying somewhere mediocre, dating mediocre girls...


Apr 25, 2005
Reaction score
Cleveland, Ohio
Originally posted by pr0teus
A junior girl (I'd say 16, no less for Norwegian high school juniors) approached me at a party some time ago. Being 18 I've been kind of on and off whether to pursue or not...

Bah...I need to study instead or I won't get anywhere decent and I'll be stuck studying somewhere mediocre, dating mediocre girls...
Hey, dude, as long as you're just not studying as an excuse to not date her and you honestly need to study.


Don Juan
Jul 7, 2005
Reaction score
Monterey Bay, CA
Originally posted by PeterNorthisawesome
Ya AC /DC wt hell would tell the parents of the 15 year old daughter if SHE BECOMES PREGNANT? ur gonna take ALL THE BLAME AND GO TO JAIL for child molestation, u'll be the new MICHAEL JACKSON. It's sad how u think DJ ing is all about getting laid I thought the whole point was to find a Long-term girlfriend instead of one-night stands. Well i hope you older guys are statisfied with easy picking 15 year olds cuz im not I WANT A CHALLENGE i only try and get the best it's QUALITY more than quantity.

As for Senior/Freshman dating...IMO no it's wrong...but then again...what's with 40yr old men hooking up with 20-30 yr old women?!? (Go dad! :crackup: )
Nov 8, 2005
Reaction score
***** palace
Re: Re: All you seniors dating Freshmen!

Originally posted by Adone
Why? Because you say it?

How normal would it be if a 24-yr-old guy dated a 20-yr-old girl?

Where I live, high schools have 5 grades: when I was in 10th grade, there was a 13th grader that was dating a 9th grader. Guess what? He was already the biggest don juan in school and this didn't negatively affect his reputation. Actually, he became even more popular, because other freshmen would look up to him for getting that nice hottie. He could have had the most beautiful seniors and juniors, but he was into her. Do you really think that it's Don Juanish not to hook up with someone just because other people think it's wrong? Read the Bible, again, then.

We're not talking about pre-pubescent girls. We're talking about post-pubescent girls.

Post a pic of your "quality girls" then.

Consider that I've never banged a girl who was more than a year younger than me, so I'm not trying to justify myself, as some of you would otherwise think. But I can't judje people that bang younger girls, because it could happen to me sometimes, since I don't find anything wrong with it.

Goodjob you just proved that your AFC to the max, your probably the loser who exploits the unexperianced and brags about ur accomplishments. If the guy is the biggest DJ then he woud be dating a college hot model or something rather than a 15 year old who can't do anything cause IT'S ILLEGAL? that makes no sense that is not DJ at all. All I'm saying is have some dignitiy and standards when your getting a girl-friend. Anything over 18 is fair game since they are "LEGAL" officially, I just think that people should go for the challege first rather than taking the easy road. Oh yea and to answer your first quetion YEA IM RIGHT because I SAID SO so STFU and go back to your pre-pubescent girls.


Master Don Juan
Sep 6, 2005
Reaction score
Re: Re: Re: All you seniors dating Freshmen!

Originally posted by Bling
Apples and oranges, man. The second you go over 18, everything is fair game (unless of course if you go under the limit). Old men can date whatever they want, hell, they're quite teh PUA if they can get 25 year olds. By the time women are over 18, they've seen it, they've experienced it, they can defend themselves. But ask any 40 year old guy, and they'd think you're a pervert with no game for being 18 and screwing 14 year olds.

****, I actually have to think about when I'm a Senior and my sister's a Freshman, that my friends will be hitting on my sister? It's already creepy to see people hit on my little sister, but damn, people are actually going to log onto a website as an 18 year old typing up messages like, "There's this really hawt 14 year-old... LOLOLOL... SHE'S SO HAWT.... and like OMG, chicks my age think I'm odd, but this hawt chick would see my car and suck my **** if I let her in my car and gave her candy. Vroom Vroom!!!!"

The girls are just hitting puberty. They haven't had a boyfriend in their life. They don't even know how to blow a coc. The girls are the most immature they'll ever be in their life at that age. Lucky you, Mr. Pimper of the Freshies!

As far as what's right, I like to go by the rule of half your age plus 7.

14/2 = 7+7 = 14. 14 should date 14.
15/2 = 7.5+7 = 14. 15 should date 14-15.
16/2 = 8+7 = 15. 16 should date 15-16.

and so on.... It's a great rule, imo. I didn't come up with it, but I saw it somewhere here.

I'm not stopping you, but damn, realize what you're doing, and how sad your game is if you're going for Freshman girls.
"the second you go over 18 everything is fair game"........Oh, is that so? By who's standards? yours? Age is age (apples and apples). So, basically what you're sayin is: a 19 year old can't date a 13 year old because she isn't 18 yet....but then lets say, the same 13 and 19 year old have been dating for 6 years; Now she is 18 and he is 25....The way you stated it becomes morally "civil"? Think about it what you just said.

Edit: By the's a hypothetical situation...I'm in college.

Even if I was in the position to date a freshman, who are you to tell me that my "game" is sad because of that overly opinionated reason? please, don't make me laugh.

So, in order for you to consider dating a woman...they need to know how to s*uck a d!ck?

Lose that judgemental nature, man.

yup because one is barley legal to have sex and other one is illegal ot have sex and it's pathetic. It's like hiring a hooker to lose your virginity if your a real DJ u wouldn't go for the easy innocent girls but the mature hotter ones
Usually Seniors are 17 turning 18 (still illegal age) and freshmans are 13 (illegal age). Did you know that in some states, it's legal for 16 year olds to have sex relations with 50 years old men? Think of things in a worser sense than just 2 years....

In my opinion, I believe that 5 years is max for age difference...although, I'd prefer a girl around the same age I'm willing to compromise 5 years.

There is one quirk to my have to be atleast 14 to consider the 5 year max rule.

Hire a hooker to lose virginity comes from being desperate. Who's to say that the person who is dating someone a few years younger than he is desperate? That's too judgemental.
Nov 8, 2005
Reaction score
***** palace
This is high school buddy few years of age differance is SICK, after high school 18 dating a 25 old is fine because they are SEXUALLY developed or matured. Also they are old enough to make decisions and is hopefully educated enough to know the consequences and risks of STDs and Sex. There is nothing wrong with 20 year olds dating 40 since they are BOTH ADULTS but what im saying is WRONG is older TEENAGERS dating much younger teenagers or KIDS to take advantage like ACDC.


Master Don Juan
Sep 6, 2005
Reaction score
Originally posted by PeterNorthisawesome
This is high school buddy few years of age differance is SICK, after high school 18 dating a 25 old is fine because they are SEXUALLY developed or matured. Also they are old enough to make decisions and is hopefully educated enough to know the consequences and risks of STDs and Sex. There is nothing wrong with 20 year olds dating 40 since they are BOTH ADULTS but what im saying is WRONG is older TEENAGERS dating much younger teenagers or KIDS to take advantage like ACDC.
"after high school 18 dating a 25 old is fine because they are SEXUALLY developed or matured."

I know this is highschool. One thing I can agree on is that yes...they are both legal.

But age is age. Sure, it seems more correct now that they are legal.....I wasn't referring to a sexual relationship...just a dating relationship.....but anyways, sexually developed?....what do you mean? ....sexually developed can mean a few things."

Did you know that the law in some states permits 16 year olds to be sexually free...therefore....he or she has the right to date any person he or she wants... he or she is legal, can do whatever he or she wants and is still in highschool....lets say this 16 year old wants to date a 29 year you say that it's "wrong"....because like you said..."she or he isn't developed sexually..." is it wrong?" I mean, they are legal by law, right.

"Also they are old enough to make decisions and is hopefully educated enough to know the consequences and risks of STDs and Sex."

You learn about STD's in 7th grade....but you don't seem to be concerned about them until you mature a bit.

Watch it with calling me "buddy."


Master Don Juan
Jul 16, 2003
Reaction score
hyphy bay area, ca
Originally posted by PeterNorthisawesome
This is high school buddy few years of age differance is SICK, after high school 18 dating a 25 old is fine because they are SEXUALLY developed or matured. Also they are old enough to make decisions and is hopefully educated enough to know the consequences and risks of STDs and Sex. There is nothing wrong with 20 year olds dating 40 since they are BOTH ADULTS but what im saying is WRONG is older TEENAGERS dating much younger teenagers or KIDS to take advantage like ACDC.
It's WRONG to you. It's not WRONG to other people. I don't "take advantage" of anything. The last 3 girls I've dated were 20.

Mind your own business. And next time, shut the hell up.

The Real Ice Man

Don Juan
Jan 5, 2006
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If there's grass on the field, play ball!


Master Don Juan
Jun 22, 2005
Reaction score
I don't like that phrase, it's weird.
Well, as I see it, I guess it depends on the girl. You have to judge. I mean, think about if you want people to associate you with that girl. I know you shouldn't care, but you have a rep to keep. If you hook up with anyone, you're seen as easy.

I recently read Pook's 15 lessons. I think that's what it's labeled.
Anyway, he says that you should switch places with the really hot girl, if you are a DJ. When I say this, I mean, that you can have anyone, so you should pick quality.
I'm not saying that freshman aren't quality, but most of them aren't worth the trouble. They become clingy, and then you have to get rid of them, and murder is illegal in most places, so you have to break their hearts.

As for me, I try not to break hearts. Sometimes it can't be helped.


Master Don Juan
Dec 12, 2005
Reaction score
Re: Re: Re: All you seniors dating Freshmen!

1. Good luck hooking up with a college hot model when you are a junior. Expecially if you're just a 7, like him. But you probably resemble Brad Pitt and have tons of women. This explains why you are here complaining about guys fùcking younger girls, while he's at home banging some hottie.

2. You have to understand that illegal is not the same thing as wrong. When I was 17, I was banging a 16. In some States, this is illegal. Was I wrong? Yes? No? Who cares?

3. You think people should go for a challenge? Good, go for a challenge, rather than coming to a seduction forum. You sound already pretty good with ladies.

4. Look up in a dictionary the definition of pre-pubescent, because you sound pretty ignorant when you define 16-yrs-old's as pre-pubescent.

5. Stop giving so much importance to people on this forum, you don't know me, AC/DC or anyone else personally, so quit trying to be the universal judje.